Reputation: 447
I have a code that will completely list the entirety of all of the folders and sub-folders within a given path. I foolishly ran the code on a folder containing tens of thousands of sub-folders, so while I wait for that to finish I would like to start thinking about the next step.
I need the code to also go one step deeper into the rabbit hole and pick up file names. Here is the code:
Option Explicit
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim searchfolders As Variant
Dim FileSystemObject
Sub ListOfFolders()
Dim LookInTheFolder As String
i = 1
LookInTheFolder = "C:\" ' As you know; you should modificate this row.
Set FileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each searchfolders In FileSystemObject.GetFolder(LookInTheFolder).SubFolders
Cells(i, 1) = searchfolders
i = i + 1
SearchWithin searchfolders
Next searchfolders
End Sub
Sub SearchWithin(searchfolders)
On Error GoTo exits
For Each searchfolders In FileSystemObject.GetFolder(searchfolders).SubFolders
j = UBound(Split(searchfolders, "\"))
Cells(i, j) = searchfolders
i = i + 1
SearchWithin searchfolders
Next searchfolders
End Sub
The code outputts into a tree like chart and I would like to extend to the last branch including file names.
Please help! Thank you.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 85
Reputation: 508
I have had to do this many times, and many times over I've used this same function.
Function GetFilenameFromPath(ByVal strPath As String) As String
' Returns the rightmost characters of a string upto but not including the rightmost '\'
If Right$(strPath, 1) <> "\" And Len(strPath) > 0 Then
GetFilenameFromPath = GetFilenameFromPath(Left$(strPath, Len(strPath) - 1)) + Right$(strPath, 1)
End If
End Function
Just pass the entire path of the file into the function. And it will return the file name.
Another option is this function.
Public Function RecursiveDir(colFiles As Collection, _
ByVal strFolder As String, _
strFileSpec As String, _
bIncludeSubfolders As Boolean)
Dim strTemp As String
Dim colFolders As New Collection
Dim vFolderName As Variant
'Add files in strFolder matching strFileSpec to colFiles
strFolder = TrailingSlash(strFolder)
strTemp = Dir(strFolder & strFileSpec)
Do While strTemp <> vbNullString
colFiles.Add strFolder & strTemp
strTemp = Dir
'Fill colFolders with list of subdirectories of strFolder
If bIncludeSubfolders Then
strTemp = Dir(strFolder, vbDirectory)
Do While strTemp <> vbNullString
If (strTemp <> ".") And (strTemp <> "..") Then
If (GetAttr(strFolder & strTemp) And vbDirectory) <> 0 Then
colFolders.Add strTemp
End If
End If
strTemp = Dir
'Call RecursiveDir for each subfolder in colFolders
For Each vFolderName In colFolders
Call RecursiveDir(colFiles, strFolder & vFolderName, strFileSpec, True)
Next vFolderName
End If
'Garbage collection
Set colFolders = Nothing
End Function
This function will populate a collection of every file name in a given directory. And if you want you can set the bIncludeSubfolders
to true, and it will recursively search all subfolders within this directory. To use this function, you need the following:
Dim colFiles As New Collection ' The collection of files
Dim Path As String ' The parent Directory you want to search
Dim subFold As Boolean ' Search sub folders, yes or no?
Dim FileExt As String ' File extension type to search for
Then just set FileExt = "*.*"
Which will find every file with every file extension. Hopefully this helps a little more.
Upvotes: 2