Reputation: 45
I need temperature sensor of CPU in my VB.NET program, I want to use OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll in to take values of CPU temp.
I download dll from here:
I have only this code:
Imports OpenHardwareMonitor
Imports OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cp As New Computer()
cp.HDDEnabled = True
cp.FanControllerEnabled = True
cp.RAMEnabled = True
cp.GPUEnabled = True
cp.MainboardEnabled = True
cp.CPUEnabled = True
Dim Info As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To cp.Hardware.Count() - 1
If cp.Hardware(i).HardwareType = HardwareType.Mainboard Then
Info += " Motherboard: " & Trim(cp.Hardware(i).Name) & vbCrLf
End If
If cp.Hardware(i).HardwareType = HardwareType.CPU Then
Info += " Processor: " & Trim(cp.Hardware(i).Name) & vbCrLf
End If
If cp.Hardware(i).HardwareType = HardwareType.GpuNvidia Then
Info += " Video Card: " & Trim(cp.Hardware(i).Name) & vbCrLf
End If
If cp.Hardware(i).HardwareType = HardwareType.RAM Then
Info += " RAM: " & Trim(cp.Hardware(i).Name) & vbCrLf
End If
If cp.Hardware(i).HardwareType = HardwareType.HDD Then
Info += " HDD: " & Trim(cp.Hardware(i).Name) & vbCrLf
End If
If cp.Hardware(i).HardwareType = HardwareType.SuperIO Then
Info += " SuperIO: " & Trim(cp.Hardware(i).Name) & vbCrLf
End If
TextBox1.Text = Info
End Sub
End Class
But with this I only get name of my Hardware I need CPU Temperature.
I tried WMI to use in VB.NET but I get Not Supported message.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 12925
Reputation: 46
Check This real time Temperature Info system.
Imports System
Imports System.Management
Imports OpenHardwareMonitor
Imports OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim computer As New Computer()
computer.CPUEnabled = True
Dim cpu = computer.Hardware.Where(Function(h) h.HardwareType = HardwareType.CPU).FirstOrDefault()
If cpu IsNot Nothing Then
Dim tempSensors = cpu.Sensors.Where(Function(s) s.SensorType = SensorType.Temperature)
Label1.Text = tempSensors.ToList.Item(0).Value
Label2.Text = tempSensors.ToList.Item(1).Value
MetroProgressSpinner1.Value = Label1.Text
MetroProgressSpinner2.Value = Label2.Text
End If
End Sub
End Class
Check Screenshot and attach source code. Working Screenshot.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 21
I just got this working in VS2015 so figured I would share...
1 - Download openhardware monitor, extract and put the .dll into your Bin\debug folder for your project
2- Make sure you start VS as an administrator
3- Import OpenHardwareMonitor and OpenHardwarMonitor.Hardware
4- Class Level Globals {Public CPUTemp as Double, Public cp As New Computer()}
I then used the following code in a background worker which I tweaked from above:
Dim cpu = cp.Hardware.Where(Function(h) h.HardwareType = HardwareType.CPU).FirstOrDefault()
For i As Integer = 0 To cp.Hardware.Count() - 1
Dim hw = cp.Hardware(i)
Select Case hw.HardwareType
Case HardwareType.CPU
Dim sensor = hw.Sensors(5) 'AVERAGE CPU TEMPERATURE
CPUTemp = sensor.Value
End Select
The temperature displays in Celsius as shown in my little widget
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 45
Thanks, I also found this code and perfectly working!
Imports OpenHardwareMonitor
Imports OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cp As New Computer()
cp.HDDEnabled = True
cp.FanControllerEnabled = True
cp.RAMEnabled = True
cp.GPUEnabled = True
cp.MainboardEnabled = True
cp.CPUEnabled = True
Dim Info As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To cp.Hardware.Count() - 1
Dim hw = cp.Hardware(i)
Select Case hw.HardwareType
Case HardwareType.Mainboard
TextBox3.AppendText("Motherboard" & vbCrLf)
For k = 0 To hw.SubHardware.Count - 1
Dim subhardware = hw.SubHardware(k)
TextBox3.AppendText(subhardware.Name & vbCrLf)
For j = 0 To subhardware.Sensors.Count - 1
Dim sensor = subhardware.Sensors(j)
TextBox3.AppendText(sensor.SensorType & " - " & sensor.Name & " - " & sensor.Value & vbCrLf)
Case HardwareType.CPU
TextBox3.AppendText("CPU" & vbCrLf)
For j = 0 To hw.Sensors.Count - 1
Dim sensor = hw.Sensors(j)
TextBox3.AppendText(sensor.SensorType & " - " & sensor.Name & " - " & sensor.Value & vbCrLf)
Case HardwareType.RAM
TextBox3.AppendText("RAM" & vbCrLf)
For j = 0 To hw.Sensors.Count - 1
Dim sensor = hw.Sensors(j)
TextBox3.AppendText(sensor.SensorType & " - " & sensor.Name & " - " & sensor.Value & vbCrLf)
End Select
End Sub
End Class
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1792
This gave me back the temperatures of all my cpu-sensors. Make sure to run the Visual Studio instance with administrator-rights. It might not work otherwise. The OpenHardwareMonitor DLL also needed to be on the local disk for this to work.
Dim computer As New Computer()
computer.CPUEnabled = True
Dim cpu = computer.Hardware.Where(Function(h) h.HardwareType = HardwareType.CPU).FirstOrDefault()
If cpu IsNot Nothing Then
Dim tempSensors = cpu.Sensors.Where(Function(s) s.SensorType = SensorType.Temperature)
tempSensors.ToList.ForEach(Sub(s) Console.WriteLine(s.Value))
End If
Upvotes: 2