Reputation: 22061
I'm trying to build a DSL but I ran into an issue : it applies itself on case classes but I would like to know the easiest way to extract my case class field names. One idea I had in mind was to use a macro in order to enrich the type of my Case class but I'd prefer not to.
trait QueryDSL[CC] {
def meta: CC
implicit object StringIsFieldType extends Field[CC, String] {
def name = "FakeNAME"
implicit def implQuery[V](b: V): Query[CC] = new Query[CC](meta)
implicit def implField[V](b: V)(implicit ev: Field[CC, V]): QueryField[CC, V] = new QueryField(ev)
case class Query[CC](meta: CC, clauses: List[Clause[_]] = Nil) {
def setProperty[F](clause: CC ⇒ Clause[F]): Query[CC] = copy(clauses = clause(meta) :: clauses)
trait Field[V, M] extends scala.AnyRef {
def name: scala.Predef.String
abstract class Clause[V](val fieldName: String, value: V)
case class EqClause[V](override val fieldName: String, value: V) extends Clause[V](fieldName, value)
class QueryField[CC, M](field: Field[CC, M]) {
def eqs(v: M) = EqClause(, v)
/// #################
case class TestingCaseClass(displayName:String = "Bonjour", active:Boolean = false)
object Testing extends QueryDSL[TestingCaseClass] {
def meta = new TestingCaseClass
import Testing._
val query = Testing setProperty(_.displayName eqs "Hallo")
I would like query.clauses to be equal to : List(EqClause(displayName,Hallo)) for now it is equal to : List(EqClause(FakeNAME,Hallo))
Upvotes: 4
Views: 658
Reputation: 692
Given that i correctly managed to trace the flow of conversions. Your last lines
import Testing._
val query = Testing setProperty(_.displayName eqs "Hallo")
bring implicits of QueryDSL
into scope. In order for Testing
to get method setProperty
it is converted to a Query
using implQuery
. Then displayName
, in order to get method eqs
is converted to a QueryField
using implField
which itself requires an implicit value of type Field[TestingCaseClass, String]
. There is indeed a value of this type in scope : StringIsFieldType
. It expands to
val query = Testing.implQuery[QueryDSL[TestingCaseClass]](Testing).setProperty {
(cc : TestingCaseClass) => Testing.implField[String](cc.displayName)(Testing.StringIsFieldType).eqs("Hallo")
I imagine you want something like
trait Field[CaseClassType, FieldName] {
type typeOfThisField
where FieldName
would be the singleton literal type String(name)
(valid type in the compiler but i think is only expressable using macros).
Using shapeless 2.2.5 and its implementation of singleton-typed-literals :
import shapeless._
// Clauses
abstract class Clause[V](val fieldName: String, value: V)
case class EqClause[V](override val fieldName: String, value: V) extends Clause[V](fieldName, value)
// Fields
sealed abstract class Field[CC, FieldName] {
// The name of the field
val fieldName: String
// The type of the field
type fieldType
// How to extract this field
def get(cc : CC) : fieldType
object Field {
// fieldType is existencial in Field but parametric in Fied.Aux
// used to explict constraints on fieldType
type Aux[CC, FieldName, fieldType_] = Field[CC, FieldName] {
type fieldType = fieldType_
def apply[CC, fieldType_](fieldWitness : Witness.Lt[String], ext : CC => fieldType_) : Field.Aux[CC, fieldWitness.T, fieldType_] =
new Field[CC, fieldWitness.T] {
val fieldName : String = fieldWitness.value
type fieldType = fieldType_
def get(cc : CC) : fieldType = ext(cc)
// Queries
case class Query[CC](meta: CC, clauses: List[Clause[_]] = Nil) {
def setProperty[F](clause: CC ⇒ Clause[F]): Query[CC] = copy(clauses = clause(meta) :: clauses)
class QueryField[CC, M](field: Field.Aux[CC, _, M]) {
def eqs(v: M) = EqClause(field.fieldName, v)
trait QueryDSL[CC] {
def meta: CC
implicit def implQuery[V](b: V): Query[CC] = new Query[CC](meta)
implicit def implField[fieldName, V](b: V)(implicit ev: Field.Aux[CC, fieldName, V]): QueryField[CC, V] = new QueryField(ev)
/// #################
object Example extends App {
case class TestingCaseClass(displayName:String = "Bonjour", active:Boolean = false)
implicit val displayName = Field(Witness("displayName"), (cc : TestingCaseClass) => cc.displayName)
implicit val active = Field(Witness("active") , (cc : TestingCaseClass) => )
object Testing extends QueryDSL[TestingCaseClass] {
def meta = new TestingCaseClass
import Testing._
val queryDisplayName = Testing setProperty(_.displayName eqs "Hallo")
println(s"queryDisplayName = $queryDisplayName")
val queryActive = Testing setProperty( eqs true)
println(s"queryActive = $queryActive")
Upvotes: 5