Reputation: 13
I'm using the framework CodeIgniter 3 with HMVC extension and I can't load model. When I try do it, I see next error: Unable to locate the model you have specified: Protection.
Model file (protection.php) placed at /application/modules/main/models/ and extends this code:
class Protection extends MX_Model
function Protection()
function check($val)
$tpl = "![^\w\d\s]*!";
foreach($val as $k => $v)
$val[$k] = preg_replace($tpl,"",$v);
$val = preg_replace($tpl,"",$val);
return $val;
Controller file placing at /application/modules/main/controllers/ with this code for load model and call her function:
$gj = "I'--m_Y%ou#r-Fat/+her";
echo $gj;
I tried rename model file, place his in other folders, but all it was failed.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4218
HMVC models should extend CI_Model only the controller use MX_ on controller And also for a model name instead of just having protection as model name I think would be best to have model_protection so codeigniter will not get confused.
modules >
modules > main >
modules > main > controllers
modules > main > models
modules > main > views
On the constructor
Not use parent::Model();
But use parent::__construct();
Like in my example
On controller
File name Model_protection.php
class Model_protection extends CI_Model {
public function __construct() {
public function check($val) {
Tip all controllers and models and libraries should have there first letter as uppercase on file name and classname
Upvotes: 2