I am wondering if someone can assist, I know I am doing this wrong and I'm tearing my hair out. My goal is to delete any files with a .txt extension in a remote directory using Spring Integrations SFTP in a Spring Batch job. It is my understanding that I do not have to ls remote files to remove them and can just issue an rm command on *.txt for a given directory however I may be incorrect?
I have the following SFTP configuration
<bean id="sftpSessionFactory"
<property name="host" value="${host}" />
<property name="port" value="${port}" />
<property name="user" value="${user}" />
<property name="privateKey" value="file:${privateKey}" />
<property name="password" value="${password}" />
<int:channel id="rmChannel"/>
expression="headers['file_remoteDirectory'] + headers['file_remoteFile']" />
<bean id="cleanRemoteDirectoryTasklet" class="com.example.batch.job.integration.SFTPRmTasklet" scope="step">
<property name="channel" ref="rmChannel" />
<property name="filePatternToDelete" value="*.txt" />
<property name="targetDirectory" value="${remoteDirectory}"/> // edit removed 'file:' notation
I believe I am OK to this point an my problem is executing this flow in the Java implementation in SFTPRmTasklet, I'm not sure how to construct the message to initiate the sftp remove. Currently I have something like this simply to kick it off I know that my payload is wrong.
Message<String> rmRequest = MessageBuilder.withPayload("/my/target/dir")
.setHeader("file_remoteDirectory", targetDirectory)
.setHeader("file_remoteFile", filePatternToDelete)
ultimately this yields an exception
org.springframework.integration.MessagingException: org.springframework.core.NestedIOException: Failed to remove file: 2: No such file
So I decided to target just one remote file and changed filePatternToDelete to test.txt. After a bit of debugging I realised that AbstractRemoteFileOutBoundGateway
was evaluating my remoteFilePath to /my/target/dirtest.txt and remote filename to dirtest.txt, which is obviously not what I wanted so I added a trailing to / to the target directory in my properties file and this sorted out this error great!
I can now delete the file from the remote server as I wished to do however I received an error around no reply-channel so I have added the following channel
<int:channel id="end"/>
and modified my outbound gateway
expression="headers['file_remoteDirectory'] + headers['file_remoteFile']" />
and now get an error around no subscribers for this channel. Progress at least and in case you hadn't guessed I'm pretty new to Spring!
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Views: 1116
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If you are not interested in the result of the rm
, set the reply-channel
to nullChannel
It's like /dev/null
on unix.
Upvotes: 1