Reputation: 1749
I'm trying to convert a dataframe from long to wide as suggested at How to pivot DataFrame? However, the SQL seems to misinterpret the Countries list as a variable from the table. The below are the messages I saw from the console and the sample data and codes from the above link. Anyone knows how to resolve the issues?
Messages from the scala console:
scala> val myDF1 = sqlc2.sql(query)
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'US' given input columns >id, tag, value;
id tag value
1 US 50
1 UK 100
1 Can 125
2 US 75
2 UK 150
2 Can 175
and I want:
id US UK Can
1 50 100 125
2 75 150 175
I can create a list with the value I want to pivot and then create a string containing the sql query I need.
val countries = List("US", "UK", "Can")
val numCountries = countries.length - 1
var query = "select *, "
for (i <- 0 to numCountries-1) {
query += "case when tag = " + countries(i) + " then value else 0 end as " + countries(i) + ", "
query += "case when tag = " + countries.last + " then value else 0 end as " + countries.last + " from myTable"
val myDF1 = sqlContext.sql(query)
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Views: 4636
Reputation: 330453
Country codes are literals and should be enclosed in quotes otherwise SQL parser will treat these as the names of the columns:
val caseClause =
x => s"""CASE WHEN tag = '$x' THEN value ELSE 0 END as $x"""
).mkString(", ")
val aggClause = => s"""SUM($x) AS $x""").mkString(", ")
val query = s"""
SELECT id, $aggClause
FROM (SELECT id, $caseClause FROM myTable) tmp
GROUP BY id"""
Question is why even bother with building SQL strings from scratch?
def genCase(x: String) = {
when($"tag" <=> lit(x), $"value").otherwise(0).alias(x)
def genAgg(f: Column => Column)(x: String) = f(col(x)).alias(x)
.select($"id" :: _*)
.agg($"id".alias("dummy"), _*)
Upvotes: 1