Reputation: 485
I have a fairly large wx application I have built and would like to compile it into a executable file. I have done this before, however, the process has become more complicated because I am working with several other dependencies (packages) and my program is composed of multiple .py files. Before I post the code, I'll describe the initial error message.
Error Message
I navigate to the directory where all my script files are saved and execute the following command in the prompt (cmd) window:
pyinstaller -F
Pyinstaller initially runs okay however at the end of process I get this error:
TypeError: iteration over non-sequence
I have posted a screen shot to better show this error.
What is interesting is what happens next, I try running the same command again, 'pyinstaller -F'. But this time the error does not occur, instead the process finishes and in my dist directory my executable has been created. I am also able to run the executable.
Has anyone ran into this problem before when compiling applications using pyinstaller? I have not done extensive testing on the executable file yet, but I am worried in trusting it because pyinstaller process failed on the first time.
I have posted part of my code which shows the dependencies and some of my code:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, DateTime, Float, UnicodeText, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, TEXT, DATE, distinct, ForeignKey, Table,or_,and_
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship
import math
import wx
import wx.lib.mixins.listctrl as listmix
from ObjectListView import ObjectListView, ColumnDefn
from ObjectListView import EVT_CELL_EDIT_STARTING
from ObjectListView import EVT_CELL_EDIT_FINISHING
import os
import time
from wigets import File_Manager,Date_Filter,Log_In,EVT_LOGIN
from AMI_component import engine
from AMI_component import Exception,Meter,Transformer,except_heading,meter_heading
import csv
## Link to Database
Session = sessionmaker( bind=engine ) ## Import the database engine from component file
session = Session() ## Create session to database
import os,math,random,string,operator,logging,csv
from itertools import count
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, DateTime, Float, UnicodeText, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, TEXT, DATE, distinct, ForeignKey, Table
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship
from AMI_subroutine import getFiles,incident_filt,getDB,get_manf,dayMonth,check_voltage,violation_filt,rec,get_dateTime
admin_dir = "C:\project\AMI"
# print os.getcwd()
engine = create_engine("sqlite:///./AMI_case.db", #"oracle://",
Session = sessionmaker( bind=engine )
session = Session()
Not sure if this code will help, but it does show how what import statements I have used...the some of the main file that I am running with the pyinstall command is
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1560
Reputation: 2096
did a bit of googling, it definitely looks like a pyinstaller bug.
Upvotes: 1