Reputation: 48
is there a way to query dbpedia's other language version? I would like to use data that is often non-existent in English version of dbpedia. For example, en and de, the second one has georss property and first one does not.
My problem is, query below won't fetch Aachen's Cathedral as in English version in does not have any georss data. How can I ask for data?
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?name ?abstract ?ns ?ew
?m <> ?abstract.
?m foaf:name ?name.
?m georss:point ?coord.
bind( xsd:double(strbefore( ?coord, " " )) as ?ns )
bind( xsd:double(strafter( ?coord, " " )) as ?ew )
FILTER ( ?ns > 50.5 && ?ns < 50.9 && ?ew > 6.02 && ?ew < 6.14 )
FILTER (LANG(?abstract) = "de")
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Views: 61
Reputation: 85913
You can run your query against the localized SPARQL endpoint. In this case, try running your query against When I do that, I get results that include Aachen (though I'm not a German speaker, so I don't know whether the description is what you're looking for).
Upvotes: 1