Reputation: 161
I'm trying to make a confirmation modal for when deleting a file.
This is the original button in the form & table for File uploads:
This is the confirmation I'm popping up when the above delete button is clicked:
This is how the original delete button is populated in the template script:
{% if (file.deleteUrl) { %}
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#" class="d-info " data-type="{%=file.deleteType%}" data-url="{%=file.deleteUrl%}" ><span class="fa fa-trash"></span> Delete</a></li>
{% } %}
This is the jQuery I have transferring data from the original button to the modal button:
$(document).on('click','.d-info', function(e) {
$("#confirm-delete").attr('data-url', $(this).attr('data-url'));
$("#confirm-delete").attr('data-type', $(this).attr('data-type'));
$("#confirm-delete").attr('data-xhr-fields', $(this).attr('data-xhr-fields'));
All the data is passed on to the button along with the 'delete' class from what I can see when I inspect it.
I get no response when clicking on it, nothing happens at all. I tried going through the original FileUpload JS files however I can't seem to find any more info on it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and let me know if any more info is needed. Thanks.
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Views: 2114
Reputation: 62
I've made a Widget extension for blueimp jQuery fileUpload
You can easily show modal delete messages when deleting one or more files. A demo is included in the 'Bootstrap_demo' folder.
$.widget( "blueimp.fileupload", $.blueimp.fileupload, {
options: {
autoLoad: true,
delButtons: "button.delete",
delAllButtons: "button.selDelete",
renderTemplate: function(r) { } ,
confirmDeletion: function(e,data) { e.doDelete(); } //delete immediately if confirmDeletion is not set by user.
_unid: 0, //private counter for files.
_create: function() {
var me = this;
$(this.options.delAllButtons,this.element).prop("disabled", true);
$(this.element).bind('fileuploadadded', function() { me._checkBarButtons();})
.bind("fileuploaddestroyed", function() { me._checkBarButtons(); })
.bind("fileuploadfinished", function() { me._checkBarButtons();})
.bind("fileuploadprocessalways", function() { me._checkBarButtons();});
if (this.options.autoLoad)
_renderTemplate: function (func, files) {
if (!func) {
return $();
var result = $(func({
unid: this._unid,
files: files,
formatFileSize: this._formatFileSize,
options: this.options
//add unique ids to global counter
this._unid += files.length;
//RENDER STYLES (juery-UI / Bootstrap styles by user function)
//Custom styling by user...
//if (result instanceof $) { return result; }
return $(this.options.templatesContainer).html(result).children();
//Handles deletion per file. (triggers confirmation if not confirmed yet)
_deleteHandler: function (e) {
var button = $(e.currentTarget);
//fire trigger for user confirmation (if not confirmed yet)
if (!'delete')) {
var row = button.closest("." + this.options.downloadTemplateId);
this._triggerConfirmDelete(e, [row], button);
return false;
//removing document!
button.removeData("delete"); //remove confirmed flag (=reset when delete fails)
this._trigger('destroy', e, $.extend({
context: button.closest("." + this.options.downloadTemplateId),
type: 'DELETE'
_loadFiles: function() {
var me = this, $me = $(this);
// Uncomment the following to send cross-domain cookies:
//xhrFields: {withCredentials: true},
url: me.options.url,
dataType: 'json',
context: me.element
}).always(function () {
}).done(function (result) {, $.Event('done'), {result: result});
_triggerConfirmDelete: function(e, rows, buttons) {
var files = [];
//create a list with selected files
buttons.each(function(i) {
files[files.length] = $(this).data();
e.doDelete = function() {"delete", "confirmed").trigger('click'); }
this._trigger('confirmDeletion', e,{ files: files, rows: rows } );
_hookDeleteAllButton : function() {
var me = this;
//Hook click on button: delete all selected
$(this.options.delAllButtons, this.element).on('click',function(e) {
var selRows = $("input.toggle[type=checkbox]:checked", me.element).closest("." + me.options.downloadTemplateId);
var delBtns = $(me.options.delButtons, selRows);
if (delBtns.length) {
//trigger confirmation message
me._triggerConfirmDelete(e, selRows, delBtns )
_hookCheckboxToggleAll: function() {
var me = this;
//(un-)select all checkboxes when selectAll box is changed
$('input.toggleAll[type=checkbox]', this.element).on('click', function() {
//-> DO NOT USE preventDefault here, this would break the select all button!
var val = $(this).prop("checked");
$("input.toggle[type=checkbox]", $("tbody",me.element)).not(":disabled").prop("checked",val).change();
_hookCheckboxRows: function(tm) {
var me = this;
$("input.toggle[type=checkbox]",tm).on('change', function() {
var btns = $("input.toggle[type=checkbox]",$("tbody",me.element)).not(":disabled"); //get all non disabled buttons
var selBtns = $("input.toggle[type=checkbox]:checked",$("tbody",me.element)).not(":disabled"); //get all checked buttons that are not disabled.
$(".toggleAll",me.element).prop("checked", selBtns.length == btns.length).change() //equals checks?
$(me.options.delAllButtons,me.element).prop("disabled", !selBtns.length); //enable or disable 'delete all' button
_checkBarButtons: function() {
var allRows = $('.' + this.options.downloadTemplateId + ', .' + this.options.uploadTemplateId, this.element);
var upRows = $('.' + this.options.uploadTemplateId, this.element);
var downRows = $('.' + this.options.downloadTemplateId, this.element);
var starts = $("button.start:enabled", upRows);
var cancels = $("button.cancel:enabled", allRows);
var selected = $("input.toggle[type=checkbox]:checked:not(:disabled)",downRows);
.prop("checked", downRows.length != 0 && selected.length == downRows.length)
$(".fileupload-buttonbar button.start", this.element).prop('disabled',!starts.length);
$(".fileupload-buttonbar button.cancel", this.element).prop('disabled',!cancels.length);
$(this.options.delAllButtons, this.element).prop("disabled", !selected.length);
Call it like this:
autoLoad: true,
renderTemplate: function(r) {
//you can customize the rendered template here.
//arg r holds the currently rendered template
confirmDeletion: function(e,data) {
//see bootstrap demo for full example (with modal dialog)
var doDel = confirm('delete ' + data.files.length + ' files?','Continue?');
if (doDel) { e.doDelete(); } //perform delete
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 161
Done for whoever is looking for the same request:
destroy: function (e, data) {
if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
return false;
var that = $(this).data('blueimp-fileupload') ||
removeNode = function () {
function () {
that._trigger('destroyed', e, data);
if (data.url) {
data.dataType = data.dataType || that.options.dataType;
$('#confirm-delete').click( function () {
$.ajax(data).done(removeNode).fail(function () {
that._trigger('destroyfailed', e, data);
} else {
$('#confirm-delete').click( function () {
$.ajax(data).done(removeNode).fail(function () {
that._trigger('destroyfailed', e, data);
Upvotes: 0