Reputation: 2583
I am setting up an optimization in OpenMDAO v0.13 using several components that are used many times. My assembly seems to be working just fine with the default driver, but when I run with an optimizer it does not solve. The optimizer simply runs with the inputs given and returns the answer using those inputs. I am not sure what the issue is, but I would appreciate any insights. I have included a simple code mimicking my structure that reproduces the error. I think the problem is in the connections, summer.fs does not update after initialization.
from openmdao.main.api import Assembly, Component
from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Float, Array, List
from openmdao.lib.drivers.api import DOEdriver, SLSQPdriver, COBYLAdriver, CaseIteratorDriver
from pyopt_driver.pyopt_driver import pyOptDriver
import numpy as np
class component1(Component):
x = Float(iotype='in')
y = Float(iotype='in')
term1 = Float(iotype='out')
a = Float(iotype='in', default_value=1)
def execute(self):
x = self.x
a = self.a
term1 = a*x**2
self.term1 = term1
print "In comp1",, self.a, self.x, self.term1
def list_deriv_vars(self):
return ('x',), ('term1',)
def provideJ(self):
x = self.x
a = self.a
dterm1_dx = 2.*a*x
J = np.array([[dterm1_dx]])
print 'In comp1, J = %s' % J
return J
class component2(Component):
x = Float(iotype='in')
y = Float(iotype='in')
term1 = Float(iotype='in')
f = Float(iotype='out')
def execute(self):
y = self.y
x = self.x
term1 = self.term1
f = term1 + x + y**2
self.f = f
print "In comp2",, self.x, self.y, self.term1, self.f
class summer(Component):
total = Float(iotype='out', desc='sum of all f values')
def __init__(self, size):
super(summer, self).__init__()
self.size = size
self.add('fs', Array(np.ones(size), iotype='in', desc='f values from all cases'))
def execute(self): = sum(self.fs)
print 'In summer, fs = %s and total = %s' % (self.fs,
class assembly(Assembly):
x = Float(iotype='in')
y = Float(iotype='in')
total = Float(iotype='out')
def __init__(self, size):
super(assembly, self).__init__()
self.size = size
self.add('a_vals', Array(np.zeros(size), iotype='in', dtype='float'))
self.add('fs', Array(np.zeros(size), iotype='out', dtype='float'))
print 'in init a_vals = %s' % self.a_vals
def configure(self):
# self.add('driver', SLSQPdriver())
self.add('driver', pyOptDriver())
self.driver.optimizer = 'SNOPT'
# self.driver.pyopt_diff = True
#create this first, so we can connect to it
self.add('summer', summer(size=len(self.a_vals)))
self.connect('', 'total')
print 'in configure a_vals = %s' % self.a_vals
# create instances of components
for i in range(0, self.size):
c1 = self.add('comp1_%d'%i, component1())
c1.missing_deriv_policy = 'assume_zero'
c2 = self.add('comp2_%d'%i, component2())
self.connect('a_vals[%d]' % i, 'comp1_%d.a' % i)
self.connect('x', ['comp1_%d.x'%i, 'comp2_%d.x'%i])
self.connect('y', ['comp1_%d.y'%i, 'comp2_%d.y'%i])
self.connect('comp1_%d.term1'%i, 'comp2_%d.term1'%i)
self.connect('comp2_%d.f'%i, 'summer.fs[%d]'%i)
self.driver.workflow.add(['comp1_%d'%i, 'comp2_%d'%i])
self.connect('summer.fs[:]', 'fs[:]')
# set up main driver (optimizer)
self.driver.iprint = 1
self.driver.maxiter = 100
self.driver.accuracy = 1.0e-6
self.driver.add_parameter('x', low=-5., high=5.)
self.driver.add_parameter('y', low=-5., high=5.)
if __name__ == "__main__":
""" the result should be -1 at (x, y) = (-0.5, 0) """
import time
from openmdao.main.api import set_as_top
a_vals = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1.])
test = set_as_top(assembly(size=len(a_vals)))
test.a_vals = a_vals
print test.a_vals
test.x = 2.
test.y = 2.
tt = time.time()
print "Elapsed time: ", time.time()-tt, "seconds"
print 'result = ',
print '(x, y) = (%s, %s)' % (test.x, test.y)
print test.fs
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Views: 123
Reputation: 2202
I played around with your model, and found that the following line caused problems:
#self.connect('summer.fs[:]', 'fs[:]')
When I commented it out, I got the optimization to move.
I am not sure what is happening there, but the graph transformations sometimes have some issues with component input nodes that are promoted as outputs on the assembly boundary. If you still want those values to be available on the assembly, you could try promoting the outputs from the comp2_n
components instead.
Upvotes: 2