Reputation: 2021
when I'm setting only one relation, all is OK
model = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this, db);
model->setRelation(model->fieldIndex("city"), QSqlRelation("city", "id", "city"));
But when I set more than one relation, QTableView displays nothing.
model = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this, db);
model->setRelation(model->fieldIndex("city"), QSqlRelation("city", "id", "city"));
model->setRelation(model->fieldIndex("country"), QSqlRelation("country", "id", "country"));
And when I set InnerJoin mode it's all good (regardless of relations count)
How can I fix it? Is the problem naming of relation table?
P.S. Sorry for my English :)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1784
Reputation: 428
I realise this question is quite old, but as it turns up in Google looking for the particular problem I thought I'd share my solution.
If, like me, you're stuck with Access you could also subclass QSqlRelationalTableModel and re-implement the selectStatement method to return proper SQL. In C++ this would be easy since you can just copy and correct the original source I guess. I'm working with PyQt and made it a Python class. I thought I'd share it here for others to benefit. It's not thoroughly tested, but works quite well for my situation.
from PyQt4.QtSql import *
# Reimplementation of the selectStatement for use with Access databases
# since the standard method creates Access incompatible SQL statements on LEFT JOIN
class QSqlRelationalAccessTableModel(QSqlRelationalTableModel):
joinMode = QSqlRelationalTableModel.InnerJoin
relations = {}
def selectStatement(self):
query = ''
if not self.tableName():
return query
if not self.relations:
return QSqlRelationalTableModel.selectStatement(self)
tList = ''
fList = ''
where = ''
driver = self.database().driver()
rec = self.record()
tables = []
# Count how many times each field name occurs in the record
fieldNames = {}
fieldList = []
for idx in range(rec.count()):
relation = self.relation(idx)
if relation.isValid():
name = relation.displayColumn()
if driver.isIdentifierEscaped(name, QSqlDriver.FieldName):
name = driver.stripDelimiters(name, QSqlDriver.FieldName)
relRec = self.database().record(relation.tableName())
for i in range(relRec.count()):
if name.lower() == relRec.fieldName(i).lower():
name = relRec.fieldName(i)
name = rec.fieldName(idx)
fieldNames[name] = fieldNames.get(name, 0) + 1
for idx in range(rec.count()):
relation = self.relation(idx)
if relation.isValid():
relTableAlias = 'relTblAl_%d' % idx
if len(fList):
fList += ', '
fList += relTableAlias + '.' + relation.displayColumn()
# If there are duplicate field names they must be aliased
if fieldNames[fieldList[idx]] > 1:
relTableName = relation.tableName().rsplit('.', 1)[0]
if driver.isIdentifierEscaped(relTableName, QSqlDriver.TableName):
relTableName = driver.stripDelimiters(relTableName, QSqlDriver.TableName)
displayColumn = relation.displayColumn()
if driver.isIdentifierEscaped(displayColumn, QSqlDriver.FieldName):
displayColumn = driver.stripDelimiters(displayColumn, QSqlDriver.FieldName)
fList += ' AS %s_%s_%s' % (relTableName, displayColumn, fieldNames[fieldList[idx]])
fieldNames[fieldList[idx]] -= 1
if self.joinMode == QSqlRelationalTableModel.InnerJoin:
# Original Qt comment:
# this needs fixing!! the below if is borken.
# Use LeftJoin mode if you want correct behavior
tables.append(relation.tableName() + ' ' + relTableAlias)
if where:
where += ' AND '
where += self.tableName() + '.' + driver.escapeIdentifier(rec.fieldName(idx), QSqlDriver.FieldName)
where += ' = ' + relTableAlias + '.' + relation.indexColumn() + ')'
tables.append(' LEFT JOIN')
tables.append(relation.tableName() + ' ' + relTableAlias)
clause = self.tableName() + '.' + driver.escapeIdentifier(rec.fieldName(idx), QSqlDriver.FieldName)
clause += ' = ' + relTableAlias + '.' + relation.indexColumn() + ')'
if len(fList):
fList += ', '
fList += self.tableName() + '.' + driver.escapeIdentifier(rec.fieldName(idx), QSqlDriver.FieldName)
if self.joinMode == QSqlRelationalTableModel.InnerJoin and len(tables):
tList += ', '.join(tables)
if len(tList):
tList = ', ' + tList
# left join!
tList += ' '.join(tables)
if not len(fList):
return query
# Assemble query parts
tList = self.tableName() + tList
if self.joinMode == QSqlRelationalTableModel.LeftJoin:
tList = '(' * len(self.relations) + tList
query = 'SELECT ' + fList + ' FROM ' + tList
if self.joinMode == QSqlRelationalTableModel.InnerJoin:
query = self.qAppendWhereClause(query, where, self.filter())
# left join!
if self.filter():
query += ' WHERE (' + self.filter() + ')'
if self.orderByClause():
query += ' ' + self.orderByClause()
return query
# Make joinmode accessible
def setJoinMode(self, joinMode):
self.joinMode = joinMode
QSqlRelationalTableModel.setJoinMode(self, joinMode)
# Keep track of relations
def setRelation(self, column, relation):
if relation.isValid():
self.relations[column] = relation
if column in self.relations:
del self.relations[column]
QSqlRelationalTableModel.setRelation(self, column, relation)
def qAppendWhereClause(self, query, clause1, clause2):
if not len(clause1) and not len(clause2):
if not len(clause1) or not len(clause2):
query += ' WHERE (' + clause1 + clause2 + ')'
query += ' WHERE (' + clause1 + ') AND (' + clause2 + ') '
return query
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2021
So, really, the problem is specific SQL syntax of MS Access.
QSqlRelationTableModel generates SQL, which is incorrect for Access, when there is more than one relation column and mode is LeftJoin.
My solution is to use SQLite.
Upvotes: 0