Reputation: 1265
I have a UITableViewController subclass in which I populate the UITableView with data as follows:
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("kundeCell") as! KundeCell
cell.selectionStyle = .None
let kunde = self.kundenAuszutragen[indexPath.row]
cell.delegate = self
cell.kunde = kunde
cell.allowsSwypeRight = (self.zahlungenImQuartalVonKunde[kunde] == nil) // Abkassieren
cell.allowsSwypeLeft = self.state == .Austragen // Austragen
cell.abkassierButton.titleAbkassierLabel.showsTextFilled = self.zahlungenImQuartalVonKunde[kunde] != nil
return cell
This works fine, it looks like that:
The upper text is a UILabel, the bottom text is from a UIButton (in both cases the default ones). The € sign at the right is a custom UIButton with a subview of a custom UILabel that displays the € with a stroke effect, here's the relevant code of the custom UIButton, that is called when the button is initted:
private func handleInit()
// titleAbkassierLabel is the custom UILabel with the stroke
self.titleAbkassierLabel = AbkassierLabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.bounds.size.width, height: self.bounds.size.height))
self.titleAbkassierLabel.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(self.titleAbkassierLabelFontSize)
self.titleAbkassierLabel.text = self.titleText
self.titleAbkassierLabel.textColor = UIColor.clearColor()
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
Now when I set the € sign of a cell to be filled, it looks like that:
The following code is then called in the UIButton subclass:
self.titleAbkassierLabel.showsTextFilled = true
// which then again comes to: (in the titleAbkassierLabel - property)
var showsTextFilled: Bool = true {
So okay, this cell is "highlighted" with the filled €. But if I then scroll down, other cells are highlighted as well (of course because the first cell is reused, by why does it show the right text (in the labels at the left) but not the right € sign? The cells that shouldn't be highlighted even look different from the others:
(compare it to the other cell, the € seems to be thicker)
So it looks thicker, but if I look in ViewDebugger, I see that there's just one custom button and one custom € - label:
If you need more information, just comment. Thank you very much and I hope you understand the problem despite the German property names/etc.!
EDIT: My Cell delegate:
protocol AustragenAbkassierenDelegate
// Kunde bearbeiten
func setKundeAusgetragen(kunde: Kunde, animated: Bool) -> Bool
func setKundeAbkassiert(kunde: Kunde, createZahlung: Bool, endAction: (() -> Void)?) -> UIAlertController?
func getNextKundeAfterKunde(kunde: Kunde) -> Kunde?
func showKundeDetailVCWithKunde(kunde: Kunde)
func showAlertController(alert: UIAlertController!, completionHandler: (() -> Void)?)
But I don't think this has something to do with the issue. It is just to notify the delegate (here the TableViewController) when something has changed.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 767
Reputation: 9362
Try rebuilding the titleAbkassierLabel from scratch in your cell's prepareForReuse method.
Upvotes: 1