Reputation: 37104
The question is how to format a JavaScript Date
as a string stating the time elapsed similar to the way you see times displayed on Stack Overflow.
Upvotes: 380
Views: 342215
Reputation: 109
Replying to @Stas Parshin answer, it is best answer here with less code, but it has bug when using with typescript, the .format function of Intl takes 2 inputs
Units - i.e of type 'RelativeTimeFormatUnit' so if you pass a object key typescript will through error saying unit must be of type RelativeTimeFormatUnit and not of type string, so the work-around for this is to use the type to make another list of same type and rest you can have look at code... Happy coding.
function timeAgo(input) {
const date = (input instanceof Date) ? input : new Date(input);
const formatter = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('en');
const ranges = [
['years', 3600 * 24 * 365],
['months', 3600 * 24 * 30],
['weeks', 3600 * 24 * 7],
['days', 3600 * 24],
['hours', 3600],
['minutes', 60],
['seconds', 1],
] as const;
const secondsElapsed = (date.getTime() - / 1000;
for (const [rangeType, rangeVal] of ranges) {
if (rangeVal < Math.abs(secondsElapsed)) {
const delta = secondsElapsed / rangeVal;
return formatter.format(Math.round(delta), rangeType);
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 482
dayjs has a neat little one liner. Here is a function I pass a timestamp(ts) as a string. ts is in ISO format already.
export function nTimeAgo(ts: string){
return `${dayjs().to(dayjs(ts), true)} ago`;
Link to docs here:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 22208
So here is my version, it works both with dates in the past and in the future. It uses the Intl.RelativeTimeFormat to provide localized strings, instead of hardcoded strings. You can pass dates as timestamps, Date objects or parseable date strings.
* Human readable elapsed or remaining time (example: 3 minutes ago)
* @param {Date|Number|String} date A Date object, timestamp or string parsable with Date.parse()
* @param {Date|Number|String} [nowDate] A Date object, timestamp or string parsable with Date.parse()
* @param {Intl.RelativeTimeFormat} [trf] A Intl formater
* @return {string} Human readable elapsed or remaining time
* @author
* @see
function fromNow(date, nowDate =, rft = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(undefined, { numeric: "auto" })) {
const SECOND = 1000;
const MINUTE = 60 * SECOND;
const HOUR = 60 * MINUTE;
const DAY = 24 * HOUR;
const WEEK = 7 * DAY;
const YEAR = 365 * DAY;
const MONTH = YEAR / 12;
const intervals = [
{ ge: YEAR, divisor: YEAR, unit: 'year' },
{ ge: MONTH, divisor: MONTH, unit: 'month' },
{ ge: WEEK, divisor: WEEK, unit: 'week' },
{ ge: DAY, divisor: DAY, unit: 'day' },
{ ge: HOUR, divisor: HOUR, unit: 'hour' },
{ ge: MINUTE, divisor: MINUTE, unit: 'minute' },
{ ge: 30 * SECOND, divisor: SECOND, unit: 'seconds' },
{ ge: 0, divisor: 1, text: 'just now' },
const now = typeof nowDate === 'object' ? nowDate.getTime() : new Date(nowDate).getTime();
const diff = now - (typeof date === 'object' ? date : new Date(date)).getTime();
const diffAbs = Math.abs(diff);
for (const interval of intervals) {
if (diffAbs >= {
const x = Math.round(Math.abs(diff) / interval.divisor);
const isFuture = diff < 0;
return interval.unit ? rft.format(isFuture ? x : -x, interval.unit) : interval.text;
// examples
fromNow('2020-01-01') // 9 months ago
fromNow(161651684156) // 4 days ago
fromNow(new Date()-1) // just now
fromNow(30000 + // in 30 seconds
fromNow( + (1000*60*60*24)) // in 1 day
fromNow(new Date('2029-12-01Z00:00:00.000')) // in 9 years
Alternative that doesn't use Intl.RelativeTimeFormat
* Human readable elapsed or remaining time (example: 3 minutes ago)
* @param {Date|Number|String} date A Date object, timestamp or string parsable with Date.parse()
* @return {string} Human readable elapsed or remaining time
* @author
* @see
function fromNow(date) {
const SECOND = 1000;
const MINUTE = 60 * SECOND;
const HOUR = 60 * MINUTE;
const DAY = 24 * HOUR;
const WEEK = 7 * DAY;
const YEAR = 365 * DAY;
const MONTH = YEAR / 12;
const units = [
{ max: 30 * SECOND, divisor: 1, past1: 'just now', pastN: 'just now', future1: 'just now', futureN: 'just now' },
{ max: MINUTE, divisor: SECOND, past1: 'a second ago', pastN: '# seconds ago', future1: 'in a second', futureN: 'in # seconds' },
{ max: HOUR, divisor: MINUTE, past1: 'a minute ago', pastN: '# minutes ago', future1: 'in a minute', futureN: 'in # minutes' },
{ max: DAY, divisor: HOUR, past1: 'an hour ago', pastN: '# hours ago', future1: 'in an hour', futureN: 'in # hours' },
{ max: WEEK, divisor: DAY, past1: 'yesterday', pastN: '# days ago', future1: 'tomorrow', futureN: 'in # days' },
{ max: 4 * WEEK, divisor: WEEK, past1: 'last week', pastN: '# weeks ago', future1: 'in a week', futureN: 'in # weeks' },
{ max: YEAR, divisor: MONTH, past1: 'last month', pastN: '# months ago', future1: 'in a month', futureN: 'in # months' },
{ max: 100 * YEAR, divisor: YEAR, past1: 'last year', pastN: '# years ago', future1: 'in a year', futureN: 'in # years' },
{ max: 1000 * YEAR, divisor: 100 * YEAR, past1: 'last century', pastN: '# centuries ago', future1: 'in a century', futureN: 'in # centuries' },
{ max: Infinity, divisor: 1000 * YEAR, past1: 'last millennium', pastN: '# millennia ago', future1: 'in a millennium', futureN: 'in # millennia' },
const diff = - (typeof date === 'object' ? date : new Date(date)).getTime();
const diffAbs = Math.abs(diff);
for (const unit of units) {
if (diffAbs < unit.max) {
const isFuture = diff < 0;
const x = Math.round(Math.abs(diff) / unit.divisor);
if (x <= 1) return isFuture ? unit.future1 : unit.past1;
return (isFuture ? unit.futureN : unit.pastN).replace('#', x);
Upvotes: 27
Reputation: 1703
Yet another take on Intl.RelativeTimeFormat
and Date
function timeAgo(input) {
const date = (input instanceof Date) ? input : new Date(input);
const formatter = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('en');
const ranges = {
years: 3600 * 24 * 365,
months: 3600 * 24 * 30,
weeks: 3600 * 24 * 7,
days: 3600 * 24,
hours: 3600,
minutes: 60,
seconds: 1
const secondsElapsed = (date.getTime() - / 1000;
for (let key in ranges) {
if (ranges[key] < Math.abs(secondsElapsed)) {
const delta = secondsElapsed / ranges[key];
return formatter.format(Math.round(delta), key);
UPDATE For TypeScript usage please also consider the following answer
Upvotes: 44
Reputation: 426
I used an old answer by Possible 11 and I added Intl.RelativeTimeFormat for translations.
function timeAgo (value) {
const seconds = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - new Date(value).getTime()) / 1000)
let interval = seconds / 31536000
const rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat("en", { numeric: 'auto' })
if (interval > 1) { return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'year') }
interval = seconds / 2592000
if (interval > 1) { return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'month') }
interval = seconds / 86400
if (interval > 1) { return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'day') }
interval = seconds / 3600
if (interval > 1) { return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'hour') }
interval = seconds / 60
if (interval > 1) { return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'minute') }
return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'second')
console.log(timeAgo('2022-08-12 20:50:20'))
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 402
const timeHandler = (time: any) => {
var a = moment(); //now
var b = moment.utc(time);
const sec = a.diff(b, 'seconds');
const minuts = a.diff(b, 'minutes');
const hours = a.diff(b, 'hours');
const days = a.diff(b, 'days');
const weeks = a.diff(b, 'weeks');
return weeks == 0
? days == 0
? hours == 0
? minuts == 0
? sec >= 0 && `${sec}s ago`
: `${minuts}m ago`
: `${hours}h ago`
: `${days}d ago`
: `${weeks}w ago`;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8570
Might be an overkill in this case, but if the opportunity shows moment.js is just awesome!
Moment.js is a javascript datetime library, to use it for such scenario, you'd do:
2018 addendum: Luxon is a new modern library and might be worth a look!
2022 addendum: Day.js is a newer library that's about 80% lighter than Luxon with similar capabilities.
Upvotes: 209
Reputation: 57
The above answers are good for old java scripts. But it's not working well on new EC6 JavaScript or TypeScript. Below is a very short and simple function for the latest JavaScript, TypeScript, AngularJs, ReactJs, and NodeJs to return the time ago as per the given date and time.
public timeAgo(date) {
var seconds = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - new Date(date).getTime()) / 1000);
var interval = seconds / 31536000;
if (interval > 1) return Math.floor(interval) + " years";
interval = seconds / 2592000;
if (interval > 1) return Math.floor(interval) + " months";
interval = seconds / 86400;
if (interval > 1) return Math.floor(interval) + " days";
interval = seconds / 3600;
if (interval > 1) return Math.floor(interval) + " hours";
interval = seconds / 60;
if (interval > 1) return Math.floor(interval) + " minutes";
return Math.floor(seconds) + " seconds";
console.log(timeAgo('2022-08-12 20:50:20'));
// 2 hours ago, as per the given date time string.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5005
If you're already using date-fns, you can use the built-in formatDistance
(previously distanceInWords
const date1 = new Date(2014, 6, 2);
const date2 = new Date(2015, 0, 1);
const options = { addSuffix: true }
const result = formatDistance(date1, date2, options);
//=> '6 months ago'
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2212
Most of these answers fail to account for plurals (eg. "1 minutes ago" when we want "1 minute ago")
const MINUTE = 60;
const HOUR = MINUTE * 60;
const DAY = HOUR * 24;
const WEEK = DAY * 7;
const MONTH = DAY * 30;
const YEAR = DAY * 365;
function getTimeAgo(date) {
const secondsAgo = Math.round(( - Number(date)) / 1000);
if (secondsAgo < MINUTE) {
return secondsAgo + ` second${secondsAgo !== 1 ? "s" : ""} ago`;
let divisor;
let unit = "";
if (secondsAgo < HOUR) {
[divisor, unit] = [MINUTE, "minute"];
} else if (secondsAgo < DAY) {
[divisor, unit] = [HOUR, "hour"];
} else if (secondsAgo < WEEK) {
[divisor, unit] = [DAY, "day"];
} else if (secondsAgo < MONTH) {
[divisor, unit] = [WEEK, "week"];
} else if (secondsAgo < YEAR) {
[divisor, unit] = [MONTH, "month"];
} else {
[divisor, unit] = [YEAR, "year"];
const count = Math.floor(secondsAgo / divisor);
return `${count} ${unit}${count > 1 ? "s" : ""} ago`;
Then you can use it like so:
const date = new Date();
// 1 second ago
// 2 seconds ago
// 1 minute ago
// 2 minutes ago
// ...
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1458
to use this, just LITERALLY COPY ALL of this code & just import it in your component or where ever & just place in your ISOstring() date inside: showTimeAgo("2022-06-20T13:42:29-05:00")
& you will get automatic time updates for every scenario.
sidenote: I made an npm package for this
export const showTimeAgo = () => {
const MONTH_NAMES = [
function getOrdinalNum() {
return (
n +
(n > 0
? ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'][
(n > 3 && n < 21) || n % 10 > 3 ? 0 : n % 10
: '')
function getFormattedDate(
preformattedDate = false,
hideYear = false
) {
const day = date.getDate();
const month = MONTH_NAMES[date.getMonth()];
const year = date.getFullYear();
let hours = date.getHours();
let minutes = date.getMinutes();
let ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
case (hours > 12):
hours = hours - 12;
case (hours === 0):
hours = 12;
case(minutes < 10):
minutes = `0${minutes}`;
// Today at 10:20am
// Yesterday at 10:20am
return `${preformattedDate} at ${hours}:${minutes} ${ampm}`;
// January 10th at 10:20pm
return `${month} ${getOrdinalNum(
)}, at ${hours}:${minutes} ${ampm}`;
// January 10th 2022 at 10:20pm
return `${month} ${getOrdinalNum(
)}, ${year} at ${hours}:${minutes} ${ampm}`;
// --- Main function
function timeAgo(dateParam) {
if (!dateParam) {
return null;
const date =
typeof dateParam === 'object' ? dateParam : new Date(dateParam);
const DAY_IN_MS = 86400000; // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
const today = new Date();
const yesterday = new Date(today - DAY_IN_MS);
const seconds = Math.round((today - date) / 1000);
const minutes = Math.round(seconds / 60);
const hour = Math.round(seconds / 3600);
const day = Math.round(seconds / 86400);
const month = Math.round(seconds / 2629800);
const year = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000);
const isToday = today.toDateString() === date.toDateString();
const isYesterday =
yesterday.toDateString() === date.toDateString();
const isThisYear = today.getFullYear() === date.getFullYear();
case (seconds < 5):
return 'now';
case (seconds < 60):
return `${seconds} seconds ago`;
case (seconds < 90):
return 'about a minute ago';
case (minutes < 60):
return `${minutes} minutes ago`;
case (hour === 1 && hour < 2):
return `${hour} hour ago`; // 1 hour ago
case (hour > 1 && hour <= 12):
return `${hour} hours ago`; // 2 hours ago
case (isToday):
return getFormattedDate(date, 'Today'); // Today at 10:20am
case (isYesterday):
return getFormattedDate(date, 'Yesterday'); // Yesterday at 10:20am
case(day > 1 && day <= 30):
return `${day} days ago`; // 2 days ago
case (isThisYear):
return getFormattedDate(date, false, true); // January 10th at 10:20pm
case (day > 30 && month <= 1):
return `${hour} month ago`; // 1 month ago
case (month > 1 && month <= 12):
return `${month} months ago`; // 2 months ago
case (year === 1):
return `${year} year ago`; // 1 year ago
case (year > 1):
return `${year} years ago`; // 2 years ago
return getFormattedDate(date); // January 10th 2022 at 10:20pm
return timeAgo(date);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 49739
I use this package: javascript-time-ago
set TimeAgo
import TimeAgo from 'javascript-time-ago'
import en from 'javascript-time-ago/locale/en.json'
write a function // twitter-now is twitter style. check docs for more options
const clockToDateString = (timestamp) =>
timeAgo.format(new Date(timestamp.toNumber() * 1000), 'twitter-now')
use it in dom
<div >
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2562
You can use Luxon:
Here are some more examples:
const DateTime = luxon.DateTime;
// toRelative
console.log({ seconds: 1 }).toRelative()) // 1 second ago
console.log({ seconds: 10 }).toRelative()) // 10 seconds ago
console.log({ days: 2 }).toRelative())
console.log({ years: 3 }).toRelative())
console.log({ years: 3 }).toRelative())
console.log({ days: 2 }).toRelative())
console.log({ seconds: 1 }).toRelative())
console.log({ seconds: 10 }).toRelative())
// toRelativeCalendar
console.log({ seconds: 1 }).toRelativeCalendar()) // today
console.log({ seconds: 10 }).toRelativeCalendar()) // today
console.log({ days: 2 }).toRelativeCalendar())
console.log({ years: 3 }).toRelativeCalendar())
console.log({ years: 3 }).toRelativeCalendar())
console.log({ days: 2 }).toRelativeCalendar())
console.log({ seconds: 1 }).toRelativeCalendar())
console.log({ seconds: 10 }).toRelativeCalendar())
<script src=""></script>
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 509
Simple and readable version:
const relativeTimePeriods = [
[31536000, 'year'],
[2419200, 'month'],
[604800, 'week'],
[86400, 'day'],
[3600, 'hour'],
[60, 'minute'],
[1, 'second']
function relativeTime(date, isUtc=true) {
if (!(date instanceof Date)) date = new Date(date * 1000);
const seconds = (new Date() - date) / 1000;
for (let [secondsPer, name] of relativeTimePeriods) {
if (seconds >= secondsPer) {
const amount = Math.floor(seconds / secondsPer);
return `${amount} ${name}${amount ? 's' : ''}s ago`;
return 'Just now';
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 3121
function mdiv(dividend, divisor) {
return [ Math.floor(dividend/divisor), dividend % divisor ];
// pass in milliseconds, gained by Date1.getTime() - Date2.getTime()
// if max_units is two, the result will be, for example
// 2years 12months ago, or 2hours 38minutes ago
// return formated period
function readable_period(ms, max_units=2){
let [yy, yr] = mdiv(ms, 3.154e10);
let [mm, mr] = mdiv(yr, 2.628e9);
let [dd, dr] = mdiv(mr, 8.64e7);
let [hh, hr] = mdiv(dr, 3.6e6);
let [tt, ss] = mdiv(hr, 6e4);
var ymdht = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute'];
let res = [];
[yy, mm, dd, hh, tt].forEach((tis, ii)=>{
if(res.length === max_units){return};
if(tis !== 0){
res.push(tis === 1 ? `${tis}${ymdht[ii]}` : `${tis}${ymdht[ii]}s`);
return res.length === 0 ? '' : res.join(' ') + ' ago';
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4796
const createdAt = moment(created_at).fromNow()
and a customized solution
const duration = moment.duration(moment().diff(moment(created_at)))
const createdAt ='week') >= 1
? `${Math.floor('week'))} week(s)`
:'day') >= 1
? `${Math.floor('day'))} day(s)`
:'hour') >= 1
? `${Math.floor('hour'))} hour(s)`
: `${Math.floor('minute'))} minute(s)`
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 201
A shorter version as used by Lokely:
const intervals = [
{ label: 'year', seconds: 31536000 },
{ label: 'month', seconds: 2592000 },
{ label: 'day', seconds: 86400 },
{ label: 'hour', seconds: 3600 },
{ label: 'minute', seconds: 60 },
{ label: 'second', seconds: 1 }
function timeSince(date) {
const seconds = Math.floor(( - date.getTime()) / 1000);
const interval = intervals.find(i => i.seconds < seconds);
const count = Math.floor(seconds / interval.seconds);
return `${count} ${interval.label}${count !== 1 ? 's' : ''} ago`;
Upvotes: 20
Reputation: 311
function calDateAgo(dString=null){
//var dString = "2021-04-1 12:00:00";
var d1 = new Date(dString);
var d2 = new Date();
var t2 = d2.getTime();
var t1 = d1.getTime();
var d1Y = d1.getFullYear();
var d2Y = d2.getFullYear();
var d1M = d1.getMonth();
var d2M = d2.getMonth();
var time_obj = {};
time_obj.year = d2.getFullYear()-d1.getFullYear();
time_obj.month = (d2M+12*d2Y)-(d1M+12*d1Y);
time_obj.week = parseInt((t2-t1)/(24*3600*1000*7)); = parseInt((t2-t1)/(24*3600*1000));
time_obj.hour = parseInt((t2-t1)/(3600*1000));
time_obj.minute = parseInt((t2-t1)/(60*1000));
time_obj.second = parseInt((t2-t1)/(1000));
for (const obj_key in time_obj) {
if(time_obj[obj_key] == 0){
delete time_obj[obj_key];
var ago_text = 'just now';
if(typeof Object.keys(time_obj)[0] != 'undefined'){
var time_key = Object.keys(time_obj)[0];
var time_val = time_obj[Object.keys(time_obj)[0]];
time_key += (time_val > 1) ? 's':'';
ago_text = time_val+' '+time_key+' ago';
return ago_text;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 441
Here is a bit simplified version of @sky-sanders answer.
function timeSince(date) {
var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000);
var divisors = [31536000, 2592000, 86400, 3600, 60, 1]
var description = ["years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"]
var result = [];
var interval = seconds;
for (i = 0; i < divisors.length; i++) {
interval = Math.floor(seconds / divisors[i])
if (interval > 1) {
result.push(interval + " " + description[i])
seconds -= interval * divisors[i]
return result.join(" ")
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 647
An ES6 version of the code provided by @user1012181:
const epochs = [
['year', 31536000],
['month', 2592000],
['day', 86400],
['hour', 3600],
['minute', 60],
['second', 1]
const getDuration = (timeAgoInSeconds) => {
for (let [name, seconds] of epochs) {
const interval = Math.floor(timeAgoInSeconds / seconds);
if (interval >= 1) {
return {
interval: interval,
epoch: name
const timeAgo = (date) => {
const timeAgoInSeconds = Math.floor((new Date() - new Date(date)) / 1000);
const {interval, epoch} = getDuration(timeAgoInSeconds);
const suffix = interval === 1 ? '' : 's';
return `${interval} ${epoch}${suffix} ago`;
Edited with @ibe-vanmeenen suggestions. (Thanks!)
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 4331
My stab at this based on other answers.
function timeSince(date) {
let minute = 60;
let hour = minute * 60;
let day = hour * 24;
let month = day * 30;
let year = day * 365;
let suffix = ' ago';
let elapsed = Math.floor(( - date) / 1000);
if (elapsed < minute) {
return 'just now';
// get an array in the form of [number, string]
let a = elapsed < hour && [Math.floor(elapsed / minute), 'minute'] ||
elapsed < day && [Math.floor(elapsed / hour), 'hour'] ||
elapsed < month && [Math.floor(elapsed / day), 'day'] ||
elapsed < year && [Math.floor(elapsed / month), 'month'] ||
[Math.floor(elapsed / year), 'year'];
// pluralise and append suffix
return a[0] + ' ' + a[1] + (a[0] === 1 ? '' : 's') + suffix;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 666
Although the question was asked quite long time ago, writing this answer with hope it will help somebody.
Pass the date you want to start to count from. Using moment().fromNow()
of momentjs: (See more information here)
getRelativeTime(date) {
const d = new Date(date * 1000);
return moment(d).fromNow();
If you want to change information provided for dates fromNow you write your custom relative time for moment.
For example, in my own case I wanted to print 'one month ago'
instead of 'a month ago'
(provided by moment(d).fromNow()). In this case, you can write something given below.
moment.updateLocale('en', {
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: '%s ago',
s: 'a few seconds',
ss: '%d seconds',
m: '1 m',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: '1 h',
hh: '%d hours',
d: '1 d',
dd: '%d days',
M: '1 month',
MM: '%d months',
y: '1 y',
yy: '%d years'
NOTE: I wrote my code for project in Angular 6
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 353
Answering 10 years old question to help the newcomers.
We can use this package for that javascript-time-ago
// Load locale-specific relative date/time formatting rules.
import en from 'javascript-time-ago/locale/en'
// Add locale-specific relative date/time formatting rules.
// Create relative date/time formatter.
const timeAgo = new TimeAgo('en-US')
timeAgo.format(new Date())
// "just now"
timeAgo.format( - 60 * 1000)
// "a minute ago"
timeAgo.format( - 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
// "2 hours ago"
timeAgo.format( - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
// "a day ago"
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 37104
function timeSince(date) {
var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000);
var interval = seconds / 31536000;
if (interval > 1) {
return Math.floor(interval) + " years";
interval = seconds / 2592000;
if (interval > 1) {
return Math.floor(interval) + " months";
interval = seconds / 86400;
if (interval > 1) {
return Math.floor(interval) + " days";
interval = seconds / 3600;
if (interval > 1) {
return Math.floor(interval) + " hours";
interval = seconds / 60;
if (interval > 1) {
return Math.floor(interval) + " minutes";
return Math.floor(seconds) + " seconds";
var aDay = 24*60*60*1000;
console.log(timeSince(new Date(;
console.log(timeSince(new Date(*2)));
Upvotes: 490
Reputation: 219
I achieve this by following method
timeAgo = (date) => {
var ms = (new Date()).getTime() - date.getTime();
var seconds = Math.floor(ms / 1000);
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
var days = Math.floor(hours / 24);
var months = Math.floor(days / 30);
var years = Math.floor(months / 12);
if (ms === 0) {
return 'Just now';
} if (seconds < 60) {
return seconds + ' seconds Ago';
} if (minutes < 60) {
return minutes + ' minutes Ago';
} if (hours < 24) {
return hours + ' hours Ago';
} if (days < 30) {
return days + ' days Ago';
} if (months < 12) {
return months + ' months Ago';
} else {
return years + ' years Ago';
console.log(timeAgo(new Date()));
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('Jun 27 2020 10:12:19')));
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('Jun 27 2020 00:12:19')));
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('May 28 2020 13:12:19')));
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('May 28 2017 13:12:19')));
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 354
This should properly handle any valid timestamp, including, singular units, and future dates. I left out months, but those should be easy to add in. I tried to keep it readable as possible.
function getTimeInterval(date) {
let seconds = Math.floor(( - date) / 1000);
let unit = "second";
let direction = "ago";
if (seconds < 0) {
seconds = -seconds;
direction = "from now";
let value = seconds;
if (seconds >= 31536000) {
value = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000);
unit = "year";
} else if (seconds >= 86400) {
value = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
unit = "day";
} else if (seconds >= 3600) {
value = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
unit = "hour";
} else if (seconds >= 60) {
value = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
unit = "minute";
if (value != 1)
unit = unit + "s";
return value + " " + unit + " " + direction;
console.log(getTimeInterval(; // 0 seconds ago
console.log(getTimeInterval( + 1000)); // 1 second from now
console.log(getTimeInterval( - 1000)); // 1 second ago
console.log(getTimeInterval( + 60000)); // 1 minute from now
console.log(getTimeInterval( - 120000)); // 2 minutes ago
console.log(getTimeInterval( + 120000)); // 2 minutes from now
console.log(getTimeInterval( + 3600000)); // 1 hour from now
console.log(getTimeInterval( + 360000000000)); // 11 years from now
console.log(getTimeInterval(0)); // 49 years ago
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 89
function dateToHowManyAgo(stringDate){
var currDate = new Date();
var diffMs=currDate.getTime() - new Date(stringDate).getTime();
var sec=diffMs/1000;
return parseInt(sec)+' second'+(parseInt(sec)>1?'s':'')+' ago';
var min=sec/60;
return parseInt(min)+' minute'+(parseInt(min)>1?'s':'')+' ago';
var h=min/60;
return parseInt(h)+' hour'+(parseInt(h)>1?'s':'')+' ago';
var d=h/24;
return parseInt(d)+' day'+(parseInt(d)>1?'s':'')+' ago';
var m=d/30;
return parseInt(m)+' month'+(parseInt(m)>1?'s':'')+' ago';
var y=m/12;
return parseInt(y)+' year'+(parseInt(y)>1?'s':'')+' ago';
console.log(dateToHowManyAgo('2019-11-07 19:17:06'));
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 10743
Can also use the dayjs relativeTime plugin to solve this.
import * as dayjs from 'dayjs';
import * as relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime';
dayjs(dayjs('1990')).fromNow(); // x years ago
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 3481
My solution..
const SECOND = 1;
const MINUTE = 60;
const HOUR = 3600;
const DAY = 86400;
const MONTH = 2629746;
const YEAR = 31556952;
const DECADE = 315569520;
global.timeAgo = function(date){
var now = new Date();
var diff = Math.round(( now - date ) / 1000);
var unit = '';
var num = 0;
var plural = false;
case diff <= 0:
return 'just now';
case diff < MINUTE:
num = Math.round(diff / SECOND);
unit = 'sec';
plural = num > 1;
case diff < HOUR:
num = Math.round(diff / MINUTE);
unit = 'min';
plural = num > 1;
case diff < DAY:
num = Math.round(diff / HOUR);
unit = 'hour';
plural = num > 1;
case diff < MONTH:
num = Math.round(diff / DAY);
unit = 'day';
plural = num > 1;
case diff < YEAR:
num = Math.round(diff / MONTH);
unit = 'month';
plural = num > 1;
case diff < DECADE:
num = Math.round(diff / YEAR);
unit = 'year';
plural = num > 1;
num = Math.round(diff / YEAR);
unit = 'year';
plural = num > 1;
var str = '';
str += `${num} `;
str += `${unit}`;
str += 's';
str += ' ago';
return str;
console.log(timeAgo(new Date()));
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('Jun 03 2018 15:12:19 GMT+0300 (FLE Daylight Time)')));
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('Jun 03 2018 13:12:19 GMT+0300 (FLE Daylight Time)')));
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('May 28 2018 13:12:19 GMT+0300 (FLE Daylight Time)')));
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('May 28 2017 13:12:19 GMT+0300 (FLE Daylight Time)')));
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('May 28 2000 13:12:19 GMT+0300 (FLE Daylight Time)')));
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('Sep 10 1994 13:12:19 GMT+0300 (FLE Daylight Time)')));
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 8726
Much readable and cross browser compatible code:
As given by @Travis
epochs: ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute'],
year: 31536000,
month: 2592000,
day: 86400,
hour: 3600,
minute: 60
function getDuration(seconds) {
var epoch, interval;
for (var i = 0; i < DURATION_IN_SECONDS.epochs.length; i++) {
epoch = DURATION_IN_SECONDS.epochs[i];
interval = Math.floor(seconds / DURATION_IN_SECONDS[epoch]);
if (interval >= 1) {
return {
interval: interval,
epoch: epoch
function timeSince(date) {
var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - new Date(date)) / 1000);
var duration = getDuration(seconds);
var suffix = (duration.interval > 1 || duration.interval === 0) ? 's' : '';
return duration.interval + ' ' + duration.epoch + suffix;
Upvotes: 11