Reputation: 17090
I have the following problem. In a data set from N subjects I have several samples per subject. I want to train a model on the data set, but I would like to make sure that in each resampling, in the training set there are no replicates of the subjects.
Alternatively, I would block the cross-validation by subject. Is that possible?
Without the caret package, I would do something like that (mock code)
subjects <- paste0("X", 1:10)
samples <- rep(subjects, each=5)
x <- matrix(runif(50 * 10), nrow=50)
loocv <- function(x, samples) {
for(i in 1:nrow(x)) {
test <- x[i,]
train <- x[ samples != samples[i],]
# create the model from train and predict for test
or, alternatively,
looSubjCV <- function(x, samples, subjects) {
for(i in 1:length(subjects)) {
test <- x[ samples == subjects[i], ]
train <- x[ samples != subjects[i], ]
# create the model from train and predict for test
Otherwise, the presence of other samples from the same subject will result in overfitting of the model.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1463
Reputation: 14316
Not directly but you can definitely do it using the index
and indexOut
arguments to trainControl
. Here is an example using 10-fold CV:
subjects <- as.character(unique(Orthodont$Subject))
## figure out folds at the subject level
sub_folds <- createFolds(y = subjects, list = TRUE, returnTrain = TRUE)
## now create the mappings to which *rows* are in the training set
## based on which subjects are left in or out
in_train <- holdout <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(sub_folds))
row_index <- 1:nrow(Orthodont)
for(i in seq(along = sub_folds)) {
## Which subjects are in fold i
sub_in <- subjects[sub_folds[[i]]]
## which rows of the data correspond to those subjects
in_train[[i]] <- row_index[Orthodont$Subject %in% sub_in]
holdout[[i]] <- row_index[!(Orthodont$Subject %in% sub_in)]
names(in_train) <- names(holdout) <- names(sub_folds)
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv",
savePredictions = TRUE,
index = in_train,
indexOut = holdout)
mod <- train(distance ~ (age+Sex)^2, data = Orthodont,
method = "lm",
trControl = ctrl)
first_fold <- subset(mod$pred, Resample == "Fold01")
## These were used to fit the model
## These were heldout:
Upvotes: 3