Reputation: 17068
I have an Excel file that must work for english & french computer.
I need to concatenate dates in the format yyyy-mm-dd, so for my english user, I need to do:
="your date = "&TEXT(A1,"yyyy-mm-dd")
That works, but not in french Excel, where I need to do
="your date = "&TEXT(A1,"aaaa-mm-jj")
How can I print the same date to both my users, independently of theirs Excel langage locale?
English TEXT function vs French TEXTE function.
And yes, the date format string are localized...
Upvotes: 5
Views: 11505
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I use this vba function in my formulas: Function DateToText(MyDate As Date) DateToText = Format(MyDate, "DD/MM/YYYY") End Function
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Reputation: 184
I used to cope with this issue as follow assuming you're on a eng MSExcel:
1. I create a named formula (returns true when it's a fr region MSExcel)
name: xlFR
refers to: = text(Today(),"d") = "d"
click OK
2. in your formula you decide on xlFR
ex: = Text(today(), if(xlFR,"jj-mm-aaaa","dd-mm-yyyy") )
That's it. Hope this helps.
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Reputation: 5990
To get the date in right format use:
=YEAR(A1) & "-" & RIGHT("0" & MONTH(A1),2) & "-" & RIGHT("0" & DAY(A1),2)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 304
I found this link which seems to treat your issue :
If you are using the TEXT worksheet function because it is part of a larger formula, then you can instruct the function itself to use a different language for its output. You do this by including a language code (formally called an LCID) within brackets, in this manner:
=TEXT(A1,"[$-409]mmmm, yyyy")
Where you could specify the text to display according to the language you want.
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