Reputation: 85
I'm trying to export data from a query to an excel spreadsheet. I used the following code to successfully download an HTML table to a spreadsheet via Chrome and IE (picked up from Raymond) but I am now looking for a way to display the data prior to download. Currently this immediately downloads when the submit button is selected.
<cfset request.isIE = false />
<cfif cgi.http_user_agent contains "MSIE">
<cfset request.isIE = true />
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline; filename=SearchResults.xls">
<cfcontent type="application/">
<cfset ThisOrganism="#Form.GenusSpecies#">
<cfquery name="BSAFbyOrganism" datasource="BSAFweb">
SELECT ID, StudyType, Chem_Name
FROM Summary
WHERE GenusSpecies='#ThisOrganism#'
ORDER BY Chem_Name
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="5px">
<cfoutput query="BSAFbyOrganism">
<cfset q= BSAFbyOrganism>
<cfset filename = expandPath("./myexcel.xls")>
<cfspreadsheet action="write" query="BSAFbyOrganism" filename="#filename#" overwrite="true">
<!--- Make a spreadsheet object --->
<cfset s = spreadsheetNew()>
<!--- Add header row --->
<cfset spreadsheetAddRow(s, "ID,StudyType,Chem_Name")>
<!--- format header --->
<cfset spreadsheetFormatRow(s,
<!--- Add query --->
<cfset spreadsheetAddRows(s, q)>
<cfset spreadsheetWrite(s, filename, true)>
<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="attachment; filename=myexcel.xls">
<cfcontent type="application/msexcel" variable="#spreadsheetReadBinary(s)#" reset="true">
Upvotes: 0
Views: 593
Reputation: 85
I found some code from Raymond Camden's blog post that I was able make work for IE. So the user queries data and they are brought to the table posted above. On that page is a button to create a cfspreadsheet. This button calls the same query again and at the bottom I inserted the code below which writes to a spreadsheet and off to excel. There is probably a way to reduce a step, but for now this is working. Thanks for pointing me towards cfspreadsheet. Appreciate your time. If I improve on it I will come back and post it.
<cfset q= Organism>
<cfset filename = expandPath("./file/myexcel.xls")>
<cfspreadsheet action="write" query="Organism" filename="#filename#" overwrite="true">
<!--- Make a spreadsheet object --->
<cfset s = spreadsheetNew()>
<!--- Add header row --->
<cfset spreadsheetAddRow(s, "ID,StudyType,Chem_Name")>
<!--- format header --->
<cfset spreadsheetFormatRow(s,
<!--- Add query --->
<cfset spreadsheetAddRows(s, q)>
<cfset spreadsheetWrite(s, filename, true)>
<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="attachment; filename=myexcel.xls">
<cfcontent type="application/msexcel" variable="#spreadsheetReadBinary(s)#" reset="true">
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 20804
Solve one problem at a time. For downloading, create a simple spreadsheet wtih Excel and save it to a place available to ColdFusion. Then try these tags
<cfcontent file="#NameOfYourFile#"
Notice that the value attribute of the cfheader tag specifies attachment, not inline.
As mentioned in the comments, use <cfspreadsheet>
to create the file from your query.
Upvotes: 2