Reputation: 93
Basically, I want to convert two lists each into a number then add the resulting numbers and output a list representing the digits. Like add([2,2,2,2],[3,3,3],X) would be X =[2,5,5,5]. Internally, [2,2,2,2] and [3,3,3] are converted to 2222 and 333, added to get 2555. Here is my code and its not working.
addlistnum([B|C],[D|E],X) :-
X is Y + F,
digits(Num1,List) :-
digits(0, List,Num1).
digits(Num1, [], Num1).
digits(N, [B|As],Num1) :-
N1 is N * 10 + B,
digits(N1, As,Num1).
I'm getting the following error: ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated when I called the addlistnum() passing two lists and a variable. How may fix my code to achieve the desired result?
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Views: 62
Reputation: 3539
I didn't recommend this approach, because you loss the possibility of handle any length numbers. You can try instead:
add(A,B,R) :-
addl( AR, BR, 0, RR ),
reverse( R, RR ).
addl( [], [], 0, [] ).
addl( [], [], 1, [1] ).
addl( [H|Q], [], C, R ) :- addl( [H|Q], [0], C, R ).
addl( [], [H|Q], C, R ) :- addl( [H|Q], [0], C, R ).
addl( [AH|AQ], [BH|BQ], C, [RH|RQ] ) :-
RH is (AH+BH+C) rem 10,
C2 is (AH+BH+C) div 10,
addl( AQ, BQ, C2, RQ ).
Upvotes: 1