Reputation: 1212
It is my first time working with swift tableViews, and I'm just getting into the basics of using them.
I currently have a table in my main storyboard, that has a prototype cell. This prototype cell has a "Disclosure Indicator" Accessory (an arrow, which links to a different View Controller.
Whenever I click on something from the home page of my application (the tableView), it successfully transfers me to the other View Controller.
However, I'm struggling to be able to convert information from the table onto that screen. Here is my code so far:
(Basic assumptions are below the code)
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource {
var alabama = [
("University of Alabama", "29843")
var arizona = [
var arkansas = [
var california = [
var colorado = [
var connecticut = [
var districtofcolumbia = [
var florida = [
var georgia = [
var hawaii = [
var illinois = [
var indiana = [
var iowa = [
var kansas = [
var kentucky = [
var louisiana = [
var maine = [
var maryland = [
var massachusetts = [
var michigan = [
var minnesota = [
var mississippi = [
var missouri = [
var nebraska = [
var nevada = [
var newhampshire = [
var newjersey = [
var newmexico = [
var newyork = [
var northcarolina = [
var ohio = [
var oklahoma = [
var oregon = [
var pennsylvania = [
var puertorico = [
var rhodeisland = [
var southcarolina = [
var tennessee = [
var texas = [
var utah = [
var vermont = [
var virginia = [
var washington = [
var westvirginia = [
var wisconsin = [
("University of Wisconsin", "12345")
//How many sections are in your table?
func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return 45
//How many rows are in your table?
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
if section == 0 {
return alabama.count
if section == 1 {
return arizona.count
if section == 2 {
return arkansas.count
if section == 3 {
return california.count
if section == 4 {
return colorado.count
if section == 5 {
return connecticut.count
if section == 6 {
return districtofcolumbia.count
if section == 7 {
return florida.count
if section == 8 {
return georgia.count
if section == 9 {
return hawaii.count
if section == 10 {
return illinois.count
if section == 11 {
return indiana.count
if section == 12 {
return iowa.count
if section == 13 {
return kansas.count
if section == 14 {
return kentucky.count
if section == 15 {
return louisiana.count
if section == 16 {
return maine.count
if section == 17 {
return maryland.count
if section == 18 {
return massachusetts.count
if section == 19 {
return michigan.count
if section == 20 {
return minnesota.count
if section == 21 {
return mississippi.count
if section == 22 {
return missouri.count
if section == 23 {
return nebraska.count
if section == 24 {
return nevada.count
if section == 25 {
return newhampshire.count
if section == 26 {
return newjersey.count
if section == 27 {
return newmexico.count
if section == 28 {
return newyork.count
if section == 29 {
return northcarolina.count
if section == 30 {
return ohio.count
if section == 31 {
return oklahoma.count
if section == 32 {
return oregon.count
if section == 33 {
return pennsylvania.count
if section == 34 {
return puertorico.count
if section == 35 {
return rhodeisland.count
if section == 36 {
return southcarolina.count
if section == 37 {
return tennessee.count
if section == 38 {
return texas.count
if section == 39 {
return utah.count
if section == 40 {
return vermont.count
if section == 41 {
return virginia.count
if section == 42 {
return washington.count
if section == 43 {
return westvirginia.count
if section == 44 {
return wisconsin.count
return 0
//What are the contents of each cell?
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
//var cell = UITableViewCell()
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("College Cell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as UITableViewCell
if indexPath.section == 0{
var (collegeName, population) = alabama[indexPath.row]
cell.textLabel?.text = "\(collegeName)"
var (collegeName, population) = wisconsin[indexPath.row]
cell.textLabel?.text = "\(collegeName)"
return cell
//Give each table section a title
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {
if section == 0 {
return "alabama"
if section == 1 {
return "arizona"
if section == 2 {
return "arkansas"
if section == 3 {
return "california"
if section == 4 {
return "colorado"
if section == 5 {
return "connecticut"
if section == 6 {
return "district of columbia"
if section == 7 {
return "florida"
if section == 8 {
return "georgia"
if section == 9 {
return "hawaii"
if section == 10 {
return "illinois"
if section == 11 {
return "indiana"
if section == 12 {
return "iowa"
if section == 13 {
return "kansas"
if section == 14 {
return "kentucky"
if section == 15 {
return "louisiana"
if section == 16 {
return "maine"
if section == 17 {
return "maryland"
if section == 18 {
return "massachusetts"
if section == 19 {
return "michigan"
if section == 20 {
return "minnesota"
if section == 21 {
return "mississippi"
if section == 22 {
return "missouri"
if section == 23 {
return "nebraska"
if section == 24 {
return "nevada"
if section == 25 {
return "new hampshire"
if section == 26 {
return "new jersey"
if section == 27 {
return "new mexico"
if section == 28 {
return "new york"
if section == 29 {
return "north carolina"
if section == 30 {
return "ohio"
if section == 31 {
return "oklahoma"
if section == 32 {
return "oregon"
if section == 33 {
return "pennsylvania"
if section == 34 {
return "puerto rico"
if section == 35 {
return "rhode island"
if section == 36 {
return "south carolina"
if section == 37 {
return "tennessee"
if section == 38 {
return "texas"
if section == 39 {
return "utah"
if section == 40 {
return "vermont"
if section == 41 {
return "virginia"
if section == 42 {
return "washington"
if section == 43 {
return "west virginia"
if section == 44 {
return "wisconsin"
return ""
override func viewDidLoad() {
Assume that I have filled in all of the initial variables of each state name with each college in the state, as well as the second string being the student population of each college (as in the first example, ("University of Alabama", "29843").
Furthermore, assume that the "tableView" function appropriately works for all variables (and not just "alabama" and "wisconsin", as it is now).
What I would like to happen is when I click on a college (such as "University of Alabama"), when it redirects to the new View Controller, I would like it to display the population information as a string (and in the future, any other information I list with each college, such as City Location, etc...).
I believe that I need to use a new class and connect it to my View Controller, which I have done. From here, I am lost as to how to the pass the data across.
Thank you very much!
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Views: 128
Reputation: 23459
As you said, once you're connected your cell to the next view controller using a segue you can use the method prepareForSegue:sender:
which function is notifies the view controller that a segue is about to be performed and it could be used to pass data between UIViewControllers
connected by segues, like in the following way:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue!, sender: AnyObject!) {
// Here you use the segue.destinationViewController to access to the next view controller
let nextViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! NextViewControllerName
// here you can access to the properties of the class instantiated and set it data
// nextViewController.propertyName = value
In the above example I assume you only have one segue, in case you have more than one you need to set the identifier for each segue you want to identify using Interface Builder in the Attributes Inspector once you have selected in Interface Builder and the modify the above code like in the following way:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue!, sender: AnyObject!) {
if segue.identifier == "nameYouSetForYourSegue" {
// Here you use the segue.destinationViewController to access to the next view controller
let nextViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! NextViewControllerName
// here you can access to the properties of the class instantiated and set it data
// nextViewController.propertyName = value
I hope this help you.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 5248
What you'll need to do:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: UITableViewCell) {
if segue.identifier == "yourStoryboardSegue" { //you'll set this up by control dragging to the next view controller
if let destinationVC = segue.destinationViewController as? YourViewControllerClass {
destinationVC.schoolName = sender.textLabel?.text
destinationVC.schoolPopulation = sender.detailTextLabel?.text
In order, first you'll prepare for segue, and set the sender as the UITableViewCell
that was tapped. By dragging from your prototype cell to your next view controller, you'll then have a segue. Make sure to set the identifier in the attributes inspector when you do this.
Then we'll try and create a new instance of the view controller this tap is seguing to. If we can create one, by checking to see if the destinationViewController
is of the type you're expecting, then we can set properties of the destination, such as the name and population, which have to be set in the destination controller like var schoolName = String()
and var schoolPopulation = Int()
or whatever types of properties you choose.
Edit: As a note, I feel I would miss out on a teaching moment here if I didn't tell you that your date structure and setup are horrible, and you should look into moving them into a model class.
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