Reputation: 63
I am dealing with a problem: I don't know how to have my text area adjustable with the window. When the window is enlarged, the text zone remain at its initial size and there is a lot of empty zone. My window's definition is following:
proc windowDef {} {
destroy .frq
# define the main text zone
text .fr.txt -wrap word -yscroll {.fr.vscroll set} -highlightthickness 0
scrollbar .fr.vscroll -orient vertical -command {.fr.txt yview}
grid .fr.txt -column 0 -row 1 -sticky snwe
grid .fr.vscroll -column 1 -row 1 -sticky snwe
# define the canvas for interactive diagrams
canvas .fr.canv -bg #f8f8f8 -yscrollcommand {.fr.vscroll set} -scrollregion "0 0 750 750"
.fr.txt tag configure center -justify center
.fr.txt configure -font "times 12" -state disabled
.fr.vscroll configure -orient vertical -command {.fr.txt yview}
grid .fr.txt -column 0 -row 1 -sticky snwe
.fr.txt configure -state normal
.fr.txt delete 1.0 end
#questions frame
frame .frq
frame .frq.fr2 -background white
grid .frq.fr2 -row 1
label .frq.lbl -relief flat -font arial -text "Question 1 of 5"
grid .frq.lbl -row 0
text .frq.fr2.txt -relief flat -background white -font "times 13" -wrap word
grid .frq.fr2.txt -columnspan 2 -row 1
.frq.fr2.txt tag configure center -justify center
grid rowconfigure .frq 1 -weight 1
checkbutton .frq.fr2.cb1 -command "choose A" -cursor hand1
grid .frq.fr2.cb1 -column 0 -row 2
label .frq.fr2.lblA -background white -font "arial 12" -pady 3
bind .frq.fr2.lblA <ButtonRelease> "choose A; .frq.fr2.cb1 toggle"
grid .frq.fr2.lblA -column 1 -row 2 -sticky w
checkbutton .frq.fr2.cb2 -command "choose B" -cursor hand1
grid .frq.fr2.cb2 -column 0 -row 3
label .frq.fr2.lblB -background white -font "arial 12" -pady 3
bind .frq.fr2.lblB <ButtonRelease> "choose B; .frq.fr2.cb2 toggle"
grid .frq.fr2.lblB -column 1 -row 3 -sticky w
checkbutton .frq.fr2.cb3 -command "choose C" -cursor hand1
grid .frq.fr2.cb3 -column 0 -row 4
label .frq.fr2.lblC -background white -font "arial 12" -pady 3
bind .frq.fr2.lblC <ButtonRelease> "choose C; .frq.fr2.cb3 toggle"
grid .frq.fr2.lblC -column 1 -row 4 -sticky w
checkbutton .frq.fr2.cb4 -command "choose D" -cursor hand1
grid .frq.fr2.cb4 -column 0 -row 5
label .frq.fr2.lblD -background white -font "arial 12" -pady 3
bind .frq.fr2.lblD <ButtonRelease> "choose D; .frq.fr2.cb4 toggle"
grid .frq.fr2.lblD -column 1 -row 5 -sticky w
grid -row 2
button -text "Next question >>" -state disabled -pady 5 -borderwidth 0 -command "set ::goOn 1"
pack -padx 5 -pady 5 -side right -fill none
button -text "Open drawing pad" -pady 5 -borderwidth 0 -command notepad
pack -padx 5 -pady 5 -side right -fill none
button -text "Open calculator" -pady 5 -borderwidth 0 -command calculator
pack -padx 5 -pady 5 -side right -fill none
button -text "Quit test" -pady 5 -borderwidth 0 -command "set ::stop 1; set ::goOn 1"
pack -padx 5 -pady 5 -side right -fill none
# title of section
label .fr.titl
.fr.titl configure -font "arial 20" -pady 10
grid .fr.titl -column 0 -row 0 -sticky swe
.fr.titl configure -background "White"
#text styles
.fr.txt tag configure Normal -font "times 12"
.fr.txt tag configure subTitle -font "times 14"
.fr.txt tag configure Titlec -font "times 16" -justify "center"
.fr.txt tag configure subTitlec -font "times 14" -justify "center"
.fr.txt tag configure subTitlecu -font "times 14" -justify "center" -underline on
.fr.txt tag configure Titlecu -font "times 16" -justify "center" -underline on
.fr.txt tag configure Title -font "times 16"
.fr.txt tag configure link -foreground blue -font "times 12"
.fr.txt tag configure right -foreground "forest green"
.fr.txt tag configure wrong -foreground red
.fr.txt tag configure enhance -background "light goldenrod"
.fr.txt tag configure rightenhance -background "light goldenrod" -foreground "forest green"
.fr.txt tag bind link <Enter> ".fr.txt configure -cursor hand1"
.fr.txt tag bind link <Leave> ".fr.txt configure -cursor arrow"
It is called by other procedures like the one following:
proc loadBackground {} {
set ::i 0
set close 0
set fd [open [pwd]/content/background r]
set ::data [split [read $fd] \n]
close $fd
#window definition
toplevel .fr
wm title .fr "Background"
wm geometry .fr 750x750+0+105
.fr configure -bg $::bgColour
dispFile [lindex $::data $::i]
#buttons definition
grid -row 2
button -text "<< Back" -pady 5 -borderwidth 0 -command backFile
pack -padx 5 -pady 5 -side left -fill none
button -text "Close" -pady 5 -borderwidth 0 -command { set close 1}
pack -padx 5 -pady 5 -side left -fill none
button -text "Next >>" -pady 5 -borderwidth 0 -command nextFile
pack -padx 5 -pady 5 -side right -fill none
vwait close
destroy .fr
destroy .frq
The "pack" command of the geometry manager should be good, but I don't know how I can use it, yet there must be other solution I don't know. I want to have the size of the text zone and the question frame flexible. Someone can help me?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1293
Reputation: 137587
You need to make the grid
cell containing the text
expand in both directions. To do that, both the row containing the cell and column containing the cell have to be given non-zero weights.
Thus, after:
grid .fr.txt -column 0 -row 1 -sticky snwe
add these:
grid rowconfigure .fr 1 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure .fr 0 -weight 1
Remember, you're configuring the row and column of the grid in the master widget.
Also, if that master widget is a frame
itself, make sure that it will also expand to fill the space available to it.
instead of grid
There are equivalent thing with pack would have been:
pack .fr.txt -expand 1 -fill both
While there are many differences between pack
and grid
, both require you to say when you want a widget to occupy space available to it. Also, when things get complicated, it can help a lot to make each widget (temporarily!) have a different coloured background, so you can see what it is actually doing.
Upvotes: 1