Reputation: 5860
I am trying to create a couldformation template, and using cfn-init in the same. But I am facing this random issue, where the cfn-init module would run the files and the services configuration perfectly but none of the commands in the commands module is executed. Following is a snippet of my template.
"Metadata": {
"AWS::CloudFormation::Init": {
"config": {
"commands": {
"cloud": {
"command" : "whoami >> /home/ubuntu/blah"
"test" : {
"command" : "echo \"$MAGIC\" > test.txt",
"env" : { "MAGIC" : "I come from the environment!" },
"cwd" : "~",
"test" : "test ! -e ~/test.txt",
"ignoreErrors" : "false"
"test2": {
"command" : "whoami >> wala",
"cwd" : "/home/ubuntu"
"files": {
"/home/ubuntu/sambhav": {
"content": {
"Fn::Join": [
"Ok Cool!!!",
"/etc/cfn/cfn-hup.conf": {
"content": {
"Fn::Join": [
"mode": "000400",
"owner": "root",
"group": "root"
"/etc/cfn/hooks.d/cfn-auto-reloader.conf": {
"content": {
"Fn::Join": [
"action=/usr/local/bin/cfn-init -s ",
" -r EC2Instance ",
" --region ",
"services" : {
"sysvinit" : {
"cfn-hup" : { "enabled" : "true", "ensureRunning" : "true",
"files" : ["/etc/cfn/cfn-hup.conf", "/etc/cfn/hooks.d/cfn-auto-reloader.conf"]}
"Properties": {
"InstanceType": {
"Ref": "InstanceType"
"SecurityGroups": ["staging"],
"KeyName": {
"Ref": "KeyName"
"ImageId": "ami-6.....",
"Tags" : [
{"Key" : "Name", "Value" : "Staging"}
"UserData" : {
"Fn::Base64" : {
"Fn::Join" : [
"#!/bin/bash \n",
"# Install cfn bootstraping tools \n",
"apt-get update \n",
"apt-get -y install python-setuptools \n",
"mkdir aws-cfn-bootstrap-latest\n",
"mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/work/projects\n",
"sudo curl | tar xz -C aws-cfn-bootstrap-latest --strip-components 1 \n",
"sudo easy_install aws-cfn-bootstrap-latest \n",
"cp /usr/local/bin/cfn-hup /etc/init.d/cfn-hup \n",
"chmod +x /etc/init.d/cfn-hup \n",
"update-rc.d cfn-hup defaults \n ",
"service cfn-hup start \n",
"/usr/local/bin/cfn-init --stack ", { "Ref":"AWS::StackName" },
" --resource EC2Instance", " --region ", { "Ref": "AWS::Region" },
Upvotes: 7
Views: 2816
Reputation: 131
The template snippet you've provided appears to be working as expected, with the files being created with the appropriate content:
ubuntu@ip-172-31-9-151:~$ cat /home/ubuntu/*
Ok Cool!!!
cat: /home/ubuntu/work: Is a directory
Check the cfn-init logs to ensure that the commands are being executed and reveal any errors that are encountered:
ubuntu@ip-172-31-9-151:~$ cat /var/log/cfn-init.log
2015-10-18 05:37:49,087 [INFO] -----------------------Starting build-----------------------
2015-10-18 05:37:49,300 [INFO] Running configSets: default
2015-10-18 05:37:49,300 [INFO] Running configSet default
2015-10-18 05:37:49,301 [INFO] Running config config
2015-10-18 05:37:49,306 [INFO] Command cloud succeeded
2015-10-18 05:37:49,310 [INFO] Command test succeeded
2015-10-18 05:37:49,313 [INFO] Command test2 succeeded
2015-10-18 05:37:49,323 [INFO] enabled service cfn-hup
2015-10-18 05:37:49,420 [INFO] Restarted cfn-hup successfully
2015-10-18 05:37:49,421 [INFO] ConfigSets completed
2015-10-18 05:37:49,427 [INFO] -----------------------Build complete-----------------------
Upvotes: 3