Reputation: 11
This is is Excel 2011, so no ActiveX controls. I have added a textbox to a worksheet (not a userform) and I need to be able to detect when the user enters text into the textbox and also be able to know what that text is as the user is typing it.
I have not been able to attach any events to this textbox.
Sub textmove()
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 0, 0, _
1530.25, 520#).Name = "TextBox2"
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Textbox2").TextFrame.Characters.Text = "This is my textbox"
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.Size = 45
.StrikeThrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End Sub
But how do I attach an event to it? I tried this in the worksheet code and I also tried it in the workbook code page:
Private Sub Textbox2_change()
MsgBox ("event fired.")
End Sub
but that did not work.
Also, what events are there for a worksheet textbox?
I have not been able to find anything online.
What am I missing?!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 589
Reputation: 10705
This made me curious as well. It looks like if you have to use a TextFrame you're quite limited when triggering events. One (ugly) way to simulate what you're trying to do:
Sheet1 module:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
A new User module:
Option Explicit
Public shp As Shape
Private ws As Worksheet
Public Sub Test()
Const SPACE_CHAR As String = " "
Dim sz As Long
Set ws = Sheet1
If ws.Shapes.Count > 0 Then Set shp = ws.Shapes(1) Else makeTextFrame
If Not shp Is Nothing Then
With shp.TextFrame2.TextRange
With .Characters
sz = Len(.Text)
If sz > 0 Then
If InStr(1, .Text, "x") > 0 Then
.Text = Replace(.Text, "x", vbNullString)
End If
End If
If Right(.Text, 1) = SPACE_CHAR Then .Text = Left(.Text, sz - 1)
.Text = .Text & SPACE_CHAR
sz = Len(.Text)
End With
If sz > 1 Then .Characters(sz).Select Else .Characters.Select
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub makeTextFrame()
Set shp = ws.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 0, 0, 250, 150)
shp.OnAction = "'test'"
End Sub
A side effect is that a user will not be able to type anywhere else in the range of Sheet1 (can be an advantage if it's what you intend)
Upvotes: 0