Reputation: 467
I'm devloping on Linux & CPP (Using Eclipse SDK). I'm novice at OpenCL (GPU Programming) I want to execute some of my code on the GPU (rewrite some functions with openCL and run them on the GPU).
I'm liitle bit confuse - If I will write some code (.cl files) how can I call them from my cpp application ? I didnt saw any examples for this need.
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Views: 850
Reputation: 268
There are two parts of code if you want to use opencl.
A. The Kernel code. consists of 1 to many kernel functions which perform your calculations on a device.
B. The Host code normal c/c++ code. what happens here:
pick a device for the kernel to be computed on (gpu/cpu/igpu/xeon phi/...) in opencl you got a set of platforms which can contain several different devices. So you pick a platform AND a device. example: platform: intel cpu+gpu opencl 1.2 device: cpu OR IGPU
build your kernel
const char * code = load_program_source(""); cl_program program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, (const char **)&code, NULL, &err); errWrapper("clCreateProgramWithSource", err);
create buffer for memory transfers to device:
cl_mem devInput1 = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, variable1* sizeof(int), NULL, &err);
transfer to device
errWrapper("setKernel", clSetKernelArg(countKeyCardinality, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), &devInput1));
launch kernel
errWrapper("clEnqueueNDRangeKernel", clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, kernel_function1, 1, NULL, &tasksize, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL));
wait for termination clFinish(command_queue)
Fetch your result from the device using
Proceed with your c++ code using the result created by opencl calculations.
Thats the basic idea of using opencl in your code. Better start doing a full opencl tutorial. (just google it, you will drown in opencl tutorials)
concepts you should be familar with: opencl host api command queue kernel arguments. work group local size local memory global memory cl_mem object
Debugging opencl is possible but painfull. I would suggest doing debug with NORMAL C Code and port it to opencl if it works.
The main source for all commands is the offical API documentation, which can be found here: opencl 1.2 api
edit: you do not need a special IDE to code opencl.
Upvotes: 1