Hassan Faghihi
Hassan Faghihi

Reputation: 2039

Disable Unwanted Validation in AngularJS (Conditional Validation)

I have a form that needs to be validated.

The form contains many parts, and some of them are disabled by default. The value in each field is correct, but it's against my validation directives. For example, when it's disable it should contain 0, but when it's editable it should contains something else. Anyway I attach a disable directive to them, and put them down.

When i submit my form (using angular scope function), if ($scope.sarfaslForm.$invalid) --> returns true. It says I have two invalid fields when I check the $scope.sarfaslForm.$error list.

following this blog i implement my validations: http://blog.yodersolutions.com/bootstrap-form-validation-done-right-in-angularjs/

And following this thread, I create a directived to ignore some of my disabled control:

I made a minor change to this directive:

.directive('hsDisableValidation', function() {
    return {
        require: '^form',
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs,form) {
            var control;

            scope.$watch(function() {
                return scope.$eval(attrs.hsDisableValidation);
            }, function(value) {
                if (!control) {
                    control = form[element[0].name];
                if (value === false) {
                    angular.forEach(control.$error, function(validity, validationToken) {
                        form.$setValidity(validationToken, !validity, control);
                } else {
                    //In Here: I tried to $setValidity of controls to true, Remove Error List, and Remove Validator Function, but these things didn't worked out

Here the validation always failed for me: PS: Since i use it on 'text' typed field, i have no min/max value, only min/max for length. I'm sure it's not the issue, but I'm including this code to make sure.

.directive('hsMinValue', function() {
        return {
            require: 'ngModel',
            link: function (scope, elem, attr, ngModel) {

                function isLesser(value) {
                    var minVal = parseInt(attr.hsMinValue);
                    return parseInt(value) < minVal;

                function validate(value) {
                    var valid = !isLesser(value);
                    ngModel.$setValidity('minValue', valid);
                    return valid ? value : undefined;

                ngModel.$parsers.unshift(function (value) {
                    ngModel.$setValidity('minValue', !isLesser(value));
                    return value;

                ngModel.$formatters.unshift(function (value) {
                    ngModel.$setValidity('minValue', !isLesser(value));
                    return value;

and then I save:

saveSarfasl: function () {
                if ($scope.sarfaslForm.$invalid) { --> True :|

Edit: In Request of James, I Put The HTML And A View Of My Page In Here.

View of the HTML Form

<div class="clearfix">
    <form name="sarfaslForm" novalidate>
        <table class="table-condensed">
                        کد سرفصل
                        <table class="table-condensed">
                                    <td data-ng-if="View.FinYear.LenK != 0">
                                    <td data-ng-if="View.FinYear.LenM != 0">
                                    <td data-ng-if="View.FinYear.LenT1 != 0">
                                        تفضیل یک
                                    <td data-ng-if="View.FinYear.LenT2 != 0">
                                        تفضیل دو
                                    <td data-ng-if="View.FinYear.LenJ != 0">
                                    <td data-ng-if="View.FinYear.LenK != 0">
                                        <div class="form-group" hs-show-errors hs-show-success>
                                            <input name="CodKol" type="text" hs-restrict-pattern="[^\d]*" maxlength="{{View.FinYear.LenK}}"
                                                   class="form-control input-sm"
                                                   data-ng-model="View.Kol" data-ng-disabled="View.Level!==1"
                                                   hs-min-value="1" />
                                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.CodKol.$error.required">
                                                کد کل الظامی می باشد
                                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.CodKol.$error.minValue">
                                                کد کل نمی تواند صفر باشد
                                    <td data-ng-if="View.FinYear.LenM != 0">
                                        <div class="form-group" hs-show-errors hs-show-success>
                                            <input name="CodMoin" type="text" hs-restrict-pattern="[^\d]*" maxlength="{{View.FinYear.LenM}}"
                                                   class="form-control input-sm"
                                                   data-ng-model="View.Moin" data-ng-disabled="View.Level!==2"
                                                   hs-min-value="1" />
                                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.CodMoin.$error.required">
                                                کد معین الظامی می باشد
                                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.CodMoin.$error.minValue">
                                                کد معین نمی تواند صفر باشد
                                    <td data-ng-if="View.FinYear.LenT1 != 0">
                                        <div class="form-group" hs-show-errors hs-show-success>
                                            <input name="CodTafzil1" type="text" hs-restrict-pattern="[^\d]*" maxlength="{{View.FinYear.LenT1}}"
                                                   class="form-control input-sm"
                                                   data-ng-model="View.Tafzil1" data-ng-disabled="View.Level!==3"
                                                   hs-min-value="1" />
                                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.CodTafzil1.$error.required">
                                                کد تفظیل یک الظامی می باشد
                                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.CodTafzil1.$error.minValue">
                                                کد تفظیل یک نمی تواند صفر باشد
                                    <td data-ng-if="View.FinYear.LenT2 != 0">
                                        <div class="form-group" hs-show-errors hs-show-success>
                                            <input name="CodTafzil2" type="text" hs-restrict-pattern="[^\d]*" maxlength="{{View.FinYear.LenT2}}"
                                                   class="form-control input-sm"
                                                   data-ng-model="View.Tafzil2" data-ng-disabled="View.Level!==4"
                                                   hs-min-value="1" />
                                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.CodTafzil2.$error.required">
                                                کد تفظیل دو الظامی می باشد
                                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.CodTafzil2.$error.minValue">
                                                کد تفظیل دو نمی تواند صفر باشد
                                    <td data-ng-if="View.FinYear.LenJ != 0">
                                        <div class="form-group" hs-show-errors hs-show-success>
                                            <input name="CodJoz" type="text" hs-restrict-pattern="[^\d]*" maxlength="{{View.FinYear.LenJ}}"
                                                   class="form-control input-sm"
                                                   data-ng-model="View.Joz" data-ng-disabled="View.Level!==5"
                                                   hs-min-value="1" />
                                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.CodJoz.$error.required">
                                                کد جزء الظامی می باشد
                                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.CodJoz.$error.minValue">
                                                کد جزء نمی تواند صفر باشد
                        عنوان سرفصل
                    <td ng-class="{'has-error':sarfaslForm.HsbNam.$invalid && sarfaslForm.HsbNam.$dirty}">
                        <div class="form-group" hs-show-errors hs-show-success>
                            <input name="HsbNam" type="text" data-ng-model="View.Sarfasl.HsbNam"
                                   class="form-control input-sm"
                                   data-ng-required="true" />
                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.HsbNam.$error.required">
                                نام سرفصل الظامی می باشد

                        <div class="radio" hs-show-errors>
                            <label class="control-label">
                                <input type="radio" data-ng-model="View.Sarfasl.HsbKind" name="HsbKind" data-ng-value="'00'"
                                        data-ng-required="true" />
                                زیر سطح دارد
                        <div class="radio" hs-show-errors>
                            <label class="control-label">
                                <input type="radio" data-ng-model="View.Sarfasl.HsbKind" name="HsbKind" data-ng-value="'11'"
                                       data-ng-required="true" />
                                سطح آخر است
                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.HsbKind.$error.required">
                                انتخاب یکی از حالات الظامی می باشد

                        <div class="radio" hs-show-errors>
                            <label class="control-label">
                                <input type="radio" data-ng-model="View.Sarfasl.Permanent" name="Permanent" data-ng-value="'1'"
                                       data-ng-required="true" />
                                حساب دائم
                        <div class="radio" hs-show-errors>
                            <label class="control-label">
                                <input type="radio" data-ng-model="View.Sarfasl.Permanent" name="Permanent" data-ng-value="'0'"
                                       data-ng-required="true" />
                                حساب موقت
                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.Permanent.$error.required">
                                انتخاب یکی از حالات الظامی می باشد

                        <div class="radio" hs-show-errors>
                            <label class="control-label">
                                <input type="radio" data-ng-model="View.Sarfasl.AccessFlag" name="AccessFlag" data-ng-value="0"
                                       data-ng-required="true" />
                                حساب برای همه در دسترس باشد
                        <div class="radio" hs-show-errors>
                            <label class="control-label">
                                <input type="radio" data-ng-model="View.Sarfasl.AccessFlag" name="AccessFlag" data-ng-value="1"
                                       data-ng-required="true" />
                                حساب فقط برای کاربران زیر در دسترس باید
                            <p class="help-block" ng-if="sarfaslForm.AccessFlag.$error.required">
                                انتخاب یکی از حالات الظامی می باشد
                <tr data-ng-if="View.Sarfasl.AccessFlag==1">

                        <table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
                            <tr data-ng-repeat="user in View.UserList">
                                    <div class="checkbox">
                                        <label class="control-label">
                                            <input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="user.Checked" data-ng-click="Events.userChecking(user)" />

                        <!-- Hsb Types -->
                        <div class="checkbox">
                            <label class="control-label">
                                <input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="View.CheckBoxAllowRegisterLiability"
                                       data-ng-click="Events.hsbTypeChecking(View.HsbTypes.AllowRegisterLiability, View.CheckBoxAllowRegisterLiability)" />
                                اجازه ثبت بدهکاری در اسناد داشته باشد
                        <div class="checkbox">
                            <label class="control-label">
                                <input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="View.CheckBoxAllowRegisterCredits"
                                       data-ng-click="Events.hsbTypeChecking(View.HsbTypes.AllowRegisterCredits, View.CheckBoxAllowRegisterCredits)" />
                                اجازه ثبت بستانکاری در اسناد داشته باشد
                        <div class="checkbox">
                            <label class="control-label">
                                <input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="View.CheckBoxReminderShouldOnlyBeDebtor"
                                       data-ng-click="Events.hsbTypeChecking(View.HsbTypes.ReminderShouldOnlyBeDebtor, View.CheckBoxReminderShouldOnlyBeDebtor)" />
                                مانده حساب فقط باید بدهکار باشد
                        <div class="checkbox">
                            <label class="control-label">
                                <input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="View.CheckBoxReminderShouldOnlyBeCreditor"
                                       data-ng-click="Events.hsbTypeChecking(View.HsbTypes.ReminderShouldOnlyBeCreditor, View.CheckBoxReminderShouldOnlyBeCreditor)" />
                                مانده حساب فقط باید بستانکار باشد
                        <textarea data-ng-model="View.Sarfasl.YadDasht" cols="200" rows="4" class="form-control input-sm">


                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" data-ng-click="Events.saveSarfasl()">
                            ذخیره اطلاعات
                        <a href="/#/Sarfasl" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">

Edit 2:

When i use this, all controls work well on view each one by it self. But after submit ( which the submit button is normal button, and has no effect, but calling my function) in my function, i see errors in overall result: $scope.sarfaslForm.$invalid ==> true

Upvotes: 10

Views: 3850

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1514

Alright here is the assumption your code is making. When you are looking through to check for validation you are checking to see if value === false otherwise you are adding it to your form, which isn't the logic you are describing you want.

What you are stating is that no matter the value if the field is disabled and set to 0, I want it removed from form, then if the value is false I want it removed from form else validate the form. Just have a logic check to see if the field is disabled or not and remove it from validation.

 if (value === 0) {
 } else if (value === false) {
    angular.forEach(control.$error, function(validity, validationToken) {
        form.$setValidity(validationToken, !validity, control);
 } else {

Upvotes: 2

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