Reputation: 4645
I want to add a new column depending on another columns row combination.
For example lets say I have a data frame like below:
No = c(replicate(1,rep(letters[1:6],each=10)))
ACME <- as.character(rep(rep(c(78,110),each=10),times=3))
ARGON <- as.character(rep(rep(c(256,320,384),each=20),times=1))
V <- rep(c(seq(2,40,length.out=5),seq(-2,-40,length.out=5)),times=1)
DQ0 = c(replicate(2, sort(runif(10,0.001,1))))
direc <- rep(rep(c("North","South"),each=5),times=6)
df <- data.frame(No,ACME,ARGON,V,DQ0,direc)
1 a 78 256 2.0 0.07532351 North
2 a 78 256 11.5 0.13785481 North
3 a 78 256 21.0 0.27397961 North
4 a 78 256 30.5 0.44296243 North
5 a 78 256 40.0 0.45721902 North
6 a 78 256 -2.0 0.68077463 North
7 a 78 256 -11.5 0.68764283 North
8 a 78 256 -21.0 0.76284209 North
9 a 78 256 -30.5 0.81040056 North
10 a 78 256 -40.0 0.95336230 North
11 b 110 256 2.0 0.04190305 South
12 b 110 256 11.5 0.17484353 South
13 b 110 256 21.0 0.22409319 South
I fit this df
with using nlsLM
fucntion from minpack.lm
->fit part
nls_fit=nlsLM(DQ0~ifelse(df$direc=="North"&V<J1, exp((-t_pw)/f0*exp(-del1*(1-V/J1)^2)),1)*ifelse(df$direc=="South"&V>J2, exp((-t_pw)/f0*exp(-del2*(1-V/J2)^2)),1)
After fitting I want to create a new data frame df_new
with new column called address
df_new<- df%>%
do(data.frame(model=tidy(nls_fit)))%>% # **this part is related fit fitting result. After this process I got "model.term" and "model.estimate"** columns and in the next step I renamed them.
select_("delta"="model.term","value"= "model.estimate")%>%
filter(delta%in%c("del1","del2"))%>% #**I filter some fitting parameters**
mutate(adress=interaction(ACME,ARGON))%>% #this part is not working
I am getting error which says
Error: incompatible size (%d), expecting %d (the group size) or 1
Finally I have a this kind of output without mutatate
No delta value
1 a del1 1.479056
2 a del2 1.016404
3 b del1 1.479056
4 b del2 1.016404
5 c del1 1.479056
6 c del2 1.016404
7 d del1 1.479056
8 d del2 1.016404
9 e del1 1.479056
10 e del2 1.016404
11 f del1 1.479056
12 f del2 1.016404
I wish to get something like this;
No delta value adress
1 a del1 1.479056 78.256
2 a del2 1.016404 78.256
3 b del1 1.479056 110.256
4 b del2 1.016404 110.256
5 c del1 1.479056 78.320
6 c del2 1.016404 78.320
7 d del1 1.479056 110.320
8 d del2 1.016404 110.320
9 e del1 1.479056 78.384
10 e del2 1.141958 78.384
11 f del1 1.019201 110.384
12 f del2 1.141958 110.384
Upvotes: 0
Views: 138
Reputation: 83275
What you actually want is a join between df_new
and df
. You can do that with for example data.table
library(data.table) #v1.9.5+
setDT(df_new)[df, adr:=adress, on="No"]
If you want to do it with the latest version from CRAN, you can do:
setDT(df_new, key="No")[setDT(df, key="No"), adr:=adress]
both give the following result:
> dt_new
No delta value adr
1: a del1 1.479056 78.256
2: a del2 1.016404 78.256
3: b del1 1.479056 110.256
4: b del2 1.016404 110.256
5: c del1 1.479056 78.320
6: c del2 1.016404 78.320
7: d del1 1.479056 110.320
8: d del2 1.016404 110.320
9: e del1 1.479056 78.384
10: e del2 1.016404 78.384
11: f del1 1.479056 110.384
12: f del2 1.016404 110.384
An approach with dplyr
df_new2 <- df %>% select(No, adress) %>% group_by(No) %>%
summarise(adr = unique(adress)) %>%
left_join(df_new, ., by="No")
which gives the same result:
> identical(df_new2, setDF(df_new))
[1] TRUE
Note: I used the development version of data.table
Upvotes: 3