Reputation: 191
i have a code (copied of another post) that loads a dataframe and can add values to this data frame (with a input box), but this added values doesnt stay on the dataframe when i quit shiny. The question i have is how to save this added values to the original dataframe.
ui = fluidPage(
textInput("mes", label="fecha", value="Ingresar fecha"),
textInput("concepto", label="Concepto", value=""),
numericInput("partida", label="Partida", value=""),
numericInput("actividad", label="Actividad", value=""),
numericInput("monto", label="Monto", value=""),
actionButton("addButton", "UPLOAD!")
server = function(input, output) {
# just a small part of iris for display
iris_sample <- iris[sample(nrow(iris), 10),]
row.names(iris_sample) <- NULL
# The important part of reactiveValues()
values <- reactiveValues()
values$df <- iris_sample
addData <- observe({
# your action button condition
if(input$addButton > 0) {
# create the new line to be added from your inputs
newLine <- isolate(c(input$mes, input$concepto, input$partida, input$actividad, input$monto))
# update your data
# note the unlist of newLine, this prevents a bothersome warning message that the rbind will return regarding rownames because of using isolate.
isolate(values$df <- rbind(as.matrix(values$df), unlist(newLine)))
output$table <- renderTable({values$df}, include.rownames=F)
Thank you very much
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4194
Reputation: 938
Adding the line below will create df called save_data that you can access in your local environment once you quit the shiny app.
# your action button condition
if(input$addButton > 0) {
# create the new line to be added from your inputs
newLine <- isolate(c(input$mes, input$concepto, input$partida, input$actividad, input$monto))
# update your data
# note the unlist of newLine, this prevents a bothersome warning message that the rbind will return regarding rownames because of using isolate.
isolate(values$df <- rbind(as.matrix(values$df), unlist(newLine)))
save_data <<- values$df
You could also have(in place of that line) like
write.csv(values$df, file = "ConcentradoR.csv")
but also see write.table, you may need to specify some parameters to make sure it's formatted correctly
Upvotes: 2