Reputation: 131817
How do I use a progress bar when my script is doing some task that is likely to take time?
For example, a function which takes some time to complete and returns True
when done. How can I display a progress bar during the time the function is being executed?
Note that I need this to be in real time, so I can't figure out what to do about it. Do I need a thread
for this? I have no idea.
Right now I am not printing anything while the function is being executed, however a progress bar would be nice. Also I am more interested in how this can be done from a code point of view.
Upvotes: 582
Views: 1123567
Reputation: 4884
@imbr variant
[███████████████████..............................] 16/50 Est wait 00:03.46
Completed 50 items in 00:05.09
import time
from IPython.display import clear_output
def to_time_str(seconds):
mins, sec = divmod(seconds, 60)
return f"{int(mins):02}:{sec:05.2f}"
def progressbar(it, prefix="", size=60):
count = len(it)
start = time.time()
def show(j):
x = int(size*j/count)
elapsed = time.time() - start
remaining = (elapsed / j) * (count - j) if j > 0 else 0
time_str = to_time_str(remaining)
bar = f"{prefix}[{u'█'*x}{('.'*(size-x))}] {j}/{count} Est wait {time_str}"
for i, item in enumerate(it):
yield item
total_time = time.time() - start
clear_output(wait=True) # Clear the final progress bar
print(f"Completed {count} items in {to_time_str(total_time)}")
# Example usage
for i in progressbar(range(50)):
time.sleep(.1) # any code you need
Tested with Python 3.10+
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 41576
Another self-contained solution, but this one aims to degrade more gracefully than other suggestions when used in a non-interactive context where \r
can't reliably return to the beginning of the line (e.g. writing to a logfile or piping output to another application). This means it needs to remember the last output written to the stream, so it's a class rather than a standalone function.
class ProgressBar:
"""Display & update a progress bar"""
TEXT_ABORTING = "Aborting..."
TEXT_COMPLETE = "Complete!"
TEXT_PROGRESS = "Progress"
def __init__(self, bar_length=25, stream=sys.stdout):
self.bar_length = bar_length = stream
self._last_displayed_text = None
self._last_displayed_summary = None
def reset(self):
"""Forget any previously displayed text (affects subsequent call to show())"""
self._last_displayed_text = None
self._last_displayed_summary = None
def _format_progress(self, progress, aborting):
"""Internal helper that also reports the number of completed increments and the displayed status"""
bar_length = self.bar_length
progress = float(progress)
if progress >= 1:
# Report task completion
completed_increments = bar_length
status = " " + self.TEXT_COMPLETE
progress = 1.0
# Truncate progress to ensure bar only fills when complete
progress = max(progress, 0.0) # Clamp negative values to zero
completed_increments = int(progress * bar_length)
status = (" " + self.TEXT_ABORTING) if aborting else ""
remaining_increments = bar_length - completed_increments
bar_content = f"{'#'*completed_increments}{'-'*remaining_increments}"
percentage = f"{progress*100:.2f}"
progress_text = f"{self.TEXT_PROGRESS}: [{bar_content}] {percentage}%{status}"
return progress_text, (completed_increments, status)
def format_progress(self, progress, *, aborting=False):
"""Format progress bar, percentage, and status for given fractional progress"""
return self._format_progress(progress, aborting)[0]
def show(self, progress, *, aborting=False):
"""Display the current progress on the console"""
progress_text, progress_summary = self._format_progress(progress, aborting)
if progress_text == self._last_displayed_text:
# No change to display output, so skip writing anything
# (this reduces overhead on both interactive and non-interactive streams)
interactive =
if not interactive and progress_summary == self._last_displayed_summary:
# For non-interactive streams, skip output if only the percentage has changed
# (this avoids flooding the output on non-interactive streams that ignore '\r')
if not interactive or aborting or progress >= 1:
# Final or non-interactive output, so advance to next line
line_end = "\n"
# Interactive progress output, so try to return to start of current line
line_end = "\r"
sys.stdout.write(progress_text + line_end)
sys.stdout.flush() # Ensure text is emitted regardless of stream buffering
self._last_displayed_text = progress_text
self._last_displayed_summary = progress_summary
When running directly against the console, only the last line is left visible, but all updates that at least change the reported percentage are written to the screen:
$ python3 -c "from util import ProgressBar; from time import sleep; bar=ProgressBar(); sleep(0.3);; sleep(0.3);; sleep(0.3);; sleep(0.3);; sleep(0.3);; sleep(0.3);"
Progress: [#########################] 100.00% Complete!
Writing to a non-interactive stream filters the output to skip updates that don't advance the progress bar, so the maximum number of lines added to a logfile is fixed based on the number of increments in the bar (note that the 26% and 27% lines are skipped below):
$ python3 -c "from util import ProgressBar; bar=ProgressBar();;;;;;" | cat
Progress: [######-------------------] 25.00%
Progress: [############-------------] 50.00%
Progress: [##################-------] 75.00%
Progress: [#########################] 100.00% Complete!
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 7672
You can customize bar progress symbol "#"
, bar size
, text prefix
import sys
import time
def progressbar(it, prefix="", size=60, out=sys.stdout): # Python3.6+
count = len(it)
start = time.time() # time estimate start
def show(j):
x = int(size*j/count)
# time estimate calculation and string
remaining = ((time.time() - start) / j) * (count - j)
mins, sec = divmod(remaining, 60) # limited to minutes
time_str = f"{int(mins):02}:{sec:03.1f}"
print(f"{prefix}[{u'█'*x}{('.'*(size-x))}] {j}/{count} Est wait {time_str}", end='\r', file=out, flush=True)
show(0.1) # avoid div/0
for i, item in enumerate(it):
yield item
print("\n", flush=True, file=out)
[████████████████████████████.........................] 24/50 Est wait 00:05.3
import time
for i in progressbar(range(15), "Computing: ", 40):
time.sleep(0.1) # any code you need
Doesn't require a second thread. Some solutions/packages above require.
Works with any iterable it means anything that len()
can be used on. A list
, a dict
of anything for example ['a', 'b', 'c' ... 'g']
Works with generators only have to wrap it with a list(). For example for i in progressbar(list(your_generator), "Computing: ", 40):
Unless the work is done in the generator. In that case you need another solution (like tqdm).
You can also change output by changing out
to sys.stderr
for example.
import sys
def progressbar(it, prefix="", size=60, out=sys.stdout): # Python3.3+
count = len(it)
def show(j):
x = int(size*j/count)
print("{}[{}{}] {}/{}".format(prefix, "#"*x, "."*(size-x), j, count),
end='\r', file=out, flush=True)
for i, item in enumerate(it):
yield item
print("\n", flush=True, file=out)
import sys
def progressbar(it, prefix="", size=60, out=sys.stdout):
count = len(it)
def show(j):
x = int(size*j/count)
out.write("%s[%s%s] %i/%i\r" % (prefix, u"#"*x, "."*(size-x), j, count))
for i, item in enumerate(it):
yield item
Upvotes: 192
Reputation: 31
You can use the colored progress bar that use pip. (It's from the rich package, it has the advantage of not using pip install, it's pretty, and simple to use.)
from import Progress
For my use case, which is having an infinite progress bar while i wait my file to be downloaded, i use it like that.
def wait_for_download_finish(file_name,folder):
" Create a spinning bar until download is finished"
# Initialize the progress bar
bar = Progress()
# Set a description, and make the bar progress indefinitly
id = bar.add_task(description="Downloading Files ...",total=None)
# Start the progress bar
# We look for the matching string of the file we wait in the latest file in folder
latest_file = []
while file_name not in latest_file:
# List all the files in folder
list_of_files = glob.glob(folder + "/*",include_hidden=True, recursive=False) # * means for all. If you need specific format, use *.mkv
# Get the latest file
latest_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
# Keep the bar going
# Add some delay
# Stop the progress bar.
print("Download finished!")
# Use the os.path.expand if you want to use the "~" in your path
wait_for_download_finish("test", os.path.expanduser("~"))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 454
I just wanted to contribute to all the great answers. You mentioned threading, and I've tested all the progress bar libraries with threading. It doesn't really work in my I wrote some code to allow you to run a function while showing a progress bar.
This isn't ideal, since it uses exec()
, but it does indeed work. Here, I decided to use rich
for the progress bar.
def run(func, sleep=0):
update = lambda progress, task: progress.update(task, advance=1)
function = inspect.getsource(func)
mylist = function.split('\n')
length = len(mylist)
for num, line in enumerate(mylist):
mylist[num] = line[8:] + "\nupdate(progress, task)\ntime.sleep(sleep)" #update the progress bar
myexec = ''
for line in mylist:
myexec += line + '\n'
with Progress() as progress:
task = progress.add_task("Working...", total=length)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from rich.progress import Progress
import inspect
import time
def myfunc():
#chose to import these modules for progress bar example since they take a LONG time to import on my computer
import pandas
import openai
I'm not going to explain everything, but basically we take a function as an argument and convert the function to a string using inspect
. We then modify the string by adding update(progress, task)
, which is a lambda function defined previously, that updates the progress bar. I also added another argument for customization and flexibility, sleep
, that allows you to choose how long the progress bar waits before continuing to update (after finishing another line in the function). This looks really nice in the terminal!
To actually use this, I recommend saving this as a file. Then you can run this in other python files that you write in the future, by calling, sleep)
. This is really useful to me! Just want to note again, this isn't ideal since it uses exec()
, if anybody knows a better method (since threading didn't work for me) please comment.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3655
Use alive-progress, the coolest progress bar ever! Just pip install alive-progress
and you're good to go!
To use any progress bar effectively, i.e. gaining both a percentage of completion and an ETA, you need to be able to tell it the total number of items. Then alive-progress
will keep track of where your processing currently is, and how long it will take!
Don't worry if you can't estimate the total, alive-progress
will still work.
To use it, you can either drive alive-progress
' bar directly:
def compute():
with alive_bar(1000) as bar: # your expected total
for item in items: # the original loop
print(item) # your actual processing here
bar() # call `bar()` at the end
Or, if you prefer to keep the codes isolated, just insert a yield
in your processing code (to mark when an item has been processed), then drive the alive-progress
' bar like this:
def compute():
for item in items:
yield # simply insert this :)
with alive_bar(1000) as bar:
for i in compute():
Either way, you'll get an awesome and animated progress bar!
|█████████████▎ | ▅▃▁ 321/1000 [32%] in 8s (40.1/s, eta: 16s)
And it supports a LOT OF advanced options right out of the box!!
Disclosure: I'm the proud author of alive-progress
, which has 5K+ ⭐️ on github!
Read the documentation at to get to know all the advanced features.
Behold some more animations it can do in both spinner and bar widgets:
It also works on Jupyter Notebooks!
You can even design your own animations!!
Upvotes: 292
Reputation: 1013
When running in jupyter notebooks use of normal tqdm doesn't work, as it writes output on multiple lines. Use this instead:
import time
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
for i in tqdm(range(100)):
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 3762
A simple oneliner:
K = 628318
for k in range(K):
# your stuff
print(end="\r|%-80s|" % ("="*(80*(k+1)//K)))
|===================================================================== |
80 is the length of the bar. Eventually you want a final print()
It can be also put into a convencience function. Along with yield
, one can emulate the behaviour of tqdm
def progbar(iterobj):
K = len(iterobj)
for k, obj in enumerate(iterobj):
print(end="\r|%-80s|" % ("="*(80*(k+1)//K)))
yield obj
raise StopIteration
for k in progbar(range(628318)):
# your stuff
And not to forget the digital progress indicator:
K = 628318
for k in range(K):
# your stuff
print(end=f"\r{(k+1)/K*100:6.2f} %")
94.53 %
It is not to difficult to combine both, if needed.
The keys are the "Carriage Return" \r
and the suppression of the default end="\n"
in print
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 31
You can use the rich library, wich has really good terminal styling, including progress bars.
First run the followng command:
pip install rich
Example from docs:
import time
from rich.progress import track
for i in track(range(20), description="Processing..."):
time.sleep(1) # Simulate work being done
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 116307
There are specific libraries (like this one here) but maybe something very simple would do:
import time
import sys
toolbar_width = 40
# setup toolbar
sys.stdout.write("[%s]" % (" " * toolbar_width))
sys.stdout.write("\b" * (toolbar_width+1)) # return to start of line, after '['
for i in range(toolbar_width):
time.sleep(0.1) # do real work here
# update the bar
sys.stdout.write("]\n") # this ends the progress bar
Note: progressbar2 is a fork of progressbar which hasn't been maintained in years.
Upvotes: 238
Reputation: 2224
pip install progressbar2
import os
import time
import progressbar
os.environ['PYCHARM_HOSTED'] = '1' #
class COLOR: #
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
RED = '\033[91m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
COLOR.YELLOW , progressbar.Percentage() , COLOR.ENDC,
COLOR.RED + COLOR.BOLD, progressbar.Bar(left=' ', marker='━', right=' '), COLOR.ENDC,
COLOR.YELLOW , progressbar.Timer() , COLOR.ENDC
for i in progressbar.progressbar(range(100), widgets=widgets):
if i == 99:
widgets[4] = COLOR.GREEN
Use enumerate(...progressbar(max_value=...)
+ this in case you want to use it as a download progressbar
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 173
Inspired by many of the answers with no package dependency, I am sharing my implementation here. The function to be used in any loop expects the current iteration number, the total number of iterations, and the initial time.
import time
def simple_progress_bar(i: int, n: int, init_time: float):
avg_time = (time.time()-init_time)/(i+1)
percent = ((i+1)/(n))*100
end=f"\r|{'='*(int(percent))+'>'+'.'*int(100-int(percent))}|| " + \
f"||Completion: {percent : 4.3f}% || \t "+ \
f"||Time elapsed: {avg_time*(i+1):4.3f} seconds || \t " + \
f"||Remaining time: {(avg_time*(n-(i+1))): 4.3f} seconds."
N = 325
t0 = time.time()
for k in range(N):
# stuff goes here #
# stuff goes here #
simple_progress_bar(k, N, t0)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 331
There's a lot of good ansers already, but adding this specidfic based upon @HandyGold75 answer, I wanted it to be callabe under a specific context, with an initial msg, plus a timing feedback in seconds at the end.
from time import sleep, time
class ProgressBar:
def __init__(self, total: float, width: int = 50, msg: str = ""): = total
self.width = width
self.start: float = time()
if msg:
def progress(self, progress: float):
percent = self.width * ((progress) /
bar = chr(9608) * int(percent) + "-" * (self.width - int(percent))
f"\r|{bar}| {(100/self.width)*percent:.2f}% "
f"[{progress} of {}]",
def __enter__(self):
return self.progress
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
end: float = time()
print(f"\nFinished after {end - self.start: .3f} seconds.")
total_loops = 150
with ProgressBar(total=total_loops) as progress:
for i in range(total_loops):
sleep(0.01) # Do something usefull here
progress(i + 1)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 53
There are a lot of amazing answers already still I would like to share my solution to the progress bar.
from time import sleep
def progress_bar(progress: float, total: float, width: int = 25):
percent = width * ((progress + 1) / total)
bar = chr(9608) * int(percent) + "-" * (width - int(percent))
print(f"\r|{bar}| {(100/width)*percent:.2f}%", end="\r")
numbers = range(0, 1000)
numbersLen = len(numbers)
for i in numbers:
sleep(0.01) # Do something usefull here
progress_bar(i, numbersLen)
If you are looking for a bar that adjusts it's with based on the terminal's width and a possibility for messages at the end then this works too. Note that the message will disappear if the Terminal gets too narrow as the bar will break if it's too wide for 1 line.
def progressBar(progress: float, total: float, message: str = ""):
terminalWidth = get_terminal_size().columns
width = int(terminalWidth / 4)
percent = width * ((progress + 1) / total)
bar = chr(9608) * int(percent) + "-" * (width - int(percent))
if terminalWidth <= 40:
message = ""
message = message + (" " * (int(terminalWidth / 2) - len(message)))
print(f"\r|{bar}| {(100/width)*percent:.2f}% " + message, end="\r")
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1
#doesnt affect actual execution
#based on events and consumption in background
#may be that actual process completes a bit earlier than progress shows 99%
#make an instance with number of elements in a loop
#in each iteration call the method current_progress
import time
from math import ceil
import os
import sys
from threading import Thread
class progress_bar(object):
def __init__(self,total_elements,length_bar=25):
def current_progress(self):
def display_progress(self):
while True:
for i in range(0,self.length_bar+3-(len(bar))):
if self.progress <= 100:
print("Progress:",barp, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=True)
if self.call_count == self.total_elements:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 433
2022 Answer for simple progress bar without external library
import time, sys
def progress(size):
for item in range(size):
#main work goes here
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 17647
With tqdm (conda install tqdm
or pip install tqdm
) you can add a progress meter to your loops in a second:
from time import sleep
from tqdm import tqdm
for i in tqdm(range(10)):
60%|██████ | 6/10 [00:18<00:12, 0.33 it/s]
Also, there is a notebook version:
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
for i in tqdm(range(100)):
You can use
instead of tqdm.notebook
to work in both a terminal and notebooks.
contains some helper functions to do things like enumerate
, map
, and zip
. There are concurrent maps in tqdm.contrib.concurrent
You can even get progress sent to your phone after disconnecting from a jupyter notebook using tqdm.contrib.telegram
or tqdm.contrib.discord
Upvotes: 790
Reputation: 1861
Here's a short solution that builds the loading bar programmatically (you must decide how long you want it).
import time
n = 33 # or however many loading slots you want to have
load = 0.01 # artificial loading time!
loading = '.' * n # for strings, * is the repeat operator
for i in range(n+1):
# this loop replaces each dot with a hash!
print('\r%s Loading at %3d percent!' % (loading, i*100/n), end='')
loading = loading[:i] + '#' + loading[i+1:]
if i==n: print()
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1
from IPython.display import clear_output
progress_bar=u"\u001b[7m Loading: "
for i in range(100):
progress_bar+=u"\u001b[7m "
time.sleep(0.03) #you can change the speed
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8961
Progressbar for iterrows. Adaptation of @eusoubrasileiro code for displaying progress when looping through rows of a dataframe. Additionally shows percentage, ith/count, elapsed seconds, iters/sec, remaining seconds. Allows specifying an nth updating count (per).
import time
import sys
def progressbar_iterrows(df, prefix="", size=60, file=sys.stdout, per=1000):
count = len(df)
t = 0
def show(j,elapsed):
avg = 0 if elapsed == 0 else j/elapsed
remaining = 0 if avg == 0 else (count-j)/avg
x = int(size*j/count)
file.write("%s[%s%s] %i%% %i/%i elapsed:%i %i/sec remaining:%i\r" % (prefix, "#"*x, "."*(size-x), j/count, j, count, elapsed, avg, remaining))
file.write("Initializing ...\r")
for i, item in df.iterrows():
yield i,item
if t == 0:
t = time.time()
if i % per == 0:
for n,r in progressbar_iterrows(br_b_sections_df, "Processed: "):
# do something
Processed: [........................] 0% 5000/28751240 elapsed:12 413/sec remaining:55054
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
I use wget, you have to install the module tho in cmd prompt in windows or terminal if on mac or linux
pip install wget
It's pretty straight forward, just use the download() function
import wget
url = input("Enter Url to download: ")
tqdm is also an option, u have to download the module, too.
pip install tqdm
now make sure to import the module, set the range and pass
from tqdm import tqdm
for i in tqdm(range(int(9e7))):
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
Here is a very simple version, in case you have a loop and just want to get an idea of progression of iterations, such as a dot for every, say, 5000 iterations.
my_list = range(0,100000)
counter = 0
for x in my_list:
#your code here
counter = counter + 1
if counter % 5000 == 0:
print(".", end="") # end="" avoids a newline, keeps dots together
print() #this makes sure whatever you print next is in a new line
my_list is not part of the scheme. Use your own iterable, whatever you are looping over. This version doesn't tell you ahead of time how many total iterations.
Upvotes: -2
Reputation: 21
A very simple approach:
def progbar(count: int) -> None:
for i in range(count):
print(f"[{i*'#'}{(count-1-i)*' '}] - {i+1}/{count}", end="\r")
yield i
And the usage:
from time import sleep
for i in progbar(10):
sleep(0.2) #whatever task you need to do
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 9
A simple solution here !
void = '-'
fill = '#'
count = 100/length
increaseCount = 0
for i in range(length):
print('['+(fill*i)+(void*(length-i))+'] '+str(int(increaseCount))+'%',end='\r')
increaseCount += count
print('['+(fill*(i+1))+(void*(length-(i+1)))+'] '+str(int(increaseCount))+'%',end='\n')
Note : You can modify the fill and the "void" character if you want.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 109
The code below is a quite general solution and also has a time elapsed and time remaining estimate. You can use any iterable with it. The progress bar has a fixed size of 25 characters but it can show updates in 1% steps using full, half, and quarter block characters. The output looks like this:
18% |████▌ | \ [0:00:01, 0:00:06]
Code with example:
import sys, time
from numpy import linspace
def ProgressBar(iterObj):
def SecToStr(sec):
m, s = divmod(sec, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
return u'%d:%02d:%02d'%(h, m, s)
L = len(iterObj)
steps = {int(x):y for x,y in zip(linspace(0, L, min(100,L), endpoint=False),
linspace(0, 100, min(100,L), endpoint=False))}
qSteps = ['', u'\u258E', u'\u258C', u'\u258A'] # quarter and half block chars
startT = time.time()
timeStr = ' [0:00:00, -:--:--]'
activity = [' -',' \\',' |',' /']
for nn,item in enumerate(iterObj):
if nn in steps:
done = u'\u2588'*int(steps[nn]/4.0)+qSteps[int(steps[nn]%4)]
todo = ' '*(25-len(done))
barStr = u'%4d%% |%s%s|'%(steps[nn], done, todo)
if nn>0:
endT = time.time()
timeStr = ' [%s, %s]'%(SecToStr(endT-startT),
sys.stdout.write('\r'+barStr+activity[nn%4]+timeStr); sys.stdout.flush()
yield item
barStr = u'%4d%% |%s|'%(100, u'\u2588'*25)
timeStr = ' [%s, 0:00:00]\n'%(SecToStr(time.time()-startT))
sys.stdout.write('\r'+barStr+timeStr); sys.stdout.flush()
# Example
s = ''
for c in ProgressBar(list('Disassemble and reassemble this string')):
s += c
Suggestions for improvements or other comments are appreciated. Cheers!
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 21
This is my simple solution:
import time
def progress(_cur, _max):
p = round(100*_cur/_max)
b = f"Progress: {p}% - ["+"."*int(p/5)+" "*(20-int(p/5))+"]"
print(b, end="\r")
for i in range(0,101):
print("..."*5, end="\r")
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2354
Use the progress library!
pip install progress
Here is a custom subclass I wrote to format the ETA/Elapsed times into a better readable format:
import datetime
from import IncrementalBar
class ProgressBar(IncrementalBar):
My custom progress bar that:
- Show %, count, elapsed, eta
- Time is shown in H:M:S format
message = 'Progress'
suffix = '%(percent).1f%% (%(index)d/%(max)d) -- %(elapsed_min)s (eta: %(eta_min)s)'
def formatTime(self, seconds):
return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds))
def elapsed_min(self):
return self.formatTime(self.elapsed)
def eta_min(self):
return self.formatTime(self.eta)
if __name__=='__main__':
counter = 120
bar = ProgressBar('Processing', max=counter)
for i in range(counter):
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1207
The above suggestions are pretty good, but I think most people just want a ready made solution, with no dependencies on external packages, but is also reusable.
I got the best points of all the above, and made it into a function, along with a test cases.
To use it, just copy the lines under "def update_progress(progress)" but not the test script. Don't forget to import sys. Call this whenever you need to display or update the progress bar.
This works by directly sending the "\r" symbol to console to move cursor back to the start. "print" in python does not recongise the above symbol for this purpose, hence we need 'sys'
import time, sys
# update_progress() : Displays or updates a console progress bar
## Accepts a float between 0 and 1. Any int will be converted to a float.
## A value under 0 represents a 'halt'.
## A value at 1 or bigger represents 100%
def update_progress(progress):
barLength = 10 # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar
status = ""
if isinstance(progress, int):
progress = float(progress)
if not isinstance(progress, float):
progress = 0
status = "error: progress var must be float\r\n"
if progress < 0:
progress = 0
status = "Halt...\r\n"
if progress >= 1:
progress = 1
status = "Done...\r\n"
block = int(round(barLength*progress))
text = "\rPercent: [{0}] {1}% {2}".format( "#"*block + "-"*(barLength-block), progress*100, status)
# update_progress test script
print "progress : 'hello'"
print "progress : 3"
print "progress : [23]"
print ""
print "progress : -10"
print ""
print "progress : 10"
print ""
print "progress : 0->1"
for i in range(101):
print ""
print "Test completed"
This is what the result of the test script shows (The last progress bar animates):
progress : 'hello'
Percent: [----------] 0% error: progress var must be float
progress : 3
Percent: [##########] 100% Done...
progress : [23]
Percent: [----------] 0% error: progress var must be float
progress : -10
Percent: [----------] 0% Halt...
progress : 10
Percent: [##########] 100% Done...
progress : 0->1
Percent: [##########] 100% Done...
Test completed
Upvotes: 109
Reputation: 31
I used format()
method to make a load bar. Here is my solution:
import time
loadbarwidth = 23
for i in range(1, loadbarwidth + 1):
strbarwidth = '[{}{}] - {}\r'.format(
(i * '#'),
((loadbarwidth - i) * '-'),
(('{:0.2f}'.format(((i) * (100/loadbarwidth))) + '%'))
print(strbarwidth ,end = '')
[#######################] - 100.00%
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 629
use the os_sys lib:
i use it for many types of bars, example:
from os_sys.progress import bar as Bar
bar = Bar('progresing: ', max=20)
for i in range(20):
#do somthing
your output will be:
procesing: |###### | 2/10
read more in the discription of os_sys
Upvotes: 0