Reputation: 363
I have user data from between 1 and 20 multiple-response questions. In other words, users did not all answer the same number of questions; they could choose how many of the 20 questions they wanted to answer. All questions have the same number of response options (which was 44), and users could choose as few or as many response options as they wanted for each question.
To give an example, here's a subset of the data (representing 3 multiple-response questions with 5 response options on each):
mydata <- structure(list(id = 1:5, q1.response1 = c(1L, NA, 1L, NA, 1L),
q1.response2 = c(NA, 1L, 1L, NA, NA), q1.response3 = c(NA,
1L, 1L, 1L, NA), q1.response4 = c(1L, 1L, 1L, NA, 1L), q1.response5 = c(NA,
1L, 1L, NA, NA), q2.response1 = c(NA, 1L, NA, NA, NA), q2.response2 = c(1L,
NA, 1L, 1L, 1L), q2.response3 = c(NA, 1L, NA, 1L, NA), q2.response4 = c(1L,
NA, NA, NA, 1L), q2.response5 = c(NA, 1L, NA, 1L, NA), q3.response1 = c(1L,
1L, NA, 1L, NA), q3.response2 = c(NA, 1L, NA, NA, NA), q3.response3 = c(1L,
NA, NA, 1L, NA), q3.response4 = c(1L, 1L, NA, NA, NA), q3.response5 = c(1L,
NA, NA, NA, NA)), .Names = c("id", "q1.response1", "q1.response2",
"q1.response3", "q1.response4", "q1.response5", "q2.response1",
"q2.response2", "q2.response3", "q2.response4", "q2.response5",
"q3.response1", "q3.response2", "q3.response3", "q3.response4",
"q3.response5"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L))
A "1" indicates that they checked off that option; NA indicates that they did not.
What I was to do is calculate the following for each of the 5 users: , where ni is the number of responses that appear in a particular combination of questions, and i = 1, ..., 2k, where k is the number of multiple-choice questions.
For example, if another person responds to 3 multiple-response questions (as in the above example), each of the 5 response options will fall into ONLY 1 of 23=8 possible group combinations:
1) Response options selected only in question 1
2) Response options selected only in question 2
3) Response options selected only in question 3
4) Response options selected in both question 1 and 2
5) Response options selected in both question 1 and 3
6) Response options selected in both question 2 and 3
7) Response options selected in question 1, 2, and 3
8) Response options that were not selected at all
As an example, for respondent #1 in the sample data:
1) Response options selected only in question 1: none = 0 responses
2) Response options selected only in question 2: response2 = 1 response
3) Response options selected only in question 3: response3, response5 = 2 responses
4) Response options selected in both question 1 and 2: none = 0 responses
5) Response options selected in both question 1 and 3: response1 = 1 response
6) Response options selected in both question 2 and 3: none = 0 responses
7) Response options selected in question 1, 2, and 3: response4 = 1 response
8) Response options that were not selected at all: none = 0 responses
So the score for this respondent would be:
(0*log2(0))+(1*log2(1))+(2*log2(2))+(0*log2(0))+(1*log2(1))+(0*log2(0))+(1*log2(1))+(0*log2(0)) = 2
Any idea how to code this in R?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 543
Reputation: 35314
The first thing I would do here is transform your data into long format. There are various ways of doing this, such as the base R reshape()
function, and the reshape2 package, but I actually decided to do it manually in this case by constructing a new data.frame using the constructor function data.frame()
and a few carefully written calls to rep()
. This approach also depends on flattening the original data.frame (minus the initial id
column, which I instantiate separately) to a vector via as.matrix()
and then c()
, which follows the original data across rows and then across columns. The rep()
calls had to be designed to align with that order.
## id q1.response1 q1.response2 q1.response3 q1.response4 q1.response5 q2.response1 q2.response2 q2.response3 q2.response4 q2.response5 q3.response1 q3.response2 q3.response3 q3.response4 q3.response5
## 1 1 1 NA NA 1 NA NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 1 1
## 2 2 NA 1 1 1 1 1 NA 1 NA 1 1 1 NA 1 NA
## 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 NA 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
## 4 4 NA NA 1 NA NA NA 1 1 NA 1 1 NA 1 NA NA
## 5 5 1 NA NA 1 NA NA 1 NA 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA
NU <- nrow(mydata);
NQ <- 3;
NO <- 5;
long <- data.frame(id=rep(mydata$id,NQ*NO),question=rep(1:NQ,each=NO*NU),option=rep(1:NO,each=NU,NQ),response=c(as.matrix(mydata[-1])));
## id question option response
## 1 1 1 1 1
## 2 2 1 1 NA
## 3 3 1 1 1
## 4 4 1 1 NA
## 5 5 1 1 1
## 6 1 1 2 NA
## 7 2 1 2 1
## 8 3 1 2 1
## 9 4 1 2 NA
## 10 5 1 2 NA
## 11 1 1 3 NA
## 12 2 1 3 1
## 13 3 1 3 1
## 14 4 1 3 1
## 15 5 1 3 NA
## 16 1 1 4 1
## 17 2 1 4 1
## 18 3 1 4 1
## 19 4 1 4 NA
## 20 5 1 4 1
## 21 1 1 5 NA
## 22 2 1 5 1
## 23 3 1 5 1
## 24 4 1 5 NA
## 25 5 1 5 NA
## 26 1 2 1 NA
## 27 2 2 1 1
## 28 3 2 1 NA
## 29 4 2 1 NA
## 30 5 2 1 NA
## 31 1 2 2 1
## 32 2 2 2 NA
## 33 3 2 2 1
## 34 4 2 2 1
## 35 5 2 2 1
## 36 1 2 3 NA
## 37 2 2 3 1
## 38 3 2 3 NA
## 39 4 2 3 1
## 40 5 2 3 NA
## 41 1 2 4 1
## 42 2 2 4 NA
## 43 3 2 4 NA
## 44 4 2 4 NA
## 45 5 2 4 1
## 46 1 2 5 NA
## 47 2 2 5 1
## 48 3 2 5 NA
## 49 4 2 5 1
## 50 5 2 5 NA
## 51 1 3 1 1
## 52 2 3 1 1
## 53 3 3 1 NA
## 54 4 3 1 1
## 55 5 3 1 NA
## 56 1 3 2 NA
## 57 2 3 2 1
## 58 3 3 2 NA
## 59 4 3 2 NA
## 60 5 3 2 NA
## 61 1 3 3 1
## 62 2 3 3 NA
## 63 3 3 3 NA
## 64 4 3 3 1
## 65 5 3 3 NA
## 66 1 3 4 1
## 67 2 3 4 1
## 68 3 3 4 NA
## 69 4 3 4 NA
## 70 5 3 4 NA
## 71 1 3 5 1
## 72 2 3 5 NA
## 73 3 3 5 NA
## 74 4 3 5 NA
## 75 5 3 5 NA
Here's a demo of how to use reshape()
to accomplish the same thing. As you can see, this requires two consecutive calls to reshape()
, because we need to longify both the option
variable and the question
variable. The order of these two columns ends up being reversed from what I created above, but that's circumstantial. Note that this approach absolves us of the need to manually store (or derive, which could theoretically be done) NQ
and NO
in advance of the transformation, but at the expense of the complexity of appeasing the quirks of the reshape()
long1 <- transform(structure(reshape(mydata,dir='l',varying=2:ncol(mydata),timevar='option'),reshapeLong=NULL),option=as.integer(sub('^response','',option,perl=T)));
long2 <- transform(structure(reshape(long1,dir='l',idvar=c('id','option'),varying=3:ncol(long1),timevar='question',sep=''),reshapeLong=NULL),question=as.integer(question),response=q,q=NULL);
rownames(long2) <- NULL;
## [1] TRUE
The next step is figuring out which options for each user fell into which category. By "category" I'm referring to the combination of questions for which that user selected that particular option. Your formula requires first summing up the number of options that fall into each category.
Initially, I got the idea to normalize each user's selections for a particular option to a single number by treating each question as a binary digit and summing up the place-value-weighted numerical value of each selection. So, for example, if a user selected a particular option on questions 1 and 3, but not on question 2, then that would be binary 101 which would normalize to 5. This was the result, using aggregate()
to group by id
and option
combo <- aggregate(cbind(category=response)~id+option,long,function(x) sum(x*2^(length(x):1-1),na.rm=T),na.action=na.pass);
## id option category
## 1 1 1 5
## 2 2 1 3
## 3 3 1 4
## 4 4 1 1
## 5 5 1 4
## 6 1 2 2
## 7 2 2 5
## 8 3 2 6
## 9 4 2 2
## 10 5 2 2
## 11 1 3 1
## 12 2 3 6
## 13 3 3 4
## 14 4 3 7
## 15 5 3 0
## 16 1 4 7
## 17 2 4 5
## 18 3 4 4
## 19 4 4 0
## 20 5 4 6
## 21 1 5 1
## 22 2 5 6
## 23 3 5 4
## 24 4 5 2
## 25 5 5 0
However, I then realized that this approach could easily lead to a problem. The issue is that it requires multiplying by place values that extend up to 2k-1. For your particular case k is 20, so that's only 524288, which is perfectly manageable, but imagine if you had 100 questions; the largest place value would be 633825300114114700748351602688! That doesn't fit into a 32-bit integer and so it would be converted to a double (roughly 6.33825300114115e+29), and that would screw up the entire aggregation we're going to have to do next (stay tuned), since nearby categories would be "rounded" together, due to the floating absolute precision of doubles.
I thought about how to solve this problem, and realized that it makes most sense to just switch to a string representation of the category. This will allow us to handle large numbers of questions, while still providing a simple and easily comparable representation of the category. I also manually set it as a factor rather than a character vector, which will be useful later on for the tabulate()
call. So, here's the improved solution, again using aggregate()
to group by id
and option
combo <- aggregate(cbind(category=response)~id+option,long,function(x) factor(paste(replace(x,,0),collapse='')),na.action=na.pass);
## id option category
## 1 1 1 101
## 2 2 1 011
## 3 3 1 100
## 4 4 1 001
## 5 5 1 100
## 6 1 2 010
## 7 2 2 101
## 8 3 2 110
## 9 4 2 010
## 10 5 2 010
## 11 1 3 001
## 12 2 3 110
## 13 3 3 100
## 14 4 3 111
## 15 5 3 000
## 16 1 4 111
## 17 2 4 101
## 18 3 4 100
## 19 4 4 000
## 20 5 4 110
## 21 1 5 001
## 22 2 5 110
## 23 3 5 100
## 24 4 5 010
## 25 5 5 000
As a slight alternative, to save on characters, we could use more compact encodings than the above binary strings. Here's a rather intricate line of code to build hex strings:
combo <- aggregate(cbind(category=response)~id+option,long,function(x) factor(paste(c(0:9,letters[1:6])[colSums(matrix(c(rep(0,ceiling(length(x)/4)*4-length(x)),x)*2^(3:0),4),na.rm=T)+1],collapse='')),na.action=na.pass);
## id option category
## 1 1 1 5
## 2 2 1 3
## 3 3 1 4
## 4 4 1 1
## 5 5 1 4
## 6 1 2 2
## 7 2 2 5
## 8 3 2 6
## 9 4 2 2
## 10 5 2 2
## 11 1 3 1
## 12 2 3 6
## 13 3 3 4
## 14 4 3 7
## 15 5 3 0
## 16 1 4 7
## 17 2 4 5
## 18 3 4 4
## 19 4 4 0
## 20 5 4 6
## 21 1 5 1
## 22 2 5 6
## 23 3 5 4
## 24 4 5 2
## 25 5 5 0
Note how this result looks identical to the place value solution given earlier. That's just because this sample data has only 3 questions and thus only 8 categories, which doesn't extend into the hexadecimal letter range. On the other hand, the identicalness is a nice demonstration of how both solutions use a kind of numerical value representation, with the place value solution using actual integers, and this solution using hexadecimal strings.
The next step is to aggregate on the category, summing up ni log2 ni for all categories.
Now, since the addend is zero for ni = 0, we don't actually have to add up the value for every possible category; we can ignore the ones that are not present. This is fortunate, since there are 2k categories, which would become huge for large k. In other words, all we have to do is sum up the expression for each category that is represented in the data to get the result. And furthermore, since the addend is also zero for ni = 1, since log2(1) = 0, we can excise every category that has less than 2 constituents. Thus we have:
res <- aggregate(cbind(score=category)~id,combo,function(x) { nc <- tabulate(x); nc <- nc[nc>1]; sum(nc*log2(nc)); });
## id score
## 1 1 2
## 2 2 4
## 3 3 8
## 4 4 2
## 5 5 2
This was a very complex question, and I might have made a mistake somewhere, so please check my work!
Upvotes: 4