Reputation: 793
After upgrading to 1.13 I get this exception and I can't figure out what's the issue. I also couldn't find any helpful resource which tackles my issue.
It happens for properties I set in another computed property. But this property is definitely called only once.
I have created a jsbin example:,js,console,output
As requested I post some code which is more close to my real implementation.
filter: '',
resultCount: {
total: 0,
matches: 0,
mismatches: 0
results: function() {
var items = this.get('model'),
matches = [],
resultCount = {};
// Apply search filter
matches = items.filter(function(item){
// Just a dummy filter function
return true;
// We need the total number matched by the filter string = matches.length;
// The already matched items must be narrowed further down
matches = matches.filter(function(item) {
// Another filter function
return true;
resultCount.matches = matches.length;
resultCount.mismatches = - matches.length;
this.set('resultCount', resultCount);
return matches;
}.property('model', 'filter'),
Upvotes: 14
Views: 8512
Reputation: 2661
Try to have your properties not set other properties, but rather depend on each other:
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
count: function() {
return this.get("data.length") || 0;
data: [1,2,3]
Basically, your resultCount is a temporary variable that we can get rid of, and the rest are just chaining computed properties together:
updated jsbin for advanced example
// Index controller
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
count: Ember.computed('filteredItems.length', function(){
return this.get('filteredItems.length');
data: [
Ember.Object.create({ name: "jim", age: 15 }),
Ember.Object.create({ name: "jeff", age: 42 }),
Ember.Object.create({ name: "eric", age: 7 })
filter: RegExp(".*"),
ageFilter: -1,
mismatchCount: Ember.computed('filteredItems.length', 'secondPassFilteredItems.length', function() {
return this.get('filteredItems.length') - this.get('secondPassFilteredItems.length');
filteredItems: Ember.computed('data', 'filter', function() {
var controller = this;
return this.get('data').filter(function(item) {
return item.get('name').match(controller.get("filter"));
secondPassFilteredItems: Ember.computed('filteredItems', 'ageFilter', function() {
var controller = this;
var ageFilter = controller.get("ageFilter");
if (Ember.isEqual(ageFilter, -1)) {
return this.get('filteredItems');
} else {
return this.get('filteredItems').filter(function(item) {
// more filtering
return item.get("age") <= ageFilter;
results: Ember.computed.alias('secondPassFilteredItems'),
actions: {
filterByJ: function() {
this.set('filter', new RegExp("j"));
filterByEric: function() {
this.set('filter', new RegExp("eric"));
filterAllNames: function() {
this.set('filter', new RegExp(".*"));
filterYoungins: function() {
this.set('ageFilter', 15);
filterAllAges: function() {
this.set('ageFilter', -1);
Template usage:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<p>Results found: {{count}}</p>
<p>Diff between first and second filter: {{mismatchCount}}</p>
<p>First Filter:
<button {{action 'filterAllNames'}}>all people</button>
<button {{action 'filterByJ'}}>People with J in name</button>
<button {{action 'filterByEric'}}>People named 'eric'</button>
<p> Second Filter:
<button {{action 'filterAllAges'}}>all ages</button>
<button {{action 'filterYoungins'}}>15 years old or younger</button>
{{#each results as |item|}}
<li>{{}} is {{item.age}} years old</li>
Upvotes: 9