Reputation: 28770
I am trying to solve this problem where you need to create a binary tree that looks like this:
/ \
2 3
/ /
4 5
/ /
/ /\
/ / \
6 7 8
\ / \
\ / \
9 10 11
From this input where -1 represents a null node
[2 4][4 -1][5 -1][6 -1][7 8][-1 -9][-1 -1][10 11][-1 -1]
I am struggling being able to create the tree from this input
So far my code looks like this:
(ns scratch.core
(require [clojure.string :as str :only (split-lines join split)]))
(defn numberify [str]
(vec (map read-string (str/split str #" "))))
(defrecord TreeNode [val left right])
(defn tree-map [idx itm]
(let [side (if (= 0 idx) :left :right)]
{:val itm :side side :index idx}))
(defn build-tree
[node xs]
(let [process-branch (fn process-branch [[counter t'] l]
(if-not (= (:val l) -1)
(let [next-branch (nth xs counter)]
(prn "=============")
(prn l)
(prn counter)
(prn next-branch)
(prn "=============")
[(inc counter) t'])
[counter t']))
mark-branch (fn mark-branch [x]
(map-indexed tree-map x))
[counter tree] (reduce (fn [[counter tree] x]
(reduce process-branch
[counter tree]
(mark-branch x)))
[1 node] xs)]
(let [input "11\n2 3\n4 -1\n5 -1\n6 -1\n7 8\n-1 9\n-1 -1\n10 11\n-1 -1\n-1 -1\n-1 -1"
lines (str/split-lines input)
tl (read-string (first lines))
tree-lines (map numberify (drop 1 (take (inc tl) lines)))
tree (build-tree (TreeNode. 1 nil nil) tree-lines)])
At the moment the above code will print out this:
{:val 2, :side :left, :index 0}
[4 -1]
{:val 3, :side :right, :index 1}
[5 -1]
{:val 4, :side :left, :index 0}
[6 -1]
;; etc.
So I have the correct bits to make up the tree, for example the node 2 create branches from [4 -1]
but what I am struggling with is how to add them to the tree without making the tree mutable.
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Views: 460
Reputation: 2121
Here is what I did to create the tree. It uses recursion without loop
so it will blow up the stack if you give it a bunch of lines. If needed I could probably implement it with loop
sample.txt is a file with the full input (ie the first line is the number of nodes) sitting in the resource directory.
(defn read-input [f]
(let [[n-str & node-str] (-> (slurp f)
n (Integer/parseInt n-str)]
(->> (map vector (range 1 n) node-str)
(map (fn [[k v]]
(->> (clojure.string/split v #" ")
(mapv #(Integer/parseInt %))
(vector k))))
(into {}))))
(defrecord TreeNode [val left right])
(defn make-tree [i m]
(when-let [[l r] (get m i)]
(->TreeNode i (make-tree l m) (make-tree r m))))
(->> (clojure-scratch.core/read-input ( "sample.txt"))
(clojure-scratch.core/make-tree 1))
=> #clojure_scratch.core.TreeNode{:val 1, :left #clojure_scratch.core.TreeNode{:val 2, :left #clojure_scratch.core.TreeNode{:val 4, :left #clojure_scratch.core.TreeNode{:val 6, :left nil, :right #clojure_scratch.core.TreeNode{:val 9, :left nil, :right nil}}, :right nil}, :right nil}, :right #clojure_scratch.core.TreeNode{:val 3, :left #clojure_scratch.core.TreeNode{:val 5, :left #clojure_scratch.core.TreeNode{:val 7, :left nil, :right nil}, :right #clojure_scratch.core.TreeNode{:val 8, :left #clojure_scratch.core.TreeNode{:val 10, :left nil, :right nil}, :right nil}}, :right nil}}
Upvotes: 1