Reputation: 31
I am trying to generate a Visio from inside Excel. I can get the shapes to show up but the autoconnect method bombs out with a 'Type Mismatch' error. I've also tried the GlueTo method with no luck either.
Could it be because the shpObj isn't a real Shape? I need help figuring how if that's the case and how to better store the shape, or retain the shapeID if possible.
shpFrom is just the first shpObj... Here is how I drop the shape into the Visio:
Set shpObj = AppVisio.ActiveWindow.Page.Drop(AppVisio.Documents.Item("Computers and Monitors.vss").Masters.Item("PC"), dXPos, yPos)
Here's how I try to connect them:
shpObj.AutoConnect shpFrom, visAutoConnectDirUp
Seems straight forward enough, but I cannot get it to work. Here is all the code:
Sub VisioFromExcel()
Set AppVisio = CreateObject("visio.application")
AppVisio.Visible = True
AppVisio.Documents.AddEx "Basic Network Diagram.vst", visMSmetric, 0
ComputerStencil = AppVisio.Documents.AddEx("Computers and Monitors.vss", visOpenRO + visOpenDocked)
Connector = AppVisio.Documents.AddEx("Connectors.vss", visOpenRO + visOpenDocked)
dXPos = AppVisio.ActivePage.PageSheet.Cells("PageWidth") / 2
dYPos = AppVisio.ActivePage.PageSheet.Cells("PageHeight") / 2
yPos = 1
For x = 4 To 6
'For x = 4 To Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set shpObj = AppVisio.ActiveWindow.Page.Drop(AppVisio.Documents.Item("Computers and Monitors.vss").Masters.Item("PC"), dXPos, yPos)
If x = 4 Then
shpFrom = shpObj
'shpObj.GlueTo shpFrom
'Set line1 = AppVisio.ActiveWindow.Page.Drop(AppVisio.ConnectorToolDataObject, 1, 2)
'line1.CellsU("BeginX").GlueTo shpFrom.CellsU("PinX")
'line1.CellsU("EndX").GlueTo shpObj.CellsU("PinX")
shpObj.AutoConnect shpFrom, visAutoConnectDirUp
End If
'Level testing for positioning?
'If Len(objName) > 0 Then
'End If
objName = Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(x, 1).Value
shpObj.Text = objName
yPos = yPos - 1.25
Set AppVisio = Nothing
End Sub
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Views: 476
Reputation: 12245
In VBA, when assigning objects, you should use "Set":
If x = 4 Then
Set shpFrom = shpObj ' Note Set !
Upvotes: 1