Reputation: 12417
I'm working on a binary search tree and try to write a method for creating minimum BST from an array values. However, it's not working successfully. Where I'm making mistake ? It should print values in ascending order using inOrderTraverseTree method. I keep some additional methods and can delete if may feel irrelevant.
I updated the code in question, but, I still need to get the root Node to call the inOrderTraversal (Node root) method.
class Node {
int key;
Node leftChild;
Node rightChild;
Node(int key) {
this.key = key;
Node (){}
public String toString() {
return "\n"+key+" ";
public class BinaryTree {
Node root;
BinaryTree (){
root = null;
public void addNode(int key) {
Node newNode = new Node(key);
// If there is no root this becomes root
if (root == null) {
root = newNode;
else {
// Set root as the Node we will start
// with as we traverse the tree
Node focusNode = root;
Node parent;
while (true) {
parent = focusNode;
if (key < focusNode.key) {
focusNode = focusNode.leftChild;
if (focusNode == null) {
parent.leftChild = newNode;
return; // All Done
} // end of if
else {
focusNode = focusNode.rightChild;
if (focusNode == null) {
parent.rightChild = newNode;
// get the height of binary tree
public int height(Node root) {
if (root == null)
return -1;
Node focusNode = root;
int leftHeight = focusNode.leftChild != null ? height( focusNode.leftChild) : 0;
int rightHeight = focusNode.rightChild != null ? height( focusNode.rightChild) : 0;
return 1 + Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);
// inOrderTraverseTree : i) X.left ii) X iii) X.right
public void inOrderTraverseTree(Node focusNode) {
if (focusNode != null) {
// System.out.println(focusNode);
System.out.print( focusNode );
// System.out.println();
// preOrderTraverseTree : i) X ii) X.left iii) X.right
public void preorderTraverseTree(Node focusNode) {
if (focusNode != null) {
// postOrderTraverseTree : i) X.left ii) X.right iii) X
public void postOrderTraverseTree(Node focusNode) {
if (focusNode != null) {
// END
public Node findNode(int key) {
Node focusNode = root;
while (focusNode.key != key) {
if (key < focusNode.key) {
focusNode = focusNode.leftChild;
} else {
focusNode = focusNode.rightChild;
if (focusNode == null)
return null;
return focusNode;
public boolean remove(int key) {
Node focusNode = root;
Node parent = root;
boolean isItALeftChild = true;
// we will remove the focusNode
while (focusNode.key != key) {
parent = focusNode;
if (key < focusNode.key) {
isItALeftChild = true;
focusNode = focusNode.leftChild;
else {
isItALeftChild = false;
focusNode = focusNode.rightChild;
if (focusNode == null)
return false;
// no child
if (focusNode.leftChild == null && focusNode.rightChild == null) {
if (focusNode == root)
root = null;
else if (isItALeftChild)
parent.leftChild = null;
parent.rightChild = null;
// one child ( left child )
else if (focusNode.rightChild == null) {
if (focusNode == root)
root = focusNode.leftChild;
else if (isItALeftChild)
parent.leftChild = focusNode.leftChild;
parent.rightChild = focusNode.leftChild;
else if (focusNode.leftChild == null) {
if (focusNode == root)
root = focusNode.rightChild;
else if (isItALeftChild)
parent.leftChild = focusNode.rightChild;
parent.rightChild = focusNode.rightChild;
// two children exits
else {
// replacement is the smallest node in the right subtree
// we neeed to delete the focusNode
Node replacement = getReplacementNode(focusNode);
if (focusNode == root)
root = replacement;
else if (isItALeftChild)
parent.leftChild = replacement;
parent.rightChild = replacement;
replacement.leftChild = focusNode.leftChild;
return true;
public Node getReplacementNode(Node replacedNode) {
Node replacementParent = replacedNode;
Node replacement = replacedNode;
Node focusNode = replacedNode.rightChild;
// find the smallest node of the right subtree of the node to be deleted
while (focusNode != null) {
replacementParent = replacement;
replacement = focusNode;
focusNode = focusNode.leftChild;
// exit when the focusNode is null
// the replacement is the smallest of the right subtree
if (replacement != replacedNode.rightChild) {
replacementParent.leftChild = replacement.rightChild;
replacement.rightChild = replacedNode.rightChild;
return replacement;
private void createMinimalBST(int arr[], int start, int end, Node newNode){
if ( end <= start )
int mid = (start + end) / 2;
newNode.key = arr[mid];
if ( root == null ){
root = newNode;
System.out.println("new node = "+ newNode );
if (start <= mid-1) {
newNode.leftChild = new Node();
createMinimalBST(arr, start, mid - 1, newNode.leftChild);
if (mid+1 <= end) {
newNode.rightChild = new Node();
createMinimalBST(arr, mid + 1, end, newNode.rightChild);
// System.out.println("left child = "+ newNode.leftChild +" "+ " right child = "+ newNode.rightChild);
public void createMinimalBST(int array[]) {
Node n = new Node();
createMinimalBST(array, 0, array.length - 1, n);
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] myArr = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 }; // sortedArrayToBST
BinaryTree myTr = new BinaryTree();
// Node n = BinaryTree.createMinimalBST(myArr);
// System.out.println("The root is = "+myTr.root);
// myTr.inOrderTraverseTree(myTr.root);
Upvotes: 1
Views: 439
Reputation: 880
You need to assign the result of createMinimalBST() to a variable.
This method returns a Node:
public Node createMinimalBST(int array[]) {...}
However, in the main, ...
you calls to the method but no variable try to hold the result.
Also, You may want to make createMinialBST to be public static and call it like this:
myTr = BinaryTree.createMinimalBST(myArr);
Beside, there are 2 more ways to make this work:
1) move createMinimalBST() into Node, so that the recursion can occur while the key will be setting in-place.
private void createMinimalBST(int arr[], int start, int end){
int mid = (start + end) / 2;
this.key = arr[mid];
System.out.println("new node = "+n);
if (start <= mid-1) {
this.leftChild = new Node();
this.leftChild.createMinimalBST(arr, start, mid - 1);
if (mid+1 <= end) {
this.rightChild = new Node();
this.rightChild.createMinimalBST(arr, mid + 1, end);
System.out.println("left child = "+ newNode.leftChild +" "+ " right child = "+ newNode.rightChild);
2) If you want that method stays in BinaryTree, you can consider to pass in the Node as a parameter into createMinimalBST() ilke createMinimalBST(arr, node);
private void createMinimalBST(int arr[], int start, int end, Node newNode){
int mid = (start + end) / 2;
newNode.key = arr[mid];
System.out.println("new node = "+n);
if (start <= mid-1) {
newNode.leftChild = new Node();
createMinimalBST(arr, start, mid - 1, newNode.leftChild);
if (mid+1 <= end) {
newNode.rightChild = new Node();
createMinimalBST(arr, mid + 1, end, newNode.leftChild);
System.out.println("left child = "+ newNode.leftChild +" "+ " right child = "+ newNode.rightChild);
Upvotes: 1