Reputation: 101
I am using a .Find method to find cells in a row that contain part of the value "TL" and "CT". What the code currently does is look in every row in column C, trims any variation of "TL-" (ie "TL- ", "TL - ", "TL -") and then limits the numbers after it to only have 6 numbers. Example: if it has 5 numbers, it will add a 0 after the "TL-", if it has 4 numbers, it will add 2 0s after the "TL-" etc.
I have other values in the cells so what it does now is change all the values to do the above method (as shown below)
Start: Output:
TL-000872 -> TL-000872
TL-0786 -> TL-000786
CT-74 -> TL-000074
GS8; 278K -> TL-008278
What I need it to do is the code that is working but only on cells that contain some "TL" value, do the same code but with only 4 numbers on cells that contain some "CT" value, and skip over (leave as is) anything else.
Start: Output:
TL-000872 -> TL-000872
TL-0786 -> TL-000786
CT-74 -> CT-0074
GS8; 278K -> GS8; 278K
My .Find method is definitely not working. I believe that is the main problem; It is not correctly finding the cells with "TL" and "CT". Any suggestions?
NOTE: StartSht is the workbook with the code where all of the values being changed exist.
Dim str As String, ret As String, tmp As String, j As Integer, k As Integer
If Not StartSht.Range("C2").End(xlDown).Find(What:="TL", LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlValues) Is Nothing Then
For k = 2 To StartSht.Range("C2").End(xlDown).Row
ret = ""
str = StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value
For j = 1 To Len(str)
tmp = Mid(str, j, 1)
If IsNumeric(tmp) Then ret = ret + tmp
Next j
For j = Len(ret) + 1 To 6
ret = "0" & ret
ret = "TL-" & ret
StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value = ret
Next k
ElseIf Not StartSht.Range("C2").End(xlDown).Find(What:="CT", LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlValues) Is Nothing Then
For k = 2 To StartSht.Range("C2").End(xlDown).Row
ret = ""
str = StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value
For j = 1 To Len(str)
tmp = Mid(str, j, 1)
If IsNumeric(tmp) Then ret = ret + tmp
Next j
For j = Len(ret) + 1 To 4
ret = "0" & ret
ret = "CT-" & ret
StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value = ret
Next k
End If
The code currently takes a TL that has LESS than 6 numbers following the "TL-" and adds a 0 immediately following "TL-" until the length is six. (ie TL-0098 -> TL-000098, two 0s are added). I need it to also catch if TL has MORE than 6 numbers and delete the zeros immediately following "TL-" until the length is six Easier code might be to simply delete any number following the "-" until the length is six.
TL-0009999 -> delete one 0 -> TL-009999
TL-0948398 -> delete one 0 -> TL-948398
TL-00000008 -> delete two 0s -> TL-000008
Upvotes: 0
Views: 118
Reputation: 51
Replace your above code with the below one.
Updated Code:
Dim str As String, ret As String, tmp As String, j As Integer, k As Integer
For k = 2 To Sheets("Test").Range("C2").End(xlDown).Row
ret = ""
str = Sheets("Test").Range("C" & k).Value
If InStr(str, "TL") > 0 Then
For j = 1 To Len(str)
tmp = Mid(str, j, 1)
If IsNumeric(tmp) Then
ret = ret + tmp
ElseIf j > 5 And tmp = "T" Then
Exit For
End If
Next j
For j = Len(ret) + 1 To 6
ret = "0" & ret
Next j
If Len(ret) > 6 Then
Debug.Print Len(ret)
For j = Len(ret) To 7 Step -1
If Mid(ret, 1, 1) = "0" Then
ret = Right(ret, j - 1)
End If
Next j
End If
ret = "TL-" & ret
Sheets("Test").Range("C" & k).Value = ret
ElseIf InStr(str, "CT") Then
For j = 1 To Len(str)
tmp = Mid(str, j, 1)
If IsNumeric(tmp) Then ret = ret + tmp
Next j
For j = Len(ret) + 1 To 4
ret = "0" & ret
ret = "CT-" & ret
Sheets("Test").Range("C" & k).Value = ret
End If
Next k
Upvotes: 1