Reputation: 31
This is my sql and i want to handle nulls for date coulmn .
insert into r_intraday_netrev
( report_time, snapshot_time, prodtype, qty, yestasp,
m2_cumpct, m2_predictedunits, m2_rev, m3_cumpct, m3_predictedunits, m3_rev)
select current_time as report_time,
**max(ss_sb1.snapshot_time),**------want to handle nulls for this date coulmn
sum(round( ( (ss_sb1.qty / ss_p2.cumpct) * ss_sb2.asp ) , 0)),
sum(round( ( (ss_sb1.qty / ss_p3.cumpct) * ss_sb2.asp) , 0))
from DW_CORE.ss_topline_a_v ss_sb1
left outer join DW_CORE.ss_topline_rsst_b_v ss_sb2 ON ss_sb1.prodtype = ss_sb2.prodtype
left outer join DW_CORE.ss_predict_p2_v ss_p2 ON (ss_sb1.prodtype = ss_p2.prodtype AND td_day_of_week(ss_sb1.snapshot_time) = ss_p2.dayofweek
AND substr(to_char(ss_sb1.snapshot_time, 'HH24MI' ),1,3)||'0' = ss_p2.timeofday)
left outer join DW_CORE.ss_predict_p3_v ss_p3 ON (ss_sb1.prodtype = ss_p3.prodtype AND (snapshot_time - interval '364' day) = ss_p3.lastyear_date
AND substr(to_char(snapshot_time, 'HH24MI' ),1,3)||'0' = ss_p3.lastyear_time) ;
can you please anyone help me ...
Upvotes: 1
Views: 9890
Reputation: 1927
Assuming you want to default to, let's say, the YEND of 2019:
select coalesce(date_column, to_date('2019-12-31')) from your_table;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 432
You can use the below to check for NULLS in date:
COALESCE((CAST(datecolumn as varchar2(10))),'')<>'' '
Upvotes: 2