Reputation: 75
I have a data-set having millions of rows and i need to apply the 'group by' operation in it using R.
The data is of the form
V1 V2 V3
a u 1
a v 2
b w 3
b x 4
c y 5
c z 6
performing 'group by' using R, I want to add up the values in column 3 and concatenate the values in column 2 like
V1 V2 V3
a uv 3
b wx 7
c yz 11
I have tried doing the opertaion in excel but due to a lot of tuples i can't use excel. I am new to R so any help would be appreciated.
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Views: 242
Reputation: 143
You could also just use the groupBy function in the 'caroline' package:
x <[1:3],each=2), V2=letters[21:26], V3=1:6, stringsAsFactors=F)
groupBy(df=x, clmns=c('V2','V3'),by='V1',aggregation=c('paste','sum'),collapse='')
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Reputation: 4472
using ddply
ddply(df, .(V1), summarize, V2 = paste(V2, collapse=''), V3 = sum(V3))
# V1 V2 V3
#1 a uv 3
#2 b wx 7
#3 c yz 11
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 887108
Another option with sqldf
sqldf('select V1,
group_concat(V2,"") as V2,
sum(V3) as V3
from df
group by V1')
# V1 V2 V3
#1 a uv 3
#2 b wx 7
#3 c yz 11
Or using base R,lapply(split(df, df$V1), function(x)
with(x, data.frame(V1=V1[1L], V2= paste(V2, collapse=''), V3= sum(V3)))))
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 51640
Another option, using aggregate
# Group column 2
ag.2 <- aggregate(df$V2, by=list(df$V1), FUN = paste0, collapse = "")
# Group column 3
ag.3 <- aggregate(df$V3, by=list(df$V1), FUN = sum)
# Merge the two
res <- cbind(ag.2, ag.3[,-1])
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 92292
Many possible ways to solve, here are two
setDT(df)[, .(V2 = paste(V2, collapse = ""), V3 = sum(V3)), by = V1]
# V1 V2 V3
# 1: a uv 3
# 2: b wx 7
# 3: c yz 11
df %>%
group_by(V1) %>%
summarise(V2 = paste(V2, collapse = ""), V3 = sum(V3))
# Source: local data table [3 x 3]
# V1 V2 V3
# 1 a uv 3
# 2 b wx 7
# 3 c yz 11
df <- structure(list(V1 = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L), .Label = c("a",
"b", "c"), class = "factor"), V2 = structure(1:6, .Label = c("u",
"v", "w", "x", "y", "z"), class = "factor"), V3 = 1:6), .Names = c("V1",
"V2", "V3"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -6L))
Upvotes: 10