Reputation: 53047
List functions allow us to implement arbitrarily-dimensional vector math quite elegantly. For example:
on = (.) . (.)
add = zipWith (+)
sub = zipWith (-)
mul = zipWith (*)
dist = len `on` sub
dot = sum `on` mul
len = sqrt . join dot
And so on.
main = print $ add [1,2,3] [1,1,1] -- [2,3,4]
main = print $ len [1,1,1] -- 1.7320508075688772
main = print $ dot [2,0,0] [2,0,0] -- 4
Of course, this is not the most efficient solution, but is insightful to look at, as one can say map
, zipWith
and such generalize those vector operations. There is one function I couldn't implement elegantly, though - that is cross products. Since a possible n-dimensional generalization of cross products is the nd matrix determinant, how can I implement matrix multiplication elegantly?
Edit: yes, I asked a completely unrelated question to the problem I set up. Fml.
Upvotes: 8
Views: 767
Reputation: 153182
It just so happens I have some code lying around for doing n-dimensional matrix operations which I thought was quite cute when I wrote it at least:
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module MultiArray where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Ix
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Array (Array)
import qualified Data.Array as A
-- {{{ from Dmwit.hs
deleteAt n xs = take n xs ++ drop (n + 1) xs
insertAt n x xs = take n xs ++ x : drop n xs
doublify f g xs ys = f (uncurry g) (zip xs ys)
any2 = doublify any
all2 = doublify all
-- }}}
-- makes the most sense when ls and hs have the same length
instance Ix a => Ix [a] where
range = sequence . map range . uncurry zip
inRange = all2 inRange . uncurry zip
rangeSize = product . uncurry (zipWith (curry rangeSize))
index (ls, hs) xs = fst . foldr step (0, 1) $ zip indices sizes where
indices = zipWith index (zip ls hs) xs
sizes = map rangeSize $ zip ls hs
step (i, b) (s, p) = (s + p * i, p * b)
fold :: (Enum i, Ix i) => ([a] -> b) -> Int -> Array [i] a -> Array [i] b
fold f n a = A.array newBound assocs where
(oldLowBound, oldHighBound) = A.bounds a
(newLowBoundBeg , dimLow : newLowBoundEnd ) = splitAt n oldLowBound
(newHighBoundBeg, dimHigh: newHighBoundEnd) = splitAt n oldHighBound
assocs = [(beg ++ end, f [a A.! (beg ++ i : end) | i <- [dimLow..dimHigh]])
| beg <- range (newLowBoundBeg, newHighBoundBeg)
, end <- range (newLowBoundEnd, newHighBoundEnd)
newBound = (newLowBoundBeg ++ newLowBoundEnd, newHighBoundBeg ++ newHighBoundEnd)
flatten a = check a >> return value where
check = guard . (1==) . length . fst . A.bounds
value = A.ixmap ((head *** head) . A.bounds $ a) return a
elementWise :: (MonadPlus m, Ix i) => (a -> b -> c) -> Array i a -> Array i b -> m (Array i c)
elementWise f a b = check >> return value where
check = guard $ A.bounds a == A.bounds b
value = A.listArray (A.bounds a) (zipWith f (A.elems a) (A.elems b))
unsafeFlatten a = fromJust $ flatten a
unsafeElementWise f a b = fromJust $ elementWise f a b
matrixMult a b = fold sum 1 $ unsafeElementWise (*) a' b' where
aBounds = (join (***) (!!0)) $ A.bounds a
bBounds = (join (***) (!!1)) $ A.bounds b
a' = copy 2 bBounds a
b' = copy 0 aBounds b
bijection f g a = A.ixmap ((f *** f) . A.bounds $ a) g a
unFlatten = bijection return head
matrixTranspose = bijection reverse reverse
copy n (low, high) a = A.ixmap (newBounds a) (deleteAt n) a where
newBounds = (insertAt n low *** insertAt n high) . A.bounds
The cute bit here is matrixMult
, which is one of the only operations that is specialized to two-dimensional arrays. It expands its first argument along one dimension (by putting a copy of the two-dimensional object into each slice of the three-dimensional object); expands its second along another; does pointwise multiplication (now in a three-dimensional array); then collapses the fabricated third dimension by summing. Quite nice.
Upvotes: 4