Reputation: 101
I'm very new to Haskell and am trying to create a type that will represent any instance of Integral over some modulus. I found some example code online and am working with that, so my type definition looks like this:
data Zn n a = Zn !a !a
Most things are working as I'd like; I can show, add, subtract, etc.
instance (Integral a, Show a) => Show (Zn n a) where
show (Zn n x) = printf "(%s mod %s)" (show (mod x n)) (show n)
instance (Integral a, Reifies n a) => Num (Zn n a) where
Zn n x + Zn _ y = Zn n (mod (x + y) n)
Zn n x - Zn _ y = Zn n (mod (x - y) n)
Zn n x * Zn _ y = Zn n (mod (x * y) n)
negate (Zn n x) = Zn n (n - x)
abs = id
signum x@(Zn _ 0) = x
signum (Zn n _) = Zn n 1
fromInteger x = Zn n (mod (fromInteger x) n)
where n = reflect (Proxy :: Proxy n)
znToIntegral :: Integral a => Zn n a -> a
znToIntegral (Zn n x) = fromIntegral x
However, I can't show the results of arithmetic operations on these types. For example, in GHCi:
*Main> let x = Zn 5 3
*Main> x
(3 mod 5)
*Main> let y = Zn 5 7
(2 mod 5)
*Main> let z = x + y
*Main> z
No instance for (Integral a0) arising from a use of ‘print’
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Integral GHC.Int.Int16 -- Defined in ‘GHC.Int’
instance Integral GHC.Int.Int32 -- Defined in ‘GHC.Int’
instance Integral GHC.Int.Int64 -- Defined in ‘GHC.Int’ 9 others
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
I've found this issue has come up in a number of other ways that I've tried to implement these numbers, and understanding how the Data.Reflection package works is giving me some troubles. I'd also be curious about any other implementations that seem more natural to others. I had originally tried doing something like
newtype Zn n a = Zn a
and switched because I thought that it would simplify things, which it hasn't in particular. Cheers!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 136
Reputation: 27766
For comparison, here's an implementation that doesn't store the modulus and always uses reflect
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Data.Reflection
import Data.Proxy
import Text.Printf
newtype Zn a s = Zn { getZ :: a }
instance (Integral a, Show a, Reifies s a) => Show (Zn a s) where
show x =
p = reflect (Proxy::Proxy s)
printf "(%s mod %s)" (show (mod (getZ x) p)) (show p)
instance (Integral a, Reifies s a) => Num (Zn a s) where
Zn x + Zn y = Zn (mod (x + y) (reflect (Proxy::Proxy s)))
Zn x - Zn y = Zn (mod (x - y) (reflect (Proxy::Proxy s)))
Zn x * Zn y = Zn (mod (x * y) (reflect (Proxy::Proxy s)))
negate (Zn x) = Zn ((reflect (Proxy::Proxy s)) - x)
abs = id
signum x@(Zn 0) = x
signum _ = Zn 1
fromInteger x = Zn (mod (fromInteger x) p)
where p = reflect (Proxy :: Proxy s)
Some auxiliary functions:
znToIntegral :: Integral a => Zn a s -> a
znToIntegral (Zn x) = fromIntegral x
-- Convince the compiler that the phantom type in the proxy
-- is the same as the one in the Zn
likeProxy :: Proxy s -> Zn a s -> Zn a s
likeProxy _ = id
withZn :: Integral a => a -> (forall s. Reifies s a => Zn a s) -> a
withZn p z = reify p $ \proxy -> znToIntegral . likeProxy proxy $ z
An example of use:
main :: IO ()
main = print $ withZn (7::Int) (Zn 3 + Zn 5)
works also from ghci.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 30103
In this particular example, Zn
is an internal implementation detail and it shouldn't be used for constructing numbers. Ideally, Zn
shouldn't be even exported from a library. Instead, we're supposed to construct using fromInteger
and numeric literals.
The modulus is introduced in fromInteger
by reflection, and we only store it in Zn
to avoid further use of reflect
, for performance reasons (although I believe reflect
doesn't have much overhead by default, so we might not gain much by this scheme). If we only use fromInteger
to create new Zn
-s, the moduli will be uniform over the whole computation with the Reifies
constraint. On the other hand, if we manually plug in the modulus into Zn
, then that piece of Zn
will always have that modulus, and reify
(the way by which we supply implicit configuration) won't affect it at all. In other words, it messes up our supposed invariant.
Example use:
foo :: (Integral a, Reifies s a) => Zn s a -> Zn s a -> Zn s a
foo a b = e where
c = 123
d = a * b - 3
e = negate (d + c)
showAFooResult = reify 12 (\(Proxy :: Proxy s) -> show (foo 3 4 :: Zn s Int))
-- fooResult == "(0 mod 12)"
Inside the body of foo
everything will have 12
as modulus after we plugged it in using reify
If we squint a bit, foo
is just a function that expects an extra Integral
argument which it uses internally as modulus. We can use reify
to supply the argument, using the the s
index in Proxy
If we don't supply any value to plug in the Reifies
hole, then we can't pull out a value. And of course we can't print it, much like we can't print a function.
We can print Zn 5 5
because it has type Num a => Zn n a
, so we have no hole to fill. On the other hand, Zn 5 5 + Zn 5 5
has type (Integral a, Reifies n a) => Zn n a
, because we specified the Reifies n a
constraint in the Num
instance, and of course the use of +
demands a Num
instance. Here we must use reify
(or some other helper function that calls it) to pull out a result.
Upvotes: 2