Reputation: 61
I have a GUI that I want to catch errors for and handle with a function I have called generateReport. The first GUI file (there are multiple windows each with it's own programmatic GUI file) is CSTMainWindow and the Program is run from the Celest function.
function CeleST
c(@CSTMainWindow); % line 3
c.m is just a wrapper for functions so I can try/catch them so I don't have to write code in every subfunction
function c(fxn)
% Function to wrap callback functions with try/catch and call
% generateReport.m in case of error
fxn(); % line 6
catch exception
So CSTMainWindow is called but then it breaks on this line (the first GUI code line really) CSTMainWindow.m line 142:
mainFigure = figure('Visible','off','Position',[5,40,mainW,mainH],'Name','CeleST: Check results','numbertitle','off', 'menubar', 'none', 'resizefcn', c(@resizeMainFigure));
When debugging, c.m catches the error:
identifier: 'MATLAB:TooManyOutputs'
message: 'Too many output arguments.'
line name
142 CSTMainWindow
6 c
3 CeleST
In trying to resolve this I found that changing the callback to just resizeMainFigure fixes it which makes sense, but then to get the try/catch behavior I want, I would have to but a block everywhere which I was doing before and I'm trying to avoid.
My question is why am I getting too many output arguments if CSTMainWindow has zero output arguments and neither does resizeMainFigure (below for reference)
function resizeMainFigure(hObject,eventdata) %#ok<INUSD>
% -------
% Update the size and position of the sliders
% -------
newPosition = get(mainFigure,'position');
set(sliderHoriz, 'position',[0 0 newPosition(3)-20 20]);
set(sliderVert, 'position',[newPosition(3)-20 20 20 newPosition(4)-20]);
% -------
% Check the horizontal slider
% -------
if newPosition(3) < mainPanelPosition(3)
deltaH = round(mainPanelPosition(3) - newPosition(3));
newValue = min(deltaH,get(sliderHoriz,'value'));
set(sliderHoriz, 'enable', 'on', 'min',0,'max',deltaH,'value',newValue);
set(sliderHoriz, 'enable', 'off','min',0,'max',1,'value',0);
% -------
% Check the vertical slider
% -------
if newPosition(4) < mainPanelPosition(4)
deltaV = round(mainPanelPosition(4) - newPosition(4));
newValue = min(deltaV,get(sliderVert,'value'));
set(sliderVert, 'enable', 'on', 'min',0,'max',deltaV,'value',newValue);
set(sliderVert, 'enable', 'off','min',0,'max',1,'value',0);
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Views: 365
Reputation: 341
Check the last argument to figure that you have. It's a function call to c, which returns nothing, but you're passing it as a parameter to the figure call. c has no return value but, in effect, you're asking for it to return a value for you. Based on the figure documentation, you have to provide a function handle, a cell array containing a function handle, or a string that is a valid MATLAB expression for resizefcn. You might try turning your function call into a string instead:
mainFigure = figure('Visible','off','Position',[5,40,mainW,mainH],'Name','CeleST: Check results','numbertitle','off', 'menubar', 'none', 'resizefcn', 'c(@resizeMainFigure)');
Upvotes: 3