Reputation: 11221
I've been working with Event driven MVVM for a couple of weeks (first time using a design pattern in F#) and I like the idea of separating view and model and also the "functional" controller. But when going through a book on WPF I get the feeling it would be easier if I could adress events directly. Also in some situations I need to get a hold on a control from code behind.
More specific:
Does anybody share this experience or am I still missing something? Is it advisable to go back to FsXaml or polyglot MVVM?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1171
Reputation: 11221
Turns out the code is actually very easy to extend. Based on demos I was able to turn a textbox into a numeric one. The code that does this is very basic, but my intent was to define a custom event accessor. Which can be done by:
Extend UserControl.xaml header with:
fsxaml:ViewController.Custom="{x:Type views:CompositionUserControl}"
And replace the original code in UserControl.xaml.fs:
namespace Space.Views
open FsXaml
type UserView = XAML<"View/UserControl.xaml", true>
type CompositionUserControl () =
member __.ViewModel = Space.ViewModels.UserControlViewModel(Space.Models.Handling.proces)
namespace Space.Views
open FsXaml
open System
type UserView = XAML<"View/UserControl.xaml", true>
type CompositionUserControl () =
inherit UserControlViewController<UserView>()
let numeric (txt : string) =
try txt |> int with
| :? System.FormatException -> 0
| _ -> 1
override this.OnLoaded view =
view.Box.PreviewTextInput.Add(fun e -> if numeric e.Text = 0 then e.Handled <- true)
member __.ViewModel = Space.ViewModels.UserControlViewModel(Space.Models.Handling.proces)
Looking back at this post, here's my progress regarding my initial questions:
How to close a window defined as usercontrol in a XAML file
Using an attached property DialogCloser.
It seems there would be less need for buttons (triggering booleans that hold state), with a more automated feel as result, if I could directly adress events
The key here is to learn:
Upvotes: 4