Reputation: 43
Can you advice what else I can do for speeding up my batch, please? Works quite well apart takes ages to finish :)
Sorry for this text but I'm not able to post my question due to the message 'it looks like your post is mostly code bla bla bla. Admin- can you turn this verification OFF!!!
@echo off
cd \
pushd \\ftp\ftp$
echo ________________________________________________________________
color f9
set /p moje=Please enter required LOGIN NAME:
if exist "\\ftp\ftp\Transfer\%moje%" echo USER ALREADY EXIST TRY ANOTHER ONE && GOTO WPIS
set mojep=%random%%random%%random%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set input=default2015.Archive
set output2=%moje%.Archive2
set output1=%moje%.Archive1
set output=%moje%.Archive
set text2searchfor=default2015
set password2searchfor=szukajpassword
set folder2search=F:\\Transfer\\default2015
set newfolder=F:\\Transfer\\%moje%
del %output1%
echo Wait....
for /F "tokens=*" %%f in ('type %input%') do (
set line=%%f
if "!line!"=="%text2searchfor%" (
set NAME=%moje%
echo !NAME!>> %output2%
) else (
echo !line!>> %output2%
for /F "tokens=*" %%f in ('type %output2%') do (
set line=%%f
if "!line!"=="%folder2search%" (
set NAME=%newfolder%
echo !NAME!>> %output1%
) else (
echo !line!>> %output1%
for /F "tokens=*" %%f in ('type %output1%') do (
set line=%%f
if "!line!"=="%password2searchfor%" (
set NAME=%mojep%
echo !NAME!>> %output%
) else (
echo !line!>> %output%
del %output1%
del %output2%
pushd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
md %moje%
popd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
popd \\ftp\ftp$
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2325
Reputation: 67216
Try this:
@echo off
cd \
pushd \\ftp\ftp$
echo ________________________________________________________________
color f9
set /p moje=Please enter required LOGIN NAME:
if exist "\\ftp\ftp\Transfer\%moje%" echo USER ALREADY EXIST TRY ANOTHER ONE && GOTO WPIS
set mojep=%random%%random%%random%
set input=default2015.Archive
set output2=%moje%.Archive2
set output1=%moje%.Archive1
set output=%moje%.Archive
set text2searchfor=default2015
set password2searchfor=szukajpassword
set folder2search=F:\\Transfer\\default2015
set newfolder=F:\\Transfer\\%moje%
echo Wait....
(for /F "delims=" %%f in (%input%) do (
if "%%f"=="%text2searchfor%" (
echo %moje%
) else (
echo %%f
)) > %output2%
(for /F "delims=" %%f in (%output2%) do (
if "%%f"=="%folder2search%" (
echo %newfolder%
) else (
echo %%f
)) > %output1%
(for /F "delims=" %%f in (%output1%) do (
if "%%f"=="%password2searchfor%" (
echo %mojep%
) else (
echo %%f
)) > %output%
del %output1%
del %output2%
pushd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
md %moje%
popd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
popd \\ftp\ftp$
If more speed is needed, a much faster solution may be written via a Batch-JScript hybrid script.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 41244
This uses a native Windows batch script called Jrepl.bat
(by dbenham)
- download from:
and it can also be found here:
It is significantly faster for large files than plain vanilla for loops.
This assumes that your strings to be replaced are not embedded in any other lines, and just occur by themselves.
As you are changing the directory, placing jrepl.bat on the system path is wise so the script can find it, or hard code the path to jrepl.bat
@echo off
cd /d c:\
pushd \\ftp\ftp$
echo ________________________________________________________________
color f9
set /p moje=Please enter required LOGIN NAME:
if exist "\\ftp\ftp\Transfer\%moje%" echo USER ALREADY EXIST TRY ANOTHER ONE && GOTO WPIS
set mojep=%random%%random%%random%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set input=default2015.Archive
set output2=%moje%.Archive2
set output1=%moje%.Archive1
set output=%moje%.Archive
set text2searchfor=default2015
set password2searchfor=szukajpassword
set folder2search=F:\\Transfer\\default2015
set newfolder=F:\\Transfer\\%moje%
echo Wait....
call jrepl "%text2searchfor%" "%moje%" /L /f %input% /o %output%
call jrepl "%folder2search%" "%newfolder%" /L /f %output% /o -
call jrepl "%password2searchfor%" "%mojep%" /L /f %output% /o -
pushd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
md %moje%
popd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
popd \\ftp\ftp$
Upvotes: 1