Flo Chi
Flo Chi

Reputation: 65

saving vectors from a loop in a list in r

Hi I never edited a question of mine but I'll give it a try. It's not soo extremely important what the code means actually. For me only saving the vectors "liste" in a new list is relevant :D

test <- list()
test <- replicate(5, sample(1:100, 50), simplify = FALSE)  # Creates a list of 5 vectors
> test[[1]]
[1]  90  96  20  86  32  77  83  33  64  29  88  97  78  81  40  60  89  19  31  59  26  38  34  71   5  80  85
[28]   3  70  87  41  50   6  18  37  58   9  76  91  62  12  30  42  94  72  95 100  10  68  82

S <- test[[1]]

x <- diff(S)   # following algorythm creates "liste" (vector) for test [[1]]
trendtest <- list()
k <- NULL                          
d <- NULL                                
t <- vector("list",length(x))
A <- vector("list",length(x)) 
z <- vector("list",length(x)-2)
za <- vector("list",length(x)-2)
liste <- NULL
dreisum <- sapply(1:(length(x)-2), function(i) sum(x[c(i,(i+1))]))
dreisumi <- lapply(1:(length(x)-2), function(i) dreisum[i:(length(x)-2)]) 
zdreisumi<- lapply(1:(length(x)-4), function(i) dreisumi[[i]]  [3:length(dreisumi[[i]])]<0)
zadreisumi<- lapply(1:(length(S)-4), function(i) dreisumi[[i]][3:length(dreisumi[[i]])]>0)
Si <- lapply(1:(length(x)-2), function(i) S[i:(length(x))])  
i <- 1
h <- 1
while(i<(length(x)-3) & h!=Inf){                   
k <- c(k,k <- (S[i]-S[i+2])/(-2))
d <- c(d,d <- (S[i+2]*i-S[i]*(i+2))/(-2))
t[[i]] <- i:(length(x))
A[[i]] <- k[length(liste)+1]*t[[i]]+d[length(liste)+1]
A[[i]][3] <- S[i+2]
z[[i]] <- Si[[i]][3:length(Si[[i]])]<A[[i]][3:length(A[[i]])]
za[[i]] <- Si[[i]][3:length(Si[[i]])]>A[[i]][3:length(A[[i]])]

if(k[length(liste)+1]>0 & S[i+3]>A[[i]][4] & is.element(TRUE,z[[i]])){h <- (min(which(z[[i]]!=FALSE))+1)}else{
     if(k[length(liste)+1]>0 & S[i+3]<A[[i]][4] & is.element(TRUE,za[[i]])){h <- (min(which(za[[i]]!=FALSE))+1)}else{
         if(k[length(liste)+1]<0 & S[i+3]>A[[i]][4] & is.element(TRUE,z[[i]])){h <- (min(which(z[[i]]!=FALSE))+1)}else{
            if(k[length(liste)+1]<0 & S[i+3]<A[[i]][4] & is.element(TRUE,za[[i]])){h <- (min(which(za[[i]]!=FALSE))+1)}else{
                if(k[length(liste)+1]>0 & S[i+3]>A[[i]][4] & (all(z[[i]]==FALSE))){h <- (min(which(zdreisumi[[i]]!=FALSE))+2)}else{
                    if(k[length(liste)+1]>0 & S[i+3]<A[[i]][4] & (all(za[[i]]==FALSE))){h <- (min(which(zdreisumi[[i]]!=FALSE))+2)}else{
                         if(k[length(liste)+1]<0 & S[i+3]>A[[i]][4] & (all(z[[i]]==FALSE))){h <- (min(which(zadreisumi[[i]]!=FALSE))+2)}else{
                             if(k[length(liste)+1]<0 & S[i+3]<A[[i]][4] & (all(za[[i]]==FALSE))){h <- (min(which(zadreisumi[[i]]!=FALSE))+2)}}}}}}}}
liste <- c(liste,i)
 i <- i+h-1   
 if((length(x)-3)<=i & i<=length(x)){liste <- c(liste,i)}}

 > liste
 [1]  1  3  7 10 12 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 39 41 46

Actually the whole code is not so interesting for my problem because it works! I made the example for test[[1]] now. BUT I want that a for-loop (or whatever) takes ALL vectors in "test" and saves ALL 5 vectors "liste" in a new list (lets call it "trendtest" ... whatever :D)

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2215

Answers (1)


Reputation: 14997

The following will do what you ask for:

  • Delete the line trendtest <- list().
  • Take the code from x <- diff(S) to last line (except the very last line that only prints liste) and insert it at the position indicated by the placeholder __CODE_HERE__.
trendtest <- lapply(test, FUN = function(S) {

This is the "R way" of doing what you want. Alternatively, you could do the following (which is closer to your initial approach, but less the "R way"):

trendtest <- vector("list", length(test))

for (u in 1:length(test)) { # better: u in seq_along(test)
    S <- test[[u]]


    trendtest[[u]] <- liste

Note that there will be an error message which is due to the sample data (which doesn't fit the algorithm provided) and is unrelated to saving liste in trendtest.

Upvotes: 2

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