Reputation: 5567
Let's say that HEAD is at the final commit in master, and the log looks like this
$ git log --oneline
bcaee1c 15 July update
02ff17a add feature x
0910b6f end of weekly update
c2b7189 add 03 july update
737be94 add feature y
Now I want to go look at the past:
$ git checkout 0910b6f
now the log shows no hint of the more recent state -- the relative future from HEAD
$ git log --oneline
0910b6f end of weekly update
c2b7189 add 03 july update
737be94 add feature y
Ok, no problem, I just "remember" or "write down" that the furthest-ahead commit is bcaee1c
and I can get back with a git checkout bcaee1c
, but BAMMO, here comes a phone call, a bunch of emergency meetings, a forced reboot, a weekend, and I "forget" and / or lose the sticky note. I come back (much) later with all that mental context blown and start creating away, only to discover later that I've messed up and have a forensics job with reset and revert and rewind.
Can I get git log
to show the future of HEAD
? Is there a better git-fu for this scenario?
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Views: 2008
Reputation: 37772
Two things to help you:
1 to get back at the tip of your branch (master in your case):
git checkout master
2 for git log to show all commits, and not only starting from head: use --all
git log --oneline --all
in your case, git checkout master
and git checkout bcaee1c
might seem to be the same, but it isn't exactly; you must checkout your branch; otherwise you will remain in detached head state.
edit 2 A one-line command that I use a lot to have an overview of the whole tree:
git log --all --online --decorate --graph
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 35169
There are some Git Aliases I like to use to be able to see the full layout of tags, and branches are, as well as other useful tips.
in .gitconfig: (in the local, user, or system equivalent files)
# line-breaks for readability, join them to make it work
lg = "log --all --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset
%s %Cgreen(%Cred%cn%Cgreen:%cr)%Creset'
--abbrev-commit --date=relative"
head = !"git log -n1"
l = log --pretty=oneline -n 20 --graph --abbrev-commit
# Show verbose output about tags, branches or remotes
branches = branch -a
remotes = remote -v
tags = tag -l
Other 'dotfiles' are available (on Github, or various Git websites), and I'd encourage you to collect your own!
Here's an example of the git lg
alias output
* 37478ff - (HEAD -> master) latest posts (Alister Bulman:6 weeks ago)
* fbde015 - (origin/master) new base URL alias (Alister Bulman:9 weeks ago)
* 5109d77 - new posts and some edits (Alister Bulman:9 weeks ago)
* 1f45eea - Merge branch 'example-blog' (Alister Bulman:1 year, 2 months ago)
| * f361dd6 - new style, and big rebuild (Alister Bulman:1 year, 2 months ago)
* | a60819d - tmp layout files I am trying (Alister Bulman:1 year, 2 months ago)
* | 2b231e0 - new content (Alister Bulman:1 year, 2 months ago)
* 7852089 - (feature/hugo) new posts (Alister Bulman:1 year, 3 months ago)
* ccdc2a0 - fix category tags (Alister Bulman:1 year, 3 months ago)
Very readable. If ytou are working firther back in the tree - then (HEAD) will show further down, and you'll still see the most recent checkin at the top.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 156
To show all your commit, branch, tag you can add this line in the file ~/.gitconfig
tree = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all
You can run it using :
git tree
Upvotes: 5