Reputation: 1968
I tried to attempt hackerrank problem of and come up with below algorithm. I require some help as my solution is failing only 2 test cases and they are large data set so difficult to debug. I am including link to test case its giving 204 answer but correct answer as per brute force method is 16. In simple words problem is that given a non empty array of positive integers in each iteration array element which is greater than it's previous is removed. After how many iteration there will be no removal.
There are N plants in a garden. Each of these plants has been added with some amount of pesticide. After each day, if any plant has more pesticide than the plant at its left, being weaker than the left one, it dies. You are given the initial values of the pesticide in each plant. Print the number of days after which no plant dies, i.e. the time after which there are no plants with more pesticide content than the plant to their left.
Input Format
The input consists of an integer N. The next line consists of N integers describing the array P where P[i] denotes the amount of pesticide in plant i.
Output Format
Output a single value equal to the number of days after which no plants die.
I have made some observation
(1) First plant will always survive as there is no plant on its left side.
(2) In last longest decreasing sub-sequence starting from first plant will survive.
(3) We just have to find out how many days it will take for plant between elements of these sub-sequence to die.
(4) Came up with algorithm to track plant on which day it dies.
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
public class No {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
/* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */
int a = 0 , no = 0 ;
Scanner scno = new Scanner(new File("D:\\no.txt"));
a = scno.nextInt();
int[] arr = new int[a];
int n[] = new int[a]; int n1 = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < arr.length ; i++ )
arr[i] = scno.nextInt();
if ( 0 != i )
if ( arr[i] > arr[i-1] )
n[1] = arr[i];
no = Math.max(no, 1);
else if ( arr[i] > arr[a] )
for ( int j = no ; j >= 0 ; j-- )
if ( 0 == j )
n[++no] = arr[i];
if ( arr[i] > n[j] )
n[j] = arr[i];
a = i;
n1 = Math.max(n1, no);
no = 0;
Arrays.fill(n, 0);
a = i;
System.out.println(Math.max(n1, no));
Upvotes: 3
Views: 3661
Reputation: 4656
First of all, you have to follow some steps to solve any problem. In this type of problem, you have to:
in short, your can declare your data array as
ArraList<int> arr = new ArraList(a)
fill it as (after reading the size a
of the vector
for ( int i = 0 ; i < a ; i++ ) arr.add(scno.nextInt());
and use a subroutine like this to do the job (this is just an indication, I did not test it)
private static int numberDaysNoD(ArraList<int> arr){
int nDays = 0;
boolean haveKilled = true;
haveKilled = false;
for(int i = arr.size()-1; i>0; i--){
haveKilled = true;
return nDays--
Second there is one thing missing in the statement of your problem. Does the pesticide level in plants evolves? What is the evolution model? Or simply there is no evolution and each day, we simply kill those that have more that their left neighbor (this automatically change the left neighbor if one dies) and wait for the next day to repeat?
Upvotes: 1