Reputation: 2524
I'm trying to create a function that sums the result of all of one query's values and compares it to a number of another, simple query.
This is what I have, however I'm getting a syntax error near begin (2nd line):
CREATE FUNCTION trigf1(sbno integer, scid numeric(4,0)) RETURNS integer
declare sum int default 0;
declare max as SELECT totvoters FROM ballotbox WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno;
for r as
SELECT nofvotes FROM votes WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno;
set sum = sum + r.nofvotes;
end for
if sum > max
then return(0);
This results in:
Syntax error near 'BEGIN'
I'm using postgreSQL and the pgadminIII (just in case it is relevant).
I have no idea why I'm getting this error, everything seems to be exactly as the textbook defined. (This is the text book I'm using:,-6th-ed.html)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 15509
I don't know which "textbook" you were using but if everything you wrote is exactly as in that book, that book is totally wrong:
CREATE FUNCTION trigf1(sbno integer, scid numeric(4,0))
RETURNS integer
AS -- error #1: no AS keyword
$body$ -- error #2: use dollar quoting to specify the function body as a string
DECLARE -- error #3: the declare block comes before the actual code
sum_ integer := 0; -- error #5: you can't use a reserved keyword as a variable
max_ integer; -- error #6: you can't initialize a variable with a select,
r record; -- you need to declare the record for the cursor loop
select totvoters
into max_
from ballotbox
WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno;
-- error #7: the syntax for a loop uses IN not AS
-- error #8: you need to declare R before you can use it
-- error #9: the SELECT for a cursor loop must NOT be terminated with a ;
FOR r IN SELECT nofvotes FROM votes WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno
loop -- error #10: you need to use LOOP, not DO
sum_ := sum_ + r.nofvotes; -- error #11: you need to use := for an assignment, not SET
end loop; -- error #12: it's END LOOP
-- error #13: you need to terminate the statement with a ;
if sum_ > max_ then
return 0;
return 1;
end if; -- error #14: an END if is required
language plpgsql; -- error #14: you need to specify the language
The manual documents all this:
The whole FOR
loop is not needed and extremely inefficient. It can be replaced with:
SELECT sum(nofvotes)
into sum_
FROM votes
WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno;
Postgres has a native boolean type, it's better to use that instead of integers. If you declare the function as returns boolean
, the last line can be simplified to
return max_ > sum_;
This part:
select totvoters
into max_
from ballotbox
WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno;
will only work if cid,bno is unique in the table ballotbox. Otherwise you might get an error at runtime if the select returns more than one row.
Assuming that the select on ballotbox
does use the primary (or a unique) key, the whole function can be simplified to a small SQL expression:
create function trigf1(sbno integer, scid numeric(4,0))
returns boolean
return (select totvoters from ballotbox WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno) >
(SELECT sum(nofvotes) FROM votes WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno);
language sql;
Upvotes: 16
Reputation: 700840
The body of the function should be a string after the as
keyword, i.e. as 'code...'
. Usually a dollar-quoted string is used:
CREATE FUNCTION trigf1(sbno integer, scid numeric(4,0)) RETURNS integer
AS $$
declare sum int default 0;
declare max as SELECT totvoters FROM ballotbox WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno;
for r as
SELECT nofvotes FROM votes WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno;
set sum = sum + r.nofvotes;
end for
if sum > max
then return(0);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
I am not really a postgresSQL person, but I would have thought
declare max as SELECT totvoters FROM ballotbox WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno;
should be
declare max := SELECT totvoters FROM ballotbox WHERE cid=scid AND bno=sbno;
Upvotes: 0