Reputation: 1949
I am using a ComboBox
in QML and when populated with a lot of data it exceeds my main windows bottom boarder. From googling I have learned that the drop-down list of a ComboBox
is put on top of the current application window and therefore it does not respect its boundaries.
Ideally I would want the ComboBox
to never exceed the main applications boundary, but I can not find any property in the documentation.
A different approach would be to limit the number of visible items of the drop-down list so that it do not exceed the window limits for a given window geometry. I was not able to find this in the documentation either and I have run out of ideas.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 6605
Reputation: 97
It is possible to access the hidden MenuStyle
within the ComboBoxStyle
component. There you can use all the things and hidden things you have within a MenuStyle
, including its maximum height.
The thing looks roughly like this. Not pretty but it works well enough.
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
ComboBox {
id: comboBox
style: ComboBoxStyle {
// drop-down customization here
property Component __dropDownStyle: MenuStyle {
__maxPopupHeight: 400
__menuItemType: "comboboxitem" //not 100% sure if this is needed
As it came up resonantly in our team, here is a updated version of the idea shown above. The new version restricts the size automatically to the size of your application.
ComboBox {
id: root
style: ComboBoxStyle {
id: comboBoxStyle
// drop-down customization here
property Component __dropDownStyle: MenuStyle {
__maxPopupHeight: Math.max(55, //min value to keep it to a functional size even if it would not look nice
//limit the max size so the menu is inside the application bounds
- mapFromItem(comboBoxStyle.control, 0,0).y
- comboBoxStyle.control.height))
__menuItemType: "comboboxitem" //not 100% sure if this is needed
} //Component __dropDownStyle: MenuStyle
} //style: ComboBoxStyle
} //ComboBox
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 17246
In case you are working with ComboBox from Qt Quick Controls 2, here's the source code for it:
Based on that, this override of the behavior works to limit the height to something reasonable:
myComboBox.popup.contentItem.implicitHeight = Qt.binding(function () {
return Math.min(250, myComboBox.popup.contentItem.contentHeight);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1112
Take a look to the ComboBox
source code, the popup is of a Menu
type and it doesn't have any property to limit its size. Moreover, the z
property of the Menu
is infinite
, i.e. it's always on top.
If you Find no way but to use the ComboBox of Qt you can create two models one for visual purpose, I will call it visual model, you will show it in your ComboBox and the complete one , it will be the reference model. Items count in your VisualModel wil be equal to some int property maximumComboBoxItemsCount that you declare . you'll need o find a way that onHovered find the index under the mouse in the visualmodel if it's === to maximumComboBoxIemsCount you do visualModel.remove(0) et visualModel.add(referenceModel.get(maximum.. + 1) and you'll need another property minimumComboBoxIemsCount, same logic but for Scroll Up , I dont know if it will work. but it's an idea
I think there is no solution using the built-in component and you should create your own comboBox. You can start from the following code.
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: comboBox
property string initialText
property int maxHeight
property int selectedItem:0
property variant listModel
signal expanded
signal closed
// signal sgnSelectedChoice(var choice)
width: 100
height: 40
ComboBoxButton {
id: comboBoxButton
width: comboBox.width
height: 40
borderColor: "#fff"
radius: 10
margin: 5
borderWidth: 2
text: initialText
textSize: 12
onClicked: {
if (listView.height == 0)
listView.height = Math.min(maxHeight, listModel.count*comboBoxButton.height)
source = "qrc:/Images/iconUp.png"
listView.height = 0
source = "qrc:/Images/iconDown.png"
Component {
id: comboBoxDelegate
Rectangle {
id: delegateRectangle
width: comboBoxButton.width
height: comboBoxButton.height
color: "#00000000"
radius: comboBoxButton.radius
border.width: comboBoxButton.borderWidth
border.color: comboBoxButton.borderColor
Text {
color: index == listView.currentIndex ? "#ffff00" : "#ffffff"
anchors.centerIn: parent
anchors.margins: 3
font.pixelSize: 12
text: value
font.bold: true
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
listView.height = 0
listView.currentIndex = index
comboBox.selectedItem = index
comboBoxButton.text = value
ListView {
id: listView comboBoxButton.bottom
anchors.left: comboBoxButton.left
width: parent.width
height: 0
clip: true
model: listModel
delegate: comboBoxDelegate
currentIndex: selectedItem
onClosed: comboBoxButton.source = "qrc:/Images/iconDown.png"
Component.onCompleted: {
var cacheChoice = tools.getPersistence(5);
listView.currentIndex = tools.toInt(cacheChoice)
selectedItem = listView.currentIndex
comboBoxButton.text = cacheModel.get(selectedItem).value
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: container
signal clicked
property string text
property alias source : iconDownUp.source
property string color: "#ffffff"
property int textSize: 12
property string borderColor: "#00000000"
property int borderWidth: 0
property int radius: 0
property int margin: 0
Rectangle {
id: buttonRectangle
anchors.fill: parent
color: "#00000000"
radius: container.radius
border.width: container.borderWidth
border.color: container.borderColor
Image {
id: image
anchors.fill: parent
source: "qrc:/Images/buttonBackground.png"
Image {
id: iconDownUp
source: "qrc:/Images/iconDown.png"
sourceSize.width: 20
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Text {
color: container.color
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pixelSize: 10
text: container.text
font.bold: true
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea;
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
buttonRectangle.state = "pressed"
interval: 200
running: false;
repeat: false
onTriggered: buttonRectangle.state = ""
states: State {
name: "pressed"
when: mouseArea.pressed
PropertyChanges { target: image; scale: 0.7 }
PropertyChanges { target: label; scale: 0.7 }
transitions: Transition {
NumberAnimation { properties: "scale"; duration: 200; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
I've used it in some software of mine, hence it is possible that It could not work "out of the box". I use it like this:
initialText: "None"
anchors.topMargin: 2
anchors.right: baseContainer.right
maxHeight: 500
listModel: cacheModel
onExpanded: {
cacheChoice.height = 500
onClosed: {
cacheChoice.height = 20
Upvotes: 2