Reputation: 78
i created a "todolist" with angular-meteor (meteor add urigo:angular). This are the files which are involved:
config.js (ui-router file)
.state('app.todolist', {
url: '/todolist',
title: 'Todolist',
controller: 'TodoListController',
controllerAs: 'tc',
templateUrl: helper.basepath(''),
authenticate: true
}) (static file)
<h3>Todo - List
<small>Example app of a todo list.</small>
<ul ng-repeat="task in tc.tasks">
todolist.js (Controller)
['$scope', '$meteor',
function($scope, $meteor){
var vm = this;
vm.tasks = $meteor.collection(Tasks);
the "tasks" collection is loaded in the "lib" folder and has documents inserted
meteor:PRIMARY> db.tasks.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55bf7d98251a0c51417732bf"), "text" : "zweiter eintrag", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-08-03T14:41:28.534Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55bf7dab251a0c51417732c0"), "text" : "zweiter eintrag", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-08-03T14:41:47.045Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55bf7dac251a0c51417732c1"), "text" : "zweiter eintrag", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-08-03T14:41:48.685Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55bf7dad251a0c51417732c2"), "text" : "zweiter eintrag", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-08-03T14:41:49.003Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55bf7dad251a0c51417732c3"), "text" : "zweiter eintrag", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-08-03T14:41:49.261Z") }
Tasks = new Mongo.Collection('tasks');
But when I run my app and click on the "Todolist" I can't see anything. It doesnt list any task.text... If I use a static array instead of mongodb everything works fine. (for example: vm.tasks = [{ text: "Task1" },{ text: "task2" }]; ).
But with mongodb noting is showing. I checked the database connection, this works. I dont get any errors, when loading the app and accessing the "Todolist".
Any ideas?
Regards, Simon
Upvotes: 2
Views: 202
Reputation: 78
Ok problem is solved. I created the databases.js in the "myapp/client/lib" folder instead of the pure "myapp/lib" folder.
bad mistake... but its solved :) Thanks for help!
Upvotes: 2