Reputation: 22021
I have a netcdf file with several values < 0. I would like to replace all of them with a single value (say -1). How do I do that using netCDF4? I am reading in the file like this:
import netCDF4
dset = netCDF4.Dataset('')
dset[dset.variables['var'] < 0] = -1
Upvotes: 9
Views: 21494
Reputation: 8087
Solution 1: Python xarray
This solution uses xarray to read and write the netcdf file, and the package's function where to conditionally reset the values.
import xarray as xr
ds.to_netcdf('') # rewrite to netcdf
Solution 2: NCO from the command line
I know the OP wants a python solution, but in case anyone wants to perform this task only quickly from the command line, there is also a way to do it with nco:
ncap2 -s 'where(x<0.) x=-1;' -O
as per this post: setting values below a threshold to the threshold in a netcdf file
Solution 3: CDO from the command line
cdo also has expression functionality to allow you to do this in a one-liner from the command line too.
cdo -expr,'var = ((var < 0)) ? -1 : var'
there is a cdo
package in python which allows you to use this functionality directly within python without resorting to sys
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 47
To enable conditional calculations with an equation instead of only calculating with a constant I have included a conditional iteration for a variable with shape of (month,lats,lons) based on the code by @jhamman as follows:
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import time
Tmin = -1.7
Tmax = 4.9
perc = (Tmax-Tmin)/100
lats = np.arange(0,384,1)
lons = np.arange(0,768,1)
months = [0,1]
dset = nc.Dataset('path/', 'r+')
start = time.time()
dset['var'][:][dset['var'][:] < Tmin] = 100
step1 = time.time()
print('Step1 took: ' + str(step1-start))
dset['var'][:][dset['var'][:] > Tmax] = 0
step2 = time.time()
print('Step2 took: ' + str(step2 - step1))
#start iteration of each dimension to alter individual values according to equation new_value = 100-((Old_value +1.8)/1%)
for m in months:
newstart = time.time()
for i in lats:
step3 = time.time()
print('month lats lat layer '+str(i)+' took: '+str(step3-newstart) +'s')
for j in lons:
if dset['var'][m,i,j] < Tmax and dset['var'][m,i,j] > Tmin:
dset['var'][m,i,j] = 100-((dset['var'][m,i,j]+1.8)/perc)
end = time.time()
print('One full month took: ' + str(end-start) +'s')
The problem however is that it becomes a very slow code.
Step1 took: 0.0343s
Step2 took: 0.0253s
month lats lat layer: 0.4064s
One full month took 250.8082s
This is logic due to the iterations. I was wondering however if any of you have the idea how to speed this up a bit. Are the iterations really necessary for this goal?
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6444
If you want to keep the data in the netCDF variable object, this should work:
import netCDF4
dset = netCDF4.Dataset('', 'r+')
dset['var'][:][dset['var'][:] < 0] = -1
dset.close() # if you want to write the variable back to disk
If you don't want to write back to disk, go ahead and just get the numpy array and slice/assign to it:
data = dset['sea_ice_cover'][:] # data is a numpy array
data[data < 0] = -1
Upvotes: 14
Reputation: 91
For me, the previous answer does not work, I solved it with:
dset = netCDF4.Dataset('','r+')
... your changes ...
Upvotes: 9