Reputation: 195
I have a python script that uses Jinja2 template, and I'm trying to create a one-folder distribution using Pyinstaller.
In Jinja, I'm letting the program understand the location of the templates by using a PackageLoader
class. The code below shows that it's pointing to my templates
folder under pycorr
Python package.
env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('pycorr', 'templates'))
template = env.get_template('child_template.html')
And here's what my folder structure looks like:
| |
| + templates
| |
| + base.html
| + child.html
When I compile the package into a single folder using Pyinstaller, I don't see any warning/error related to Jinja2, and I'm able to start the .exe file. However when the program start to look for Jinja2 template, it fails with this error message displayed on the console window:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\ ... \out00-PYZ.pyz\pycorr.WriterToHTML", line 96, in htmlout_table
File "C:\Users\ ... \out00-PYZ.pyz\pycorr.WriterToHTML", line 13, in __init__
File "C:\Users\ ... \out00-PYZ.pyz\pycorr.WriterToHTML", line 48, in __set_template
File "C:\Users\ ... \out00-PYZ.pyz\jinja2.environment", line 791, in get_template
File "C:\Users\ ... \out00-PYZ.pyz\jinja2.environment", line 765, in _load_template
File "C:\Users\ ... \out00-PYZ.pyz\jinja2.loaders", line 113, in load
File "C:\Users\ ... \out00-PYZ.pyz\jinja2.loaders", line 224, in get_source
File "C:\Users\ ... \dist\OCA_CO~1\eggs\setuptools-14.3-py2.7.egg\pkg_resources\", line 1572, in has_resource
return self._has(self._fn(self.module_path, resource_name))
File "C:\Users\ ... \dist\OCA_CO~1\eggs\setuptools-14.3-py2.7.egg\pkg_resources\", line 1627, in _has
"Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader type"
NotImplementedError: Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader type
I don't really understand the error message, but my guess is that Pyinstaller need to find the templates
folder. So I added these lines in the Pyinstaller .spec file:
a.datas += [('BASE', './pycorr/templates/base.html', 'DATA')]
a.datas += [('TABLE', './pycorr/templates/table_child.html', 'DATA')]
coll = COLLECT(exe,
But it doesn't seems to solve the issue.
Can anyone help? I read up the Pyinstaller manual several times but I just can't figure it out.
Upvotes: 9
Views: 7292
Reputation: 111
I encountered a similar Jinja2 error when trying to render a Pandas DataFrame to html from within a PyInstaller distribution using the code,
html =
I resolved the issue by modifying the package loader instruction.
In the Pandas style file: site-packages\pandas\io\formats\
I replaced,
loader = PackageLoader("pandas", "io/formats/templates")
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
# we are running in a bundle
bundle_dir = sys._MEIPASS
loader = FileSystemLoader(bundle_dir)
loader = PackageLoader("pandas", "io/formats/templates")
And a corresponding import at the top of the file,
import sys
Now, if the program is 'frozen' then the loader will look for the template in the bundle directory. In which case, the final step was to add the template to the bundle. To do this I ran PyInstaller from the command line with the --add-data command. For example, a command similar to that below adds the default template html.tpl,
pyinstaller --add-data PATH1\site-packages\pandas\io\formats\templates\html.tpl;. PATH2\
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 929
Going from @Uynix, I found that I had to do a few more steps to implement the solution for my version of the problem using cx_freeze. My first solution post so let me know if more details are needed.
In summary, I had to modify the C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\pkgs\bokeh-0.12.9-py36_0\Lib\site-packages\bokeh\core\
The Original file (bokeh 0.12.9):
''' Provide Jinja2 templates used by Bokeh to embed Bokeh models
(e.g. plots, widgets, layouts) in various ways.
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.AUTOLOAD_JS
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.AUTOLOAD_NB_JS
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.AUTOLOAD_TAG
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.CSS_RESOURCES
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.DOC_JS
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.FILE
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.JS_RESOURCES
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.NOTEBOOK_LOAD
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.NOTEBOOK_DIV
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.PLOT_DIV
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.SCRIPT_TAG
from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, Markup
_env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('bokeh.core', '_templates'))
_env.filters['json'] = lambda obj: Markup(json.dumps(obj))
JS_RESOURCES = _env.get_template("js_resources.html")
CSS_RESOURCES = _env.get_template("css_resources.html")
SCRIPT_TAG = _env.get_template("script_tag.html")
PLOT_DIV = _env.get_template("plot_div.html")
DOC_JS = _env.get_template("doc_js.js")
FILE = _env.get_template("file.html")
NOTEBOOK_LOAD = _env.get_template("notebook_load.html")
NOTEBOOK_DIV = _env.get_template("notebook_div.html")
AUTOLOAD_JS = _env.get_template("autoload_js.js")
AUTOLOAD_NB_JS = _env.get_template("autoload_nb_js.js")
AUTOLOAD_TAG = _env.get_template("autoload_tag.html")
I traced the problem to the line:
JS_RESOURCES = _env.get_template("js_resources.html")
Which I discovered, somehow was not being compiled correctly by cx_freeze, throwing that same error:
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\bokeh\core\", line 27, in <module>
JS_RESOURCES = _env.get_template("js_resources.html")
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jinja2\", line 830, in get_template
return self._load_template(name, self.make_globals(globals))
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jinja2\", line 804, in _load_template
template = self.loader.load(self, name, globals)
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jinja2\", line 113, in load
source, filename, uptodate = self.get_source(environment, name)
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jinja2\", line 234, in get_source
if not self.provider.has_resource(p):
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 1464, in has_resource
return self._has(self._fn(self.module_path, resource_name))
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 1514, in _has
"Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader type"
NotImplementedError: Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader type
New file:
''' Provide Jinja2 templates used by Bokeh to embed Bokeh models
(e.g. plots, widgets, layouts) in various ways.
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.AUTOLOAD_JS
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.AUTOLOAD_NB_JS
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.AUTOLOAD_TAG
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.CSS_RESOURCES
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.DOC_JS
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.FILE
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.JS_RESOURCES
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.NOTEBOOK_LOAD
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.NOTEBOOK_DIV
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.PLOT_DIV
.. bokeh-jinja:: bokeh.core.templates.SCRIPT_TAG
from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
import sys, os
import bokeh.core
# from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, Markup
from jinja2 import Environment, Markup, FileSystemLoader
# add in from Uynix
def resource_path(relative_path, file_name):
""" Get absolute path to resource, works for both in IDE and for PyInstaller """
# PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores path in sys._MEIPASS
# In IDE, the path is os.path.join(base_path, relative_path, file_name)
# Search in Dev path first, then MEIPASS
base_path = os.path.abspath(".")
dev_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, relative_path, file_name)
if os.path.exists(dev_file_path):
return dev_file_path
base_path = sys._MEIPASS
file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name)
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
msg = "\nError finding resource in either {} or {}".format(dev_file_path, file_path)
return None
return file_path
""" my new code here
_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(bokeh.core.__file__) +'\\_templates'))
""" end of my new code
_env.filters['json'] = lambda obj: Markup(json.dumps(obj))
# this is where the errors start to happen! need to replace get_template!
JS_RESOURCES = _env.get_template("js_resources.html")
CSS_RESOURCES = _env.get_template("css_resources.html")
SCRIPT_TAG = _env.get_template("script_tag.html")
PLOT_DIV = _env.get_template("plot_div.html")
DOC_JS = _env.get_template("doc_js.js")
FILE = _env.get_template("file.html")
NOTEBOOK_LOAD = _env.get_template("notebook_load.html")
NOTEBOOK_DIV = _env.get_template("notebook_div.html")
AUTOLOAD_JS = _env.get_template("autoload_js.js")
AUTOLOAD_NB_JS = _env.get_template("autoload_nb_js.js")
AUTOLOAD_TAG = _env.get_template("autoload_tag.html")
Then ran cx_freeze etc again, and this time bokeh now works!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 101
I ran into this problem when building a GUI use pyinstaller. I used Jinja2 to render a report and the templates did not load, instead I received "unregistered loader type" error as well. Reading and testing many solutions online I finally had a fix: FileSystemLoader has to be used instead of PackageLoader. Also a file path needs to be provided for the FileSystemLoader. My final solution is a combination of information from here and here.
The following provide a complete example for this solution. My code is under testjinjia2 with templates in sub-directory templates:
| |
| + templates
| |
| + base.html
| + report.html
In testreport.spec:
# -*- mode: python -*-
block_cipher = None
a = Analysis(['E:\\testjinja2\\'],
datas=[('E:\\testjinja2\\templates\\base.html', '.'),
('E:\\testjinja2\\templates\\report.css', '.'),
('E:\\testjinja2\\templates\\report.html', '.')],
pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data,
exe = EXE(pyz,
console=True )
import os
import sys
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, FileSystemLoader
def resource_path(relative_path, file_name):
""" Get absolute path to resource, works for both in IDE and for PyInstaller """
# PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores path in sys._MEIPASS
# In IDE, the path is os.path.join(base_path, relative_path, file_name)
# Search in Dev path first, then MEIPASS
base_path = os.path.abspath(".")
dev_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, relative_path, file_name)
if os.path.exists(dev_file_path):
return dev_file_path
base_path = sys._MEIPASS
file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name)
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
msg = "\nError finding resource in either {} or {}".format(dev_file_path, file_path)
return None
return file_path
class Report:
def main(self, output_html_file):
# template_loader = PackageLoader("report", "templates")
# --- PackageLoader returns unregistered loader problem, use FileSystemLoader instead
template_file_name = 'report.html'
template_file_path = resource_path('templates', template_file_name)
template_file_directory = os.path.dirname(template_file_path)
template_loader = FileSystemLoader(searchpath=template_file_directory)
env = Environment(loader=template_loader) # Jinja2 template environment
template = env.get_template(template_file_name)
report_content_placeholder = "This is my report content placeholder"
html = template.render(report_content= report_content_placeholder)
with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
my_report = Report()
A method resource_path is needed because the file path to jinja templates files are different in my IDE and the extracted files from the exe file.
Also just some simple template files for you to try on.
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
.centered {
text-align: center;
.centeredbr {
text-align: center;
.underlined {
text-decoration: underline;
{% block body %}{% endblock %}
Report html
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block body %}
<h1 class="centered underlined">Report Title</h1>
<h2 class="centeredbr">Chaper I</h2>
<p>{{ report_content }}</p>
{% endblock %}
I am using pyinstaller 3.2.1 and Python 3.5.1 Anaconda Custom (64-bit)
Upvotes: 2