Reputation: 1859
Let's say that I have this code:
class Stat {
var statEvents : [StatEvents] = []
struct StatEvents {
var name: String
var date: String
var hours: Int
var currentStat = Stat()
currentStat.statEvents = [
StatEvents(name: "lunch", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "lunch", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1)
var filteredArray1 : [StatEvents] = []
var filteredArray2 : [StatEvents] = []
I could call as many times manually the next function in order to have 2 arrays grouped by "same name".
filteredArray1 = currentStat.statEvents.filter({$ == "dinner"})
filteredArray2 = currentStat.statEvents.filter({$ == "lunch"})
The problem is that I won't know the variable value, in this case "dinner" and "lunch", so I would like to group this array of statEvents automatically by name, so I get as many arrays as the name gets different.
How could I do that?
Upvotes: 142
Views: 110608
Reputation: 3974
You can use OrderedDictionary
from to create dictionary with ordered keys.
import OrderedCollections
OrderedDictionary(grouping: statEvents, by: \.name)
or Dictionary
to create Dictionary with unordered keys.
Dictionary(grouping: statEvents, by: \.name)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 10091
Since Swift 4, this functionality has been added to the standard library. You can use it like so:
Dictionary(grouping: statEvents, by: { $ })
"dinner": [
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1)
"lunch": [
StatEvents(name: "lunch", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "lunch", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1)
public extension Sequence {
func group<U: Hashable>(by key: (Iterator.Element) -> U) -> [U:[Iterator.Element]] {
var categories: [U: [Iterator.Element]] = [:]
for element in self {
let key = key(element)
if case nil = categories[key]?.append(element) {
categories[key] = [element]
return categories
Unfortunately, the append
function above copies the underlying array, instead of mutating it in place, which would be preferable. This causes a pretty big slowdown. You can get around the problem by using a reference type wrapper:
class Box<A> {
var value: A
init(_ val: A) {
self.value = val
public extension Sequence {
func group<U: Hashable>(by key: (Iterator.Element) -> U) -> [U:[Iterator.Element]] {
var categories: [U: Box<[Iterator.Element]>] = [:]
for element in self {
let key = key(element)
if case nil = categories[key]?.value.append(element) {
categories[key] = Box([element])
var result: [U: [Iterator.Element]] = Dictionary(minimumCapacity: categories.count)
for (key,val) in categories {
result[key] = val.value
return result
Even though you traverse the final dictionary twice, this version is still faster than the original in most cases.
public extension SequenceType {
/// Categorises elements of self into a dictionary, with the keys given by keyFunc
func categorise<U : Hashable>(@noescape keyFunc: Generator.Element -> U) -> [U:[Generator.Element]] {
var dict: [U:[Generator.Element]] = [:]
for el in self {
let key = keyFunc(el)
if case nil = dict[key]?.append(el) { dict[key] = [el] }
return dict
In your case, you could have the "keys" returned by keyFunc
be the names:
currentStat.statEvents.categorise { $ }
dinner: [
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1)
], lunch: [
StatEvents(name: "lunch", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "lunch", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1)
So you'll get a dictionary, where every key is a name, and every value is an array of the StatEvents with that name.
func categorise<S : SequenceType, U : Hashable>(seq: S, @noescape keyFunc: S.Generator.Element -> U) -> [U:[S.Generator.Element]] {
var dict: [U:[S.Generator.Element]] = [:]
for el in seq {
let key = keyFunc(el)
dict[key] = (dict[key] ?? []) + [el]
return dict
categorise(currentStat.statEvents) { $ }
Which gives the output:
extension StatEvents : Printable {
var description: String {
return "\( \("
print(categorise(currentStat.statEvents) { $ })
dinner: [
dinner: 01-01-2015,
dinner: 01-01-2015,
dinner: 01-01-2015
], lunch: [
lunch: 01-01-2015,
lunch: 01-01-2015
(The swiftstub is here)
Upvotes: 277
Reputation: 2301
Based on this, I did this:
func filterItems() -> Dictionary<Int, [YourDataType]> {
return Dictionary(grouping: yourDataTypeVar, by: { (element: YourDataType) in
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
My way
extension Array {
func group<T: Hashable>(by key: (_ element: Element) -> T) -> [[Element]] {
var categories: [T: [Element]] = [:]
for element in self {
let key = key(element)
categories[key, default: []].append(element)
return { $0 }
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 642
Hey if you need to keep order while grouping elements instead of hash dictionary i have used tuples and kept the order of the list while grouping.
extension Sequence
func zmGroup<U : Hashable>(by: (Element) -> U) -> [(U,[Element])]
var groupCategorized: [(U,[Element])] = []
for item in self {
let groupKey = by(item)
guard let index = groupCategorized.firstIndex(where: { $0.0 == groupKey }) else { groupCategorized.append((groupKey, [item])); continue }
return groupCategorized
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6037
You can use reduce
let result = currentStat.statEvents.reduce([String:[StatEvents]](), {
var previous = $0
previous[$] = (previous[$] ?? []) + [$1]
return previous
let filteredArray1 = result["lunch"]
let filteredArray2 = result["dinner"]
or alternatively you could change it to
let result = currentStat.statEvents.reduce(["lunch":[StatEvents](), "dinner":[StatEvents]()], {
var previous = $0
if let array = previous[$] {
previous[$] = array + [$1]
return previous
let filteredArray1 = result["lunch"]
let filteredArray2 = result["dinner"]
to limit to only finding lunch and diner
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 92459
With Swift 5, Dictionary
has an initializer method called init(grouping:by:)
. init(grouping:by:)
has the following declaration:
init<S>(grouping values: S, by keyForValue: (S.Element) throws -> Key) rethrows where Value == [S.Element], S : Sequence
Creates a new dictionary where the keys are the groupings returned by the given closure and the values are arrays of the elements that returned each specific key.
The following Playground code shows how to use init(grouping:by:)
in order to solve your problem:
struct StatEvents: CustomStringConvertible {
let name: String
let date: String
let hours: Int
var description: String {
return "Event: \(name) - \(date) - \(hours)"
let statEvents = [
StatEvents(name: "lunch", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "lunch", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1)
let dictionary = Dictionary(grouping: statEvents, by: { (element: StatEvents) in
//let dictionary = Dictionary(grouping: statEvents) { $ } // also works
//let dictionary = Dictionary(grouping: statEvents, by: \.name) // also works
"dinner": [Event: dinner - 01-01-2015 - 1, Event: dinner - 01-01-2015 - 1],
"lunch": [Event: lunch - 01-01-2015 - 1, Event: lunch - 01-01-2015 - 1]
Upvotes: 88
Reputation: 9897
You can also group by KeyPath
, like this:
public extension Sequence {
func group<Key>(by keyPath: KeyPath<Element, Key>) -> [Key: [Element]] where Key: Hashable {
return Dictionary(grouping: self, by: {
$0[keyPath: keyPath]
Using @duan's crypto example:
struct Asset {
let coin: String
let amount: Int
let assets = [
Asset(coin: "BTC", amount: 12),
Asset(coin: "ETH", amount: 15),
Asset(coin: "BTC", amount: 30),
Then usage looks like this:
let grouped = \.coin)
Yielding the same result:
"ETH": [
Asset(coin: "ETH", amount: 15)
"BTC": [
Asset(coin: "BTC", amount: 12),
Asset(coin: "BTC", amount: 30)
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 2209
Thr Dictionary(grouping: arr) is so easy!
func groupArr(arr: [PendingCamera]) {
let groupDic = Dictionary(grouping: arr) { (pendingCamera) -> DateComponents in
print("group arr: \(String(describing:")
let date = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day, .year, .month], from: (!)
return date
var cams = [[PendingCamera]]()
groupDic.keys.forEach { (key) in
let values = groupDic[key]
print(values ?? "")
cams.append(values ?? [])
print(" cams are \(cams)")
self.groupdArr = cams
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8855
In Swift 4, this extension has the best performance and help chain your operators
extension Sequence {
func group<U: Hashable>(by key: (Iterator.Element) -> U) -> [U:[Iterator.Element]] {
return Dictionary.init(grouping: self, by: key)
struct Asset {
let coin: String
let amount: Int
let assets = [
Asset(coin: "BTC", amount: 12),
Asset(coin: "ETH", amount: 15),
Asset(coin: "BTC", amount: 30),
let grouped = { $0.coin })
"ETH": [
Asset(coin: "ETH", amount: 15)
"BTC": [
Asset(coin: "BTC", amount: 12),
Asset(coin: "BTC", amount: 30)
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 32117
Swift 4
struct Foo {
let fizz: String
let buzz: Int
let foos: [Foo] = [Foo(fizz: "a", buzz: 1),
Foo(fizz: "b", buzz: 2),
Foo(fizz: "a", buzz: 3),
// use instead of to avoid allocating an
// intermediate Array. We assume the Dictionary simply needs the
// mapped values and not an actual Array
let foosByFizz: [String: Foo] =
Dictionary({ ($0.fizz, $0)},
uniquingKeysWith: { (lhs: Foo, rhs: Foo) in
// Arbitrary business logic to pick a Foo from
// two that have duplicate fizz-es
return > ? lhs : rhs
// We don't need a uniquing closure for buzz because we know our buzzes are unique
let foosByBuzz: [String: Foo] =
Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues:{ ($, $0)})
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2011
Swift 4: you can use init(grouping:by:) from apple developer site
let students = ["Kofi", "Abena", "Efua", "Kweku", "Akosua"]
let studentsByLetter = Dictionary(grouping: students, by: { $0.first! })
// ["E": ["Efua"], "K": ["Kofi", "Kweku"], "A": ["Abena", "Akosua"]]
So in your case
let dictionary = Dictionary(grouping: currentStat.statEvents, by: { $! })
Upvotes: 34
Reputation: 10286
Here is my tuple based approach for keeping order while using Swift 4 KeyPath's as group comparator:
extension Sequence{
func group<T:Comparable>(by:KeyPath<Element,T>) -> [(key:T,values:[Element])]{
return self.reduce([]){(accumulator, element) in
var accumulator = accumulator
var result :(key:T,values:[Element]) = accumulator.first(where:{ $0.key == element[keyPath:by]}) ?? (key: element[keyPath:by], values:[])
if let index = accumulator.index(where: { $0.key == element[keyPath: by]}){
accumulator.remove(at: index)
return accumulator
Example of how to use it:
struct Company{
let name : String
let type : String
struct Employee{
let name : String
let surname : String
let company: Company
let employees : [Employee] = [...]
let companies : [Company] = [...] \ // or \Employee.surname) // or \Company.type)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 38667
Extending on accepted answer to allow ordered grouping:
extension Sequence {
func group<GroupingType: Hashable>(by key: (Iterator.Element) -> GroupingType) -> [[Iterator.Element]] {
var groups: [GroupingType: [Iterator.Element]] = [:]
var groupsOrder: [GroupingType] = []
forEach { element in
let key = key(element)
if case nil = groups[key]?.append(element) {
groups[key] = [element]
return { groups[$0]! }
Then it will work on any tuple:
let a = [(grouping: 10, content: "a"),
(grouping: 20, content: "b"),
(grouping: 10, content: "c")]
print( { $0.grouping })
As well as any struct or class:
struct GroupInt {
var grouping: Int
var content: String
let b = [GroupInt(grouping: 10, content: "a"),
GroupInt(grouping: 20, content: "b"),
GroupInt(grouping: 10, content: "c")]
print( { $0.grouping })
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5099
For Swift 3:
public extension Sequence {
func categorise<U : Hashable>(_ key: (Iterator.Element) -> U) -> [U:[Iterator.Element]] {
var dict: [U:[Iterator.Element]] = [:]
for el in self {
let key = key(el)
if case nil = dict[key]?.append(el) { dict[key] = [el] }
return dict
currentStat.statEvents.categorise { $ }
dinner: [
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "dinner", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1)
], lunch: [
StatEvents(name: "lunch", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1),
StatEvents(name: "lunch", date: "01-01-2015", hours: 1)
Upvotes: 26
Reputation: 8771
Taking a leaf out of "oisdk" example. Extending the solution to group objects based on class name Demo & Source Code link.
Code snippet for grouping based on Class Name:
func categorise<S : SequenceType>(seq: S) -> [String:[S.Generator.Element]] {
var dict: [String:[S.Generator.Element]] = [:]
for el in seq {
//Assigning Class Name as Key
let key = String(el).componentsSeparatedByString(".").last!
//Generating a dictionary based on key-- Class Names
dict[key] = (dict[key] ?? []) + [el]
return dict
//Grouping the Objects in Array using categorise
let categorised = categorise(currentStat)
print("Grouped Array :: \(categorised)")
//Key from the Array i.e, 0 here is Statt class type
let key_Statt:String = String(currentStat.objectAtIndex(0)).componentsSeparatedByString(".").last!
print("Search Key :: \(key_Statt)")
//Accessing Grouped Object using above class type key
let arr_Statt = categorised[key_Statt]
print("Array Retrieved:: ",arr_Statt)
print("Full Dump of Array::")
Upvotes: -2