Reputation: 5679
I have an image of size 1920 x 1080. I am transferring from H2D, processing and transferring back from D2H using three CUDA streams where each stream is responsible to take care of 1/3rd of total data. I am able to optimize the dimensions of block and number of threads per block by understanding the concept of SM, SP, warps. The code run satisfactorily (takes 2 ms) if it has to do simple calculations inside kernel. The simple calculation code below find the R, G and B value from source image and then place those values in the same source image.
ptr_source[numChannels* (iw*y + x) + 0] = ptr_source[numChannels* (iw*y + x) + 0];
ptr_source[numChannels* (iw*y + x) + 1] = ptr_source[numChannels* (iw*y + x) + 1];
ptr_source[numChannels* (iw*y + x) + 2] = ptr_source[numChannels* (iw*y + x) + 2];
But I have to perform few more calculations which are independent of all other threads then, the computational time gets increased by 6 ms which is too much for my application. I have already tried to declare the mostly used constant values inside the constant memory
. The code for these calculation is shown below. In that code, I am again finding the R, G and B values. Then, I am calculating new values of R, G and B by multiplying the old values with some constants and finally I am putting these new R, G and B values again in the same source image at their corresponding positions.
__constant__ int iw = 1080;
__constant__ int ih = 1920;
__constant__ int numChannels = 3;
__global__ void cudaKernel(unsigned char *ptr_source, int numCudaStreams)
// Calculate our pixel's location
int x = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
int y = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
// Operate only if we are in the correct boundaries
if (x >= 0 && x < iw && y >= 0 && y < ih / numCudaStreams)
const int index_b = numChannels* (iw*y + x) + 0;
const int index_g = numChannels* (iw*y + x) + 1;
const int index_r = numChannels* (iw*y + x) + 2;
//GET VALUES: get the R,G and B values from Source image
unsigned char b_val = ptr_source[index_b];
unsigned char g_val = ptr_source[index_g];
unsigned char r_val = ptr_source[index_r];
float float_r_val = ((1.574090) * (float)r_val + (0.088825) * (float)g_val + (-0.1909) * (float)b_val);
float float_g_val = ((-0.344198) * (float)r_val + (1.579802) * (float)g_val + (-1.677604) * (float)b_val);
float float_b_val = ((-1.012951) * (float)r_val + (-1.781485) * (float)g_val + (2.404436) * (float)b_val);
unsigned char dst_r_val = (float_r_val > 255.0f) ? 255 : static_cast<unsigned char>(float_r_val);
unsigned char dst_g_val = (float_g_val > 255.0f) ? 255 : static_cast<unsigned char>(float_g_val);
unsigned char dst_b_val = (float_b_val > 255.0f) ? 255 : static_cast<unsigned char>(float_b_val);
//PUT VALUES---put the new calculated values of R,G and B
ptr_source[index_b] = dst_b_val;
ptr_source[index_g] = dst_g_val;
ptr_source[index_r] = dst_r_val;
Problem: I think that transferring the image segment (i.e. ptr_src
) to the shared memory will help but I am quite confused about how to do it. I mean, the scope of shared memory is for one block only so, how do I manage the transfer of image segment to the shared memory.
PS: My GPU is Quadro K2000, compute 3.0, 2 SM, 192 SP per SM.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 623
Reputation: 1074
Shared memory won't help for your case, your memory accesses are not coaslescent.
You can try the following : replace your char* ptr_source into a uchar3* should probably helps your threads accessing contiguous datas in your array. uchar3 just means : 3 contiguous unsigned char.
since threads within a same warp execute same instruction at the same time you'll have this kind of access pattern :
Supposing you try to access memory at adress : 0x3F0000.
thread 1 copies data at : 0x3F0000 then 0x3F0001 then 0x3F0002
thread 2 copies data at : 0x3F0003 then 0x3F0004 then 0x3F0005
0x3F0000 and 0x3F0003 are not contiguous, so you'll have bad performance accessing to you datas.
with uchar3 uses :
thread 1 : 0x3F0000 to 0x3F0002
thread 2 : 0x3F0003 to 0x3F0005
like each thread copies continous datas your memory controller can copy it quickly.
You can too replace :
(float_r_val > 255.0f) ? 255 : static_cast<unsigned char>(float_r_val);
float_r_val = fmin(255.0f, float_r_val);
this should give you a kernel like this :
__global__ void cudaKernel(uchar3 *ptr_source, int numCudaStreams)
// Calculate our pixel's location
int x = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
int y = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
// Operate only if we are in the correct boundaries
if (x >= 0 && x < iw && y >= 0 && y < ih / numCudaStreams)
const int index = (iw*y + x);
uchar3 val = ptr_source)[index];
float float_r_val = ((1.574090f) * (float)val.x + (0.088825f) * (float)val.y + (-0.1909f) * (float)b_val.z);
float float_g_val = ((-0.344198f) * (float)val.x + (1.579802f) * (float)val.y + (-1.677604f) * (float)b_val.z);
float float_b_val = ((-1.012951f) * (float)val.x + (-1.781485f) * (float)val.y + (2.404436f) * (float)b_val.z);
ptr_source[index] = make_uchar3( fmin(255.0f, float_r_val), fmin(255.0f, float_g_val), fmin(255.0f, float_b_val) );
i hope these update will improve performance.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 72351
I'm going to add this code without too much comment for the moment:
const int iw = 1080;
const int ih = 1920;
const int numChannels = 3;
__global__ void cudaKernel3(unsigned char *ptr_source, int n)
int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
uchar3 * p = reinterpret_cast<uchar3 *>(ptr_source);
for(; idx < n; idx+=stride) {
uchar3 vin = p[idx];
unsigned char b_val = vin.x;
unsigned char g_val = vin.y;
unsigned char r_val = vin.z;
float float_r_val = ((1.574090f) * (float)r_val + (0.088825f) * (float)g_val + (-0.1909f) * (float)b_val);
float float_g_val = ((-0.344198f) * (float)r_val + (1.579802f) * (float)g_val + (-1.677604f) * (float)b_val);
float float_b_val = ((-1.012951f) * (float)r_val + (-1.781485f) * (float)g_val + (2.404436f) * (float)b_val);
uchar3 vout;
vout.x = (unsigned char)fminf(255.f, float_r_val);
vout.y = (unsigned char)fminf(255.f, float_g_val);
vout.z = (unsigned char)fminf(255.f, float_b_val);
p[idx] = vout;
// Original kernel with a bit of template magic to conditionally correct
// accidental double precision arithmetic removed for brevity
int main()
const size_t sz = iw * ih * numChannels;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
uchar * image = new uchar[sz];
uchar v = 0;
for(int i=0; i<sz; i++) {
image[i] = v;
v = (++v > 128) ? 0 : v;
uchar * image_;
cudaMalloc((void **)&image_, sz);
cudaMemcpy(image_, image, sz, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
dim3 blocksz(32,32);
dim3 gridsz(1+iw/blocksz.x, 1+ih/blocksz.y);
cudaKernel<1><<<gridsz, blocksz>>>(image_, 1);
cudaMemcpy(image_, image, sz, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaKernel<0><<<gridsz, blocksz>>>(image_, 1);
cudaMemcpy(image_, image, sz, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaKernel3<<<16, 512>>>(image_, iw * ih);
return 0;
The idea here is to just have as many threads as can be resident on the device, and have them process the whole image, with each thread emitting multiple outputs. Block scheduling is very cheap in CUDA, but it isn't free, and neither are indexing calculations and all the other "setup" code required for one thread to do useful work. So the idea is simply to amortise those costs over many ouputs. Because your image is just linear memory and the operations you perform on each entry are completely independent, there is no point in using a 2D grid and 2D indexing. It is simply additional setup code which slows down the code. You will also see the use of a vector type (char3) which should improve memory throughput by reducing the number of memory transcations per pixel.
Also note that on double precision capable GPUs, double precision constants will be compiled and produce 64 bit floating point arithmetic. There is a 2 to 12 times performance penalty when performing double precision compared to single precision depending on your GPU. When I compile the kernel you posted and look at the PTX the CUDA 7 release compiler emits for the sm_30 architecture (the same as your GPU), I see this in the pixel computation code:
cvt.f64.f32 %fd1, %f4;
mul.f64 %fd2, %fd1, 0d3FF92F78FEEF5EC8; %rs9, [%rd1+1];
cvt.rn.f32.u16 %f5, %rs9;
cvt.f64.f32 %fd3, %f5;
fma.rn.f64 %fd4, %fd3, 0d3FB6BD3C36113405, %fd2; %rs10, [%rd1];
cvt.rn.f32.u16 %f6, %rs10;
cvt.f64.f32 %fd5, %f6;
fma.rn.f64 %fd6, %fd5, 0dBFC86F694467381D, %fd4;
cvt.rn.f32.f64 %f1, %fd6;
mul.f64 %fd7, %fd1, 0dBFD607570C564F98;
fma.rn.f64 %fd8, %fd3, 0d3FF946DE76427C7C, %fd7;
fma.rn.f64 %fd9, %fd5, 0dBFFAD7774ABA3876, %fd8;
cvt.rn.f32.f64 %f2, %fd9;
mul.f64 %fd10, %fd1, 0dBFF0350C1B97353B;
fma.rn.f64 %fd11, %fd3, 0dBFFC80F66A550870, %fd10;
fma.rn.f64 %fd12, %fd5, 0d40033C48F10A99B7, %fd11;
cvt.rn.f32.f64 %f3, %fd12;
Note there is promotion of everything to 64 bit floating point, and the multiplications are all done in 64 bit, with the floating point constants in IEEE754 double format, and the results are then demoted back to 32 bit. This is a real performance cost and you should be careful to avoid it by properly defined floating point constants as single precision.
When run on a GT620M (a 2 SM Fermi mobile part, running on batteries), we get the following profile data from nvprof
Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
39.44% 17.213ms 1 17.213ms 17.213ms 17.213ms void cudaKernel<int=1>(unsigned char*, int)
35.02% 15.284ms 3 5.0947ms 5.0290ms 5.2022ms [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
18.51% 8.0770ms 1 8.0770ms 8.0770ms 8.0770ms void cudaKernel<int=0>(unsigned char*, int)
7.03% 3.0662ms 1 3.0662ms 3.0662ms 3.0662ms cudaKernel3(unsigned char*, int)
==5504== API calls:
Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
95.37% 1.01433s 1 1.01433s 1.01433s 1.01433s cudaMalloc
3.17% 33.672ms 3 11.224ms 4.8036ms 19.039ms cudaDeviceSynchronize
1.29% 13.706ms 3 4.5687ms 4.5423ms 4.5924ms cudaMemcpy
0.12% 1.2560ms 83 15.132us 427ns 541.81us cuDeviceGetAttribute
0.03% 329.28us 3 109.76us 91.086us 139.41us cudaLaunch
0.02% 209.54us 1 209.54us 209.54us 209.54us cuDeviceGetName
0.00% 23.520us 1 23.520us 23.520us 23.520us cuDeviceTotalMem
0.00% 13.685us 3 4.5610us 2.9930us 7.6980us cudaConfigureCall
0.00% 9.4090us 6 1.5680us 428ns 3.4210us cudaSetupArgument
0.00% 5.1320us 2 2.5660us 2.5660us 2.5660us cuDeviceGetCount
0.00% 2.5660us 2 1.2830us 1.2830us 1.2830us cuDeviceGet
and when run on something bigger (GTX 670 Kepler device with 7 SMX):
==9442== NVPROF is profiling process 9442, command: ./a.out
==9442== Profiling application: ./a.out
==9442== Profiling result:
Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
65.68% 2.6976ms 3 899.19us 784.56us 1.0829ms [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
20.84% 856.05us 1 856.05us 856.05us 856.05us void cudaKernel<int=1>(unsigned char*, int)
7.90% 324.64us 1 324.64us 324.64us 324.64us void cudaKernel<int=0>(unsigned char*, int)
5.58% 229.12us 1 229.12us 229.12us 229.12us cudaKernel3(unsigned char*, int)
==9442== API calls:
Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
55.88% 45.443ms 1 45.443ms 45.443ms 45.443ms cudaMalloc
38.16% 31.038ms 1 31.038ms 31.038ms 31.038ms cudaDeviceReset
3.55% 2.8842ms 3 961.40us 812.99us 1.1982ms cudaMemcpy
1.92% 1.5652ms 3 521.72us 294.16us 882.27us cudaDeviceSynchronize
0.32% 262.49us 83 3.1620us 150ns 110.94us cuDeviceGetAttribute
0.09% 74.253us 3 24.751us 15.575us 41.784us cudaLaunch
0.03% 22.568us 1 22.568us 22.568us 22.568us cuDeviceTotalMem
0.03% 20.815us 1 20.815us 20.815us 20.815us cuDeviceGetName
0.01% 7.3900us 6 1.2310us 200ns 5.3890us cudaSetupArgument
0.00% 3.6510us 2 1.8250us 674ns 2.9770us cuDeviceGetCount
0.00% 3.1440us 3 1.0480us 516ns 1.9410us cudaConfigureCall
0.00% 2.1600us 2 1.0800us 985ns 1.1750us cuDeviceGet
So there is big speed up to be had just by fixing elementary mistakes and using sensible design patterns on both smaller and larger devices. Believe it, or not.
Upvotes: 2