
Reputation: 1952

How to update a many-to-many relationship with a collection of entities that are on the other side of the relationship in EF with a List<TEntity>

I want to update the list of authors for a particular book (many-to-many relationship) in Entity Framework.

The EF generated model looks like this:

public class Book
    public int BookId { get; set; }

    public string BookName { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Author> Authors { get; set; }

public class Author
    public int AuthorId { get; set; }

    public string AuthorName { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Book> Books { get; set; }

I have a book instance (poltava) that has a number of currently assigned Authors (currentAuthors). Now I would like to assign a new List of Authors (newAuthors) to that particular book. What follows is my representation of that in code:

    List<Author> currentAuthors = new List<Author>
        new Author { AuthorName = "Pushkin" },
        new Author { AuthorName = "Anton Delvig"}

    Book poltava = new Book 
        BookName = "Poltava",
        Authors = currentAuthors

    List<Author> newAuthors = new List<Author>
        new Author { AuthorName = "Aleksandra Ishimova" },
        new Author { AuthorName = "Vladimir Dal"},
        new Author { AuthorName = "Anton Delvig"}

    poltava.Authors = newAuthors;

How can I achieve that with Entity Framework?

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Views: 465

Answers (2)

Sven M.
Sven M.

Reputation: 509

Entity Framework automatically creates a join table for n:m-relationships which does not appear in your DbContext unless you explicitly add it your your existing hierarchy of entities.

Based on your code sample I expanded the implementation and added said join table called 'Author_Book' which should appear as 'Authors_Books' in your database.

Update 1:

I have also added an example (SwitchAuthorsWithoutJoinTable()) which doesn't use the join table as part of the entities to manipulate the n:m relationship (in this case Novel <-> Novelist). Is that what you are looking for?

Update 2:

Now as an example of how to add and remove single entities from collections on n:m-relationships I added the method DeletingAndAddingSingleNovelists() with according comments.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

namespace EntityFrameworkManyToMany
    #region Entities

    public class Book
        public int BookId { get; set; }

        public string BookName { get; set; }

        public ICollection<Author_Book> Authors { get; set; }

    public class Author
        public int AuthorId { get; set; }

        public string AuthorName { get; set; }

        public ICollection<Author_Book> Books { get; set; }

    public class Author_Book
        // has 1 Author
        public int AuthorId { get; set; }

        // has 1 Book
        public int BookId { get; set; }

        public Author Author { get; set; }

        public Book Book { get; set; }

    #endregion Entities

    #region Entities without 'join table'

    public class Novel
        public int NovelId { get; set; }

        public string Title { get; set; }

        public ICollection<Novelist> Novelists { get; set; }

    public class Novelist
        public int NovelistId { get; set; }

        public string FirstName { get; set; }

        public string LastName { get; set; }

        public ICollection<Novel> Novels { get; set; }

    #endregion Entities without 'join table'

    #region Mock DbContext

    public class DbContext : IDisposable
        // Mock DbSet<T> classes
        public List<Author> AuthorsDbSet { get; set; }

        public List<Book> BooksDbSet { get; set; }

        public List<Author_Book> Author_BooksDbSet { get; set; }

        public List<Novel> NovelsDbSet { get; set; }

        public List<Novelist> NovelistsDbSet { get; set; }

        // so we can use 'using'
        public void Dispose()

        // Mock SaveChanges Method from EF's DbContext-Class
        public void SaveChanges()

    #endregion Mock DbContext

    #region DbOperations for initial seeding, then switching and reassiging

    public class DbOperations
        // fill database with values
        public void SeedDb()

        private void seedBookAuthors()
            var authors = new List<Author>
                new Author {AuthorId = 1, AuthorName = "Marc Twain"},
                new Author {AuthorId = 2, AuthorName = "Pushkin"}

            var books = new List<Book>
                new Book {BookId = 1, BookName = "American Literary Regionalism"},
                new Book {BookId = 2, BookName = "American Realism"},
                new Book {BookId = 3, BookName = "The Bronze Horseman"},
                new Book {BookId = 4, BookName = "Poltava"},

            using (var ctx = new DbContext())

            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                var pushkin = ctx.AuthorsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(a =>
                    a.AuthorName.ToLower() == "pushkin");
                var pushkinsBooks = ctx.BooksDbSet.Where(b => b.BookId > 2).ToList();

                var pushkinAuthor_Books = pushkinsBooks.Select(pb => new Author_Book
                    AuthorId = pushkin.AuthorId,
                    BookId = pb.BookId


                var twain = ctx.AuthorsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(a =>
                    a.AuthorName.ToLower() == "Marc Twain");
                var twainsBooks = ctx.BooksDbSet.Where(b => b.BookId < 3).ToList();

                var twainAuthor_Books = twainsBooks.Select(tb =>
                    new Author_Book
                        AuthorId = twain.AuthorId,
                        BookId = tb.BookId



        private void seedNovelsNovelists()
            var novels = new List<Novel>
                new Novel {Title = "Crime and Punishment", NovelId = 1}, // Fyodor Dostoyevsky
                new Novel {Title = "Notes from Underground", NovelId = 5}, // Fyodor Dostoyevsky
                new Novel {Title = "War and Peace", NovelId = 2}, // Leo Tolstoy
                new Novel {Title = "The Idiot", NovelId = 4}, // Leo Tolstoy
                new Novel {Title = "The Master and Margarita", NovelId = 3} // Mikhail Bulgakov

            var writers = new List<Novelist>
                new Novelist {FirstName = "Fyodor", LastName = "Dostoyevsky", NovelistId = 1},
                new Novelist {FirstName = "Leo", LastName = "Tolstoy", NovelistId = 2},
                new Novelist {FirstName = "Mikhail", LastName = "Bulgakov", NovelistId = 3},

            using (var ctx = new DbContext())

            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                var dostoyevsky = ctx.NovelistsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(d => d.NovelistId == 1);
                var crime = ctx.NovelsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.NovelId == 1);
                var underground = ctx.NovelsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.NovelId == 5);

                var tolstoy = ctx.NovelistsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(d => d.NovelistId == 2);
                var war = ctx.NovelsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.NovelId == 2);
                var idiot = ctx.NovelsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.NovelId == 4);

                var bulgakov = ctx.NovelistsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(d => d.NovelistId == 3);
                var master = ctx.NovelsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.NovelId == 3);


        /// <summary>
        /// Example using the join table 'Authors_Tables'
        /// as part of the Entities to do operations on the n:m-relationship
        /// between Author <-> Book
        /// </summary>
        public void SwitchAuthorsWithJoinTable()
            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                var twainsBooks = ctx.Author_BooksDbSet.Where(ab =>
                    ab.AuthorId == ctx.AuthorsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(a =>
                        a.AuthorName.ToLower() == "marc twain").AuthorId).ToList();
                var pushkinsBooks = ctx.Author_BooksDbSet.Where(ab =>
                    ab.AuthorId == ctx.AuthorsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(a =>
                        a.AuthorName.ToLower() == "marc pushkin").AuthorId).ToList();

                // assign all of Twain's books to Pushkin
                twainsBooks.ForEach(tb => tb.AuthorId = pushkinsBooks.FirstOrDefault().AuthorId);

                // assign all of Pushkin's books to Twain
                pushkinsBooks.ForEach(pb => pb.AuthorId = twainsBooks.FirstOrDefault().AuthorId);

                // EF tracks the changes and a call to SaveChanges
                // propagates the modifications to the database

        /// <summary>
        /// Example for operations on the n:m-relationship between
        /// Novelist <-> Novel without the join table 'Novelists_Novels'
        /// being part of the Entities.
        /// I.  All Books from Dostoyevsky to Tolstoy.
        /// II. Add Bulgakov as Author of 'War and Peave'
        /// </summary>
        public void SwitchAuthorsWithoutJoinTable()
            // I.
            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                var dostoyevsky = ctx.NovelistsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.LastName == "Dostoyevsky");
                var tolstoy = ctx.NovelistsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.LastName == "Tolstoy");

                var booksOfDostoyevsky = dostoyevsky.Novels.ToList();

                // add all novels of Dostoyevsky to Tolstoy
                booksOfDostoyevsky.ForEach(b => tolstoy.Novels.Add(b));

                // clear all novels belonging to Dostoyevsky

                // save it all!

            // II.
            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                Func<string, string, bool> compare = (target, pattern) =>

                var war = ctx.NovelsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => compare(n.Title, "war"));

                var bulgakov = ctx.NovelistsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.LastName == "Bulgakov");



        public void AssignEverythingToTwain()
            Author twain;
            List<Book> nonTwainBooks;

            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                twain = ctx.AuthorsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AuthorName.ToLower() == "marc twain");

                // find all books that are not from Twain in the "Books"-Table
                nonTwainBooks = ctx.BooksDbSet.Where(b => b.Authors.Any(a =>
                    a.AuthorId != twain.AuthorId)).ToList();

                // find all Author_Book entities for authors that are not Twain
                // this search is done in the join table 'Authors_Books'
                var nonTwain_AuthorBooks = ctx.Author_BooksDbSet.Where(ab =>
                    nonTwainBooks.Any(nonTwainBook => nonTwainBook.BookId == ab.BookId)).ToList();

                // finally remove all those entries in the join table 'Authors_Books'
                nonTwain_AuthorBooks.ForEach(nonTB => ctx.Author_BooksDbSet.Remove(nonTB));

                // propagate changes to database

            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                // create new 'Author_Book' entities for all books that previously where not Twains
                var reassigningBooksToTwain = nonTwainBooks.Select(b => new Author_Book
                    AuthorId = twain.AuthorId,
                    BookId = b.BookId

                // add those entities to the database

                // propagate changes to database

        /// <summary>
        /// Instead of replacing entire collections of Novelists
        /// in order to remove or add a single entity to the relationship
        /// its possible to just add or delete single records
        /// I.  Remove Dostoyevsky as Novelist from 'War and Peace'
        /// II. Add Tolstoy and Bulgakov as additional Novelists to 'Crime and Punishment'
        /// </summary>
        public void DeletingAndAddingSingleNovelists()
            // I.
            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                // get the novel 'War and Peace' from the database
                var war = ctx.NovelsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Title == "War and Peace");

                Novelist dostoyevsky = null;

                // havent done that so far but you should
                // always check if the query actually returned something
                if (war != null)
                    // EF's LazyLoading mechanism allows you to query/traverse navigation properties
                    // on your entities which is the ICollection<Novelist> Novelists on Novels
                    // it automatically loads the associated entities which are the novelists
                    dostoyevsky = war.Novelists.FirstOrDefault(n => n.LastName == "Dostoyevsky");

                if (dostoyevsky != null)
                    // remove Dostoyevsky from 'War and Peace'

                // save it all!

            // II.
            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                var novelists = ctx.NovelistsDbSet.Where(n =>
                    n.LastName == "Tolstoy"
                    || n.LastName == "Bulgakov");

                if (novelists != null && novelists.Any())
                    var crime = ctx.NovelsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Title == "Crime and Punishment");

                    if (crime != null)
                        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("'{2]' currenty has {0} {1}.",
                            crime.Novelists.Count, crime.Novelists.Count == 1 ? "Author" : "Authors", crime.Title));

                        // assign the targeted novelists to 'Crime and Punishment'
                        novelists.ToList().ForEach(n => crime.Novelists.Add(n));

                        // save it all!

    #endregion DbOperations for initial seeding, then switching and reassiging

    #region Execution and verifying results

    public static class Core
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var dbOps = new DbOperations();

        public static bool AssertAuthorSwitch(DbOperations dbOps)
            string pushkin_Poltava = "Poltava";
            string twain_AmericanRealism = "American Realism";

            Author twain;
            Author pushkin;

            Book americanRealism;
            Book poltava;

            bool hasPassedBefore = false;
            bool hasPassedAfter = false;

            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                twain = ctx.AuthorsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AuthorName == "Marc Twain");
                pushkin = ctx.AuthorsDbSet.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AuthorName == "Pushkin");

                americanRealism = twain.Books.FirstOrDefault(b =>
                    b.Book.BookName == twain_AmericanRealism).Book;
                poltava = pushkin.Books.FirstOrDefault(b =>
                    b.Book.BookName == pushkin_Poltava).Book;

            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                var isPushkins = ctx.Author_BooksDbSet.Any(ab =>
                    ab.AuthorId == pushkin.AuthorId
                    && ab.BookId == poltava.BookId);

                var isTwains = ctx.Author_BooksDbSet.Any(ab =>
                    ab.AuthorId == twain.AuthorId
                    && ab.BookId == americanRealism.BookId);

                hasPassedBefore = isPushkins && isTwains;

                Debug.WriteLine("AssertAuthorSwitch {0} asserts to {1}", "before", hasPassedBefore);


            using (var ctx = new DbContext())
                var isPushkins = ctx.Author_BooksDbSet.Any(ab =>
                    ab.AuthorId == pushkin.AuthorId
                    && ab.BookId == americanRealism.BookId);

                var isTwains = ctx.Author_BooksDbSet.Any(ab =>
                    ab.AuthorId == twain.AuthorId
                    && ab.BookId == poltava.BookId);

                hasPassedAfter = isPushkins && isTwains;

                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("AssertAuthorSwitch {0} asserts to {1}", "after", hasPassedAfter));
            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("AssertAuthorSwitch asserts to {0}", hasPassedBefore && hasPassedAfter));
            return hasPassedBefore && hasPassedAfter;

        public static bool AssertAssigningToTwain(DbOperations dbOps)
            // you get the idea
            return true;

    #endregion Execution and verifying results

I hope this helps to clarify things further. I must admit I was somewhat verbose but thats due to my alarmingly high levels of boredom at the moment. ;)

If you are still uncertain please provide a more detailed problem description and I'd be happy to get back to you.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1059

If you look at your database. Entity framework automatically created a bridge table between book and authors. You can create a class for this bridge table and this will allow u to insert or update.

Upvotes: 1

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